
Black potato planting techniques

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Black potato planting techniques

Black potato has high yield, strong adaptability and a wide range of uses. According to the determination, every 100g stem contains 2.30g protein, 0.10g fat, 16.50g carbohydrate, 11.00mg calcium, 1.20mg iron, 64.00mg phosphorus, 342.00 mg potassium, 22.90mg magnesium, 0.01mg carotene, 0.10mg thiamine, 0.03mg riboflavin, 0.40mg nicotinic acid, 16.00mg ascorbic acid and 100.00 mg anthocyanin. Its biggest characteristic is that it is rich in anthocyanins, with a content of up to 42.80 mg / kg, which can enhance human immunity, delay aging, enhance physique, anti-cancer, beauty and prevent hypertension and other health functions. Therefore, black potato can be used not only as a side dish, but also as a special dish, or a good raw material for extracting anthocyanins. At present, the cultivation area of black potato in China is still small, and the market price is 6: 8 yuan per kilogram, which is equivalent to 6: 8 times that of ordinary potato. Generally, the output of 667 square meters is about 2500 kg, the economic benefit is more than 10, 000 yuan, and the economic benefit is considerable. New varieties and supporting cultivation techniques have attracted the attention of the majority of farmers.

The whole growth period of black potato is about 93 days, which is a mid-early maturing variety, which is resistant to drought, cold, wide adaptability and storage resistance. Resistant to early blight, late blight, ring rot, black shank and virus. Its seedlings are erect and dark purple. The plant cluster is luxuriant and the growth potential is strong. Generally, the plant height is about 60.00 cm, the main stem is developed, the stem is 1.37 cm thick, the stem is dark purple, the cross section is triangular, the branches are less, the petiole is purple, the Corolla is purple, the petals are dark purple, the potato block is long oval, the epidermis is smooth, is black-purple, the potato flesh is dark purple, and the quality is good. Tubers are concentrated, with 6 to 8 tubers per plant and a mass of 120-300 grams.

Prepare for tillage

The main results are as follows: 1. plot selection, loose and permeable soil plough layer, therefore, the selection of high-dry, flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, loose, deep and fertile sandy loam soil is the soil foundation to ensure high yield.

2. according to the arrangement of stubble, black potato should avoid continuous cropping and rotation with Solanaceae crops such as tobacco, eggplant, pepper, sweet potato, etc., with wheat, corn, Chinese cabbage, radish and scallions as the previous crops.

3. Soil preparation, in order to achieve high yield and varieties of black potatoes, deep ploughing should be carried out before winter, with a general tillage depth of 25-30 cm. Fine soil preparation is carried out in early spring, so that the soil is finely broken and there are no large clods, thus enhancing the water retention capacity of the soil.

4. Applying sufficient base fertilizer, black potato is a high-yielding and fertilizer-loving crop. Every 100kg fresh potato needs nitrogen 0.50kg, phosphorus 0.20kg, potassium 0.95kg, and the absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is generally 2:1:4. Cow, sheep, pig, chicken manure and green manure, compost should be given priority to, supplemented by appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer. The fertilization scheme was determined according to the results of soil nutrient detection and the law of fertilizer requirement. Combined with soil preparation, per 667mz, mature organic fertilizer 3~5ms, calcium superphosphate 80-100kg, potassium sulfate 15-20kg, urea 15kg were applied.

Seed potato treatment

1. Select seed potatoes 20-30 days before planting (usually around mid-January in this area). Seed potato with no disease, no wound, smooth epidermis, fresh skin color, many bud eyes, uniform size and accorded with variety characteristics was selected, and the potato pieces with deformity, cracking, bud eye necrosis and disease spots were removed. About 120 kg of seed potato is needed for every 667 square meters. It is better to plant tooth pieces in one or two seeds, which will be very high-yielding.

2. Seed potato sprouting and sprouting before sowing can promote early emergence, increase field growth period and increase yield. Sun beds, cellars and greenhouses can all be used as places for sprouting. The selected seed potatoes were placed in a dark environment of 20 ℃ to warm seed germination. Cut into pieces when the sprouts are exposed about 0.5em and arrange them according to the order of the bud eyes. Starting from the end of the potato block, cut spirally according to the order of the bud eye. Finally, the top is divided into two. Ensure that each cut has 2 top buds, cut evenly, generally keep the weight of each seed potato about 25 grams, and the knife used for cutting should be strictly sterilized with 75% alcohol.

3, medicament treatment, put the cut potato pieces into 0.01% boric acid or 500 times 50% carbendazim solution, soak for 5 minutes for 10 minutes, then remove and drain. Move the dried potato pieces to a warm and sunny place to dry for 3-5 days. Maintain about 15 ℃ temperature. Make the buds green and strong.

Sowing at the right time

1. During the planting period, black potato sprouts begin to sprout when the temperature exceeds 5 ℃. The growth was robust and rapid at 18 ℃. Normally。 The seeds can be sown when the local temperature is stable through 5 ℃. The suitable planting period of terrestrial cultivation model in Tianjin is generally from mid-late March to early April. Too early. Seedlings are vulnerable to freezing damage, which can not be put on the market too late, which affects the planting efficiency.

2. High border plastic film mulching, double-row cultivation with high border plastic film mulching can increase the ground temperature by 3-5 ℃, advance the planting period by about 15 days, create a healthy and loose environment for the normal growth of black potato, and is beneficial to manual or mechanical harvest. According to the row spacing 100em made of 20 cm high, 70 cm wide, slightly higher in the middle of the turtle back border, raked flat and sprayed 40-50 kg of water with Acetochlor 100g-150g per 667m2 to control weeds: use 90 cm wide, thick 0.008mm plastic film to cover, the film should be strict. Cross press a strip of soil every 2-3m to prevent the gale from uncovering the film. The mulched bed can be planted after 3-5 days.

3, reasonable close planting, black potato should be sparse planting, double-row cultivation, row spacing of 40 cm, plant spacing of 33 cm, leaving about 4000 seedlings per 667m2. When planting, use a hole opener to drill a planting hole with a depth of 8-10 cm according to the row spacing. Then put the seed potato sprouts up and seal the film holes with fine soil.