
Millet planting technology

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Millet planting technology

Millet, also known as millet, is the result of millet peeling. Millet is a kind of cereal plant, a kind of cereal, originated in the Yellow River Basin in northern China, and has been planted to varying degrees in various places. Millet has a variety of colors of white, red, yellow, black, orange and purple, which can be used to make wine, mainly for making porridge.

Millet planting technology adopts pollution-free green food production rules, technical route: rotation stubble → fine soil preparation → fertilization → selection → seed treatment → sowing → field management → harvest storage → packaging and transportation.

Rotation and stubble

Millet is not suitable for continuous cropping. Continuous cropping has serious diseases, many weeds and a large consumption of nutrient elements in the soil, which is easy to cause "resting ground". Therefore, it is easy for millet to have a high yield and harvest by choosing reasonable crop rotation. The more suitable previous stubble of millet is bean, potato, sweet potato, wheat, corn and so on. In order to cooperate with the production of millet grain, it is proposed to use buckwheat, waxy corn and millet rotation.

Fine soil preparation

Deep ploughing in autumn can mature soil, improve soil structure and enhance water conservation capacity. Deepening the plough layer is conducive to the root system of millet, so that the plant growth is robust, thus increasing the yield. Autumn deep ploughing is generally more than 20 cm, combined with autumn ploughing, it is best to apply base fertilizer at one time. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of deep turning and soil moisture conservation in soil preparation in autumn in order to ensure the moisture needed for millet germination and emergence.

Fertilizer application

Before sowing, base fertilizer is applied once combined with deep ploughing and soil preparation, generally dominated by farm manure, 7.5 ~ 112000 kg / hm2 for high yield fields and 2.2 ~ 60000 kg / hm2 for middle yield fields. For example, the effect of base fertilizer made by mixing phosphate fertilizer and farm manure is the best. It is better to apply base fertilizer in autumn or early spring.

Seed fertilizer has been widely used as an important measure to increase production in millet production. Using nitrogen fertilizer as seed fertilizer can generally increase the yield by about 10%, but it should not be used too much. When ammonium sulfate is used as seed fertilizer, the suitable dosage is 37.5kg / hm2 and urea is 11.3kg / hm2.

Topdressing has the greatest effect on increasing yield in the booting stage of 15-20 days before heading, and the suitable amount of pure nitrogen is about 75 kg / hm2. When there was more nitrogen fertilizer, "seat fertilizer" was applied at the beginning of jointing stage and "attacking fertilizer" was applied at booting stage. In the late growth stage of millet, foliar spraying of phosphate fertilizer and trace element fertilizer can also promote flowering and fruiting and grain filling.

Sowing seeds

1. Selection of improved varieties and seed treatment: the main varieties selected are "Huangping glutinous millet", "Shi Binghong millet" and "local waxy millet". In addition, we can choose "ton Valley No. 1", "Yugu No. 5", "Yugu No. 7", "Yugu No. 9", "Qinzhou Huang Xiaomi", "Jilin Green Millet" and other varieties outside the province. Millet is treated with seed before sowing, and the treatment methods include seed drying, seed soaking, seed dressing, seed coating and so on. Seed dressing with chemicals can control smut and underground pests.

2. Sowing time and sowing mode: sowing at the right time is one of the important measures to ensure the high and stable yield of millet. It is generally appropriate to sow seeds from early April to early May (before and after Grain Rain). The sowing methods include furrow sowing, flat planting and ridge planting. Furrow sowing, also known as ridge and furrow or flat ditch planting, is widely used on dry slopes, with the advantages of water conservation, fertilizer conservation and soil conservation.

3. Sowing rate and density: the sowing rate of millet is generally about 0.8-1.0 kg / mu, with a depth of 3-5 cm. There are generally about 40-50 000 seedlings per mu in dry land.

Field management

1. Preservation of seedlings: millet seeds are small, and the seeds do not contain much energy and materials. if drought occurs, it is easy to cause lack of seedlings and broken ridges in the field, so it is necessary to strengthen field management. Generally, the seedlings were checked and replanted at 2-3 leaves after emergence, and the seedlings were fixed at 5-6 leaves.

2. Pedal seedlings to promote strength: in fields with good water and fertilizer conditions and vigorous seedling growth, seedlings should be pushed in time. The main way of seedling pedal is to control fertilizer and water, deep ploughing and so on in time at 2-3 leaves.

3. Intertillage weeding: millet intertillage management is mostly in seedling stage, jointing stage and booting stage, generally 2-3 times. The first intertillage combined with fixed seedlings was carried out, and the techniques of shallow hoe, fine crushing of soil and removal of weeds were mastered by intertillage. The second intertillage was carried out during the jointing period, combined with irrigation and topdressing. Ploughing should be deep and soil cultivation should be carried out at the same time. The third intertillage is carried out before the row is closed, and the intertillage depth is generally 4 ~ 5 cm. In addition to weeding, high soil cultivation should be carried out at the same time to promote root development and prevent lodging.

4. Pest control

① selects disease-resistant or disease-free varieties: at present, the varieties resistant to millet rust are "Huangping glutinous millet", "Shi Binghong millet", "local waxy millet", as well as "Dungu No. 1", "Yugu No. 9", "Qinzhou Huang Xiaomi" and "Jilin Green Xiaomi". At the same time, "Yugu 14" and "Yute 5" were resistant to millet sheath blight. When smut occurs, the disease-free or lightly diseased fields should be selected as seeds before harvest, which has a certain control effect on smut.