
How to plant water lily seeds?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to plant water lily seeds?

Water lilies are perennial aquatic herbs of the genus Nymphaeaceae. The seeds should be wrapped in a gauze bag before the fruit is ripe, so that the seeds will fall into the bag after the fruit is broken, and the seeds must still be stored in water after harvest. If the seeds are dried, they will germinate in about half a month after sowing and will blossom in the second year. Let's take a look at how water lilies are planted.

Seed treatment

The shell of the water lily seed is hard and dense, and the seed must be artificially broken before soaking. The lotus seed has a small tip on one end and a small concave spot on the other. Grind the small concave end on the rough cement floor or make a small cut with tiger pliers. Be careful not to pinch the embryo or remove the shell. Be careful with your hands so as not to hurt yourself by accident.

Soaking seeds to accelerate germination

The summer water temperature of 20-30 ℃ is very suitable for the germination of water lily seeds, depending on how much water is filled in bowls or pots to soak the seeds. Put it indoors and change the water twice a day. It can sprout within a week. After sprouting, put it in the sunny place to strengthen the light and can not lack of water. Fine roots and 2-3 young lotus leaves grow after 2 weeks. When the leaves are like money, the roots can be planted separately.

Bud seedling transplanting

Choose a non-bottom hole pottery pot or plastic flowerpot with a diameter of 18cm and 30cm, add half a basin of pastoral soil or river and pond mud without chemical pollution, soak in water two weeks in advance, do not apply fertilizer. When transplanting, press the fine roots of the small lotus seedlings into the mud, one in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplanting, so that the small lotus leaves are not submerged by water.

Planting management

1. Soil quality: water lily requires fertile clay loam rich in humus, too heavy clay soil affects the elongation of lotus root and the expansion of lotus root, easy soil is vulnerable to wind damage, hinders the development of root system, which is not conducive to the growth of water lily. The soil is usually lake and pond mud, and it can also be mixed with 4 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of loess and 3 parts of sand. PH6.5~7.5 is the best soil.

2, lighting: water lilies like strong light, receive 7-8 hours of light every day, can make its buds, flowers bloom constantly, do not cultivate in the shade, when you see flowers, indoor viewing can not exceed the same day. Family potted water lilies must be placed on the balcony or in the courtyard and move to a shady place at lunchtime to avoid the scorching sun.

3. Temperature: water lilies are very strict on temperature. Generally, 8: 10 ℃ begins to sprout, 14 ℃ lotus root begins to elongate, and 25-30 ℃ is the most suitable temperature for water lily growth and development, especially in rainy and sunny weather.

4. Fertilization: when the sleeping lotus is planted in the pot, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer according to the size of the pot. one month after planting, you can put rotten bean cake water or human feces and urine-based liquid fertilizer at a concentration of 10%. After the standing leaves were produced, they were topdressing for 1 or 2 times, and superphosphoric acid was applied every 7 days during flowering.

5, moisture: the summer temperature is high, water lilies are easy to lose water, so at this time potted water lilies are added 1 or 2 times a day, which is roughly the same as the water temperature in the basin, and the water quality should be kept clean. If you find that the water is dirty, change the water. Late autumn and early winter, water lotus into the dormancy period, do not often add water, the cylinder basin can only keep shallow water.