
How to raise potted asparagus?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise potted asparagus?

Asparagus, also known as Yunpian pine, prickly winter, chicken velvet Zhi, etc., is a perennial herbaceous flower of Liliaceae. Although it is not bamboo, its leaves are soft, green all the year round, and its branches look like bamboo. It has a very high ornamental value, can be placed in the living room and study, while purifying the air, it also adds the fragrance of books. Let's take a look at how to raise potted asparagus.

Growth habits of asparagus

Asparagus likes warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment, can't bear cold and drought in winter, can't pour too much water, root will rot, and avoid direct sunlight in summer. It is better to cultivate loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam rich in humus. It is suitable to keep the room temperature between 12-18 ℃, ventilation and heat dissipation when the temperature is over 20 ℃, the suitable growth temperature is 15-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 5 ℃. Born in the mountains, but also cultivated in the garden.

Propagation methods of asparagus

1. Sowing: asparagus is usually sown in the first ten days of April and can be used as a commercial seedling or furnished indoors in the autumn of that year. The sowing substrate is generally fine sand and the container is tile basin or wooden box. Put the seeds on the basin soil at a distance of 2 cm to 3 cm, 2 to 3 seeds in each hole. After sowing, it is covered with fine sand 5 mm thick, covered with glass or plastic film, the temperature is kept at 20: 25 ℃, and water is often sprayed to keep the basin soil moist. About 30 days after sowing, the seedlings began to sprout.

2. Ramets: asparagus can also be propagated in potted plants, and its clumps are strong, and the 4-5-year-old plants can sprout roots and tillers from the rhizosphere and enlarge the clumps. In spring, new plants can be obtained by changing pots and dividing them into tufts and planting them on pots respectively.

How to raise potted asparagus?

1. Basin soil: the basin soil of asparagus should use fertile sandy loam, which should be warm and humid, rich in rotten branches and good drainage. Generally, it can be prepared in the proportion of 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 1 part of sand, and the soil should be changed and fertilized regularly. If excessive fertilization causes "watering roots", it is necessary to pour the pot to remove the fertilizer, irrigate the soil with clean water, and then put it into the new soil for breeding.

2. Watering: asparagus is overwatered and the basin soil is too wet, which is easy to cause root rot, and too little watering will lead to scorched and yellowed leaf tips. Therefore, in the process of watering, it depends on the weather, growth and the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, so that if it is not dry, it will be watered thoroughly. When the weather is hot and dry, water spraying can be used to humidify and cool the leaves, but less watering is needed in winter.

3. Fertilization: asparagus is not good at fertilizer, but it can not be short of fertilizer. Limited by potted soil, nutrients must be replenished in time to meet the growth requirements. In the process of fertilization, it is necessary to apply more times and less amount, and do not apply thick fertilizer, otherwise it will lead to leaf yellow. Generally, you can choose to apply rotten thin liquid fertilizer once a month, and after the plant grows and finalizes, you can properly control and reduce fertilization.

4. Lighting: asparagus culture can not be exposed to the hot sun, hot season, should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. At the same time, asparagus flowering is not only afraid of wind, but also afraid of rain, should pay attention to good ventilation, good weather can be properly placed outside to receive sunlight. The temperature of potted asparagus in winter should be kept above 5 ℃ to avoid freezing.

5. Display: asparagus loves a clean and well-ventilated environment. If stimulated by harmful gases such as smoke, gas and pesticides, the leaves will turn yellow, curl and even die. Therefore, asparagus should be placed in a clean, well-ventilated environment, away from marble decorative materials that release mercury gas.

6. Pruning

Absence of ① leafy branches: when the growth position of leafy branches on the main branch is not ideal or missing for some reason, short pruning can be carried out in the appropriate position of the main branch to force the hidden buds to germinate. In general, the height of truncation is the height of leafy branch germination, and the position of prickles on the branch is the location of leafy branch germination, and the thicker the branch is, the higher the germination rate of hidden bud is.

Renewal of the whole plant of ②: if the branches and leaves of the whole plant grow poorly due to strong sunburn or over-drying of basin soil, lack of fertilizer and some unknown reason, the whole plant can be renewed. When renewing and pruning, all the leafy branches can be cut off, but we should pay attention to the parts of the branches, because they determine whether the distribution of the remaining branches is uniform. Pruning in the growing season is generally high and easy to sprout new branches, and the amount of water should be reduced appropriately after pruning, never make the basin soil too wet, otherwise it will lead to pruning failure.

Notes on asparagus

1. The soil of asparagus needs to be treated relatively clean, and adding soil during conservation can not add some dirty things. Changing soil and fertilizing regularly is a good guarantee for the growth of asparagus.

2. Asparagus should adhere to the principle of not watering, watering less in spring and autumn, more watering in summer, and no watering in winter.

3. When watering asparagus, we should pay attention to the application of thin fertilizer and more fertilizer, the proper fertilizer is the best and the nitrogen fertilizer is the best. Especially after the plant is fixed, the fertilizer should be properly controlled so as not to cause overgrowth.

4. While illuminating asparagus, we should remember that asparagus is semi-shady and is not suitable for long-term exposure, as long as it is not taken out in summer.

5. Asparagus will blossom, and it is not suitable for blowing in the wind when it blossoms, so the flowering period will be very short, and it will not be suitable for being caught in the rain. It will also shorten the flowering period, and it will not bear fruit. When potted, it should be maintained during flowering.