
How to raise potted sunflower?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to raise potted sunflower?

Loose-tailed sunflower, also known as yellow coconut, Aoi Murasaki, etc., is a tufted evergreen shrub or small tree of the genus Palmaceae. In tropical courtyards, more ornamental trees are planted in grasslands, shade and houses. In the north, the main potted plants are used as high-grade potted foliage plants decorating living rooms, restaurants, conference rooms, family rooms or balconies. Let's take a look at how to raise potted sunflower.

Growth habits of sunflower

Loose-tailed sunflower is a tropical plant, which likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The cold tolerance is not strong, the leaves turn yellow when the temperature is below 20 ℃, the lowest temperature for overwintering is above 10 ℃, and about 5 ℃ will freeze to death. South China can still be cultivated in the open field, and the Yangtze River basin and its northern areas should be maintained in the greenhouse. The growth is slow in the seedling stage, and then grows rapidly. Suitable for loose, well-drained and fertile soil. Thick branches and leaves, evergreen all the year round, strong shade tolerance.

The Propagation method of Sunflower

1. Ramet: loose-tailed sunflower can propagate all the year round. Select the plant with more tillers in the basal part around April, remove part of the old basin soil, and divide it into several clumps from the base joint with a sharp knife. The wound needs to be disinfected with plant ash or sulfur powder. Each clump should not be too small, there should be 2 to 3 plants and retain the root system, avoid long-term exposure under strong light, appropriate watering, curing at 20: 25 ℃, the recovery is faster.

2. Sowing: if sunflower can get seeds, it can wash the pulp of the harvested fruit, soak the seeds in 35 ℃ warm water for two days, then sow them with germination and transplant, spray foliar water on sunny days, but generally grow slowly in juvenile and grow rapidly after adulthood.

How to raise potted sunflower?

1. Soil: slightly acidic soil should be selected for indoor potted sunflower, sandy loam with high humus content should be selected in the north, and rotten leaf soil, peat soil plus 1cm 3 river sand and part of base fertilizer can be used to prepare culture soil. The growth of tiller buds depends on the rhizome, and when potted, it is a little deeper than the original one, so as to avoid better rooting of new buds. The period from May to October is the prosperous period of its growth, so it is necessary to provide sufficient water and fertilizer conditions.

2. Upper plate: when installing the pot, the loose-tailed sunflower seedlings are placed in a coarse-grained substrate 2 cm thick as a filter layer at the bottom of the basin, and sprinkled with a fully mature organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer with a thickness of about 1 cm to 2 cm, then covered with a thin layer of matrix, about 1 cm thick, and then put in the plant to separate the fertilizer from the root system and avoid root burning.

3. Watering: watering should follow the principle of dryness and moisture penetration according to the season, more watering should be appropriate in the dry and hot season, and watering should be controlled in low temperature, overcast and rain. In the northern region, especially where there is more salt and alkali in the water, attention should be paid to the frequent use of black alum to regulate soil acidity. Always keep the basin soil moist at ordinary times. Summer and autumn high temperature period, but also often maintain a higher air humidity around the plant, but avoid basin soil stagnant water, so as not to cause rotten roots.

4. Fertilization: loose-tailed sunflower is in its vigorous growth period from May to October, so it is necessary to provide sufficient water and fertilizer conditions. Generally, rotten liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer is applied every 1-2 weeks to promote the vigorous growth of the plant, the leaf color is thick green, fertilize less or not in autumn and winter, and keep the basin soil dry and wet at the same time.

5. Lighting: sunflower likes semi-shade, 50% shade in spring, summer and autumn, and direct sunlight is the most taboo. Even if exposed in a short time, the leaves will be scorched yellow and it is difficult to recover. Indoor cultivation and ornamental should be placed in a place with strong scattered light. It can also withstand the dark environment, but it is better to move to outdoor light on a regular basis to facilitate recovery and maintain a higher viewing state.

6. Temperature: loose-tailed sunflower likes to be warm, and the optimum growth temperature is 20-35 ℃. If more than 35 ℃ or less than 10 ℃, the foot leaves will change from green to yellow if there is a little improper cultivation and management. It is necessary to do a good job of heat preservation and anti-freezing in winter, generally about 10 ℃ can survive the winter safely, if the temperature is too low, the leaves will turn yellow, the leaf tip will dry up, and lead to root damage, affecting the growth of the coming year.