
The Culture method of Begonia in North America

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Culture method of Begonia in North America

North American Begonia, the scientific name of Begonia, is a small deciduous tree of the genus Malus of Rosaceae. it has strong resistance, cold resistance, extremely thin resistance, easy management and good ornamental effect. it can also be planted alone or clustered on the lawn or dotted beside rocks and lakes. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Begonia.

Growth habits of Begonia mandshurica

North American crabapple has strong resistance, extremely thin resistance, strong cold resistance, sexual preference for sunlight, drought tolerance, waterlogging, good growth in dry areas and easy management. After late autumn, the temperature gradually dropped, the growth was also inhibited, and then entered a semi-dormant state, with no new branches and leaves and few flowers. The temperature in northern China is low in January and February, sometimes freezing continuously. If the family does not pay attention to keep warm, there is the possibility of freezing to death, so the pot plants should be moved to a sunny place in the room before frost. Air humidity and soil pH value adjust the concentration and brightness of autumn leaves, and the leaf color is more bright when the rainfall is abundant. Adequate irrigation is given in summer to fatten the leaves, and don't be dry in autumn.

Cutting Propagation of Begonia mandshurica

1. Cutting time: family cutting of Begonia should be carried out between April and May, when the temperature rises to more than 20 ℃, when the air humidity is high, the temperature is high, and the management is simple, which is suitable for the rapid rooting of Begonia. After washing and drying, the river sand is placed in the basin, and the river sand after washing and drying basically achieves the purpose of disinfection, and the dried river sand is beneficial to the daytime sunshine temperature and promote the cuttings section healing and rooting.

2. Cutting method: Begonia cutting strong branches, each section with 3-4 nodes, the top cut into a flat top, the bottom cut into a horseshoe shape, in order to expand the contact surface with sand and promote rooting. The cuttings were cut in the sand basin with a row spacing of 3 cm × 4 cm. When cutting, the holes were cut out in the basin sand with bamboo sticks of the same thickness as the cuttings, and then the branches of American begonia were inserted.

3. Post-insertion management: Begonia does not need to be watered within 2 days after insertion, which is beneficial to the formation of healing tumor on the shear surface. On the fifth day, spray water with a temperature similar to that of sand, and pour it to the bottom of the basin to see the water flow out. Keep it in the shade and generally no longer water it. About 10 days can grow 3-4 cm root system, then put the pot in the sun, and watering according to the weather conditions, after 6-7 days, it can be planted in the basin.

The Culture method of Begonia in North America

1. Soil configuration: North American begonia is generally planted on the ground, and potted plants can also be used to make bonsai. Because of avoiding water stains, they should be planted in places with slightly higher terrain that are not easy to accumulate water and become sunny. The soil is neutral and alkaline, and the pH value is not less than 7. The soil is required to be loose, but not too fertile, which can easily lead to futile growth and reduced flowering. Planting holes should be determined according to the size of the root system, not too deep and too large, so that it is better to stretch the root system. The planting depth should be 10% water from the ground. It is best to plant with a mass of soil and pour enough water after planting.

2. Light temperature: Begonia is suitable to grow in the environment with sufficient light, but it grows badly in the shade environment. If potted crabapple trees are planted, they should be placed in a place with plenty of light during the growing period. In winter, it will not suffer frost damage under the condition of-15 ℃ low temperature, so it can live in the open field outdoors. However, in the unusually cold winter, it is necessary to take cold prevention measures.

3. Fertilizer and water management: North American crabapple watering combined with fertilization. Big fertilizer should be applied once a year after defoliation in autumn to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowers and fruits, and it is better to apply rotten organic fertilizer. At the same time, combined with winter irrigation. Before the spring bud shade moves, the organic fertilizer is applied once, and watered once. The way of fertilization varies with the age of the tree, the young tree is picked and fertilized in a ring shape, the ring is less than 100 cm from the root of the tree, the older tree is dug and fertilized radially, weeds are removed in the combination of the old tree, the organic fertilizer is sprinkled under the crown, and the fertilizer is turned into the ground 30 cm after the application. After flower fade, phosphate and potassium fertilizer was applied twice to ensure a certain fruit setting rate. At the same time, pay attention to watering.

4. Pruning: most of the flower buds of Begonia are differentiated from the terminal buds, and the medium and short fruit branches are the main flower branches, so the medium and short fruit branches should be retained. The long branches should be cut short, at the same time, the dense branches, dry and withered branches, disease and insect branches should be cut off, and then pruned according to the desired tree shape. If you want to make the crown of begonia perfect, then dense and sparse, cut off the dense branches, and cut down the sparse parts of the branches, in order to make it more side branches, simple vacancy.