
Introduction to the Propagation methods of Dendrobium candidum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people know that the ornamental value of Dendrobium candidum is relatively high, in fact, Dendrobium candidum also has a certain drug value, Dendrobium candidum contains a component called coumarin, which has a good effect on many diseases of the human body. So how to propagate Dendrobium candidum artificially?

Many people know that the ornamental value of Dendrobium candidum is relatively high, in fact, Dendrobium candidum also has a certain drug value, Dendrobium candidum contains a component called coumarin, which has a good effect on many diseases of the human body. So how to propagate Dendrobium candidum artificially? What problems should be paid attention to in artificial propagation of Dendrobium candidum?

Pinecone-like Raceme Dendrobium

I. ramets

Select the value plant with dense growth. After blooming. Take it out of the basin, remove the old very much from the base of the tufted stem, cut the root system as little as possible, cover and cut open the very shaped parts that are connected to each other, and the root is opened by hand without cutting with a knife. Take the main plant as a group, and then further cut off the old root. Put the new bud near the center of the basin, fill it with a new matrix and compact it to form a new plant.

Second, divide the bud

When there are small plants at the top or base of the stem of Dendrobium that have been potted for more than 3 years, the buds can be cut and propagated. Select a small plant with 4 leaves, 3 roots and 4 Mel 5 cm long, cut off from the mother plant, treat the wound with plant ash or 70% mancozeb, and plant the seedling in a basin. Wang Yi should be shallow. After 2 years of cultivation, it can generally blossom into commercial flowers.

Third, cuttage

Cutting propagation can be combined with changing pots after flowering and ramet. Stone touch orchid has a slender, fleshy stem, there are many nodes on the stem, nodes can grow buds, so it can be propagated by cutting. Select unflowered and fuller whole sowing strips, cut the technical strips into several segments, each with 2mur3 sections, and coat the wound with plant ash or 70% mancozeb to treat the wound. Insert the stem into a mixture of moss and peat, half exposed and placed in a semi-overcast and damp place. Do not need watering 1 week after insertion, and then often spray moisturizing, appropriate shade. After 1 Mel for 2 months, new buds sprouted in the node, and under the new buds, 3 small roots formed new plants. Put the new plant into the pot together with the old stem and blossom for 2-3 years. The best cutting time is from April to August.

Culture method of Dendrobium candidum introduction to the language of Dendrobium candidum

Dendrobium candidum has many flowers with golden lips and exuberant vitality, flowering from April to May. Dendrobium candidum can be used as cut flowers and potted plants. Then how to cultivate Dendrobium candidum? What is the fancy language?

I. Culture methods of Dendrobium candidum

1. Selection of pots: Dendrobium candidum usually uses four-wall porous plastic or ceramic flowerpots, using carbon roots, peat moss, bark blocks, charcoal blocks and so on as pot materials.

2. Temperature: the newly transplanted tissue culture seedlings are very sensitive to water, but the lack of water leads to slow growth, dry up and low survival rate. If the spray is too much, the root is waterlogged and rotten, and when the temperature and humidity are high, it is easy to cause soft rot on a large scale. Within one week after transplanting (the seedlings have not yet had new roots), the air humidity should be kept at about 90%, and the overwintering temperature should be kept at 8-10 ℃.

3. Watering: at the initial stage of planting, Dendrobium candidum should be placed in a cool and scattered light place, only spray some water on the leaf surface, do not water into the basin. After about 10-15 days, the new roots were moved to the shade for maintenance after the new roots germinated. Watering during the growing season should keep a moderate amount of dry pancake fat and water alternating between dry and wet. The tree should be watered once a day during the peak growth period and less during the winter dormant period.

4. Fertilization: potassium nitrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, humic acid, imported ternary compound fertilizer and diluted MS medium can be selected as foliar fertilizer. Generally, one week after transplanting, 1/1000 potassium nitrate or potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed after the occurrence of new roots, once in 7-10 days and 3 times in a row.

5. Pruning: the density of the growing place of Dendrobium is about 60%, so it is necessary to prune epiphytic trees often so as not to be too shady or not close enough. When the new plant is issued before spring every year, the withered stem in the clump is cut off with the old stem harvested, and the diseased stem, weak stem and diseased root are removed. After planting for 6-8 years, the clump is rebranched and propagated according to the growth of the clump.

II. Flower language of Dendrobium candidum

Flower language of Dendrobium candidum: strong in nature, honest and amiable.

The ornamental value is extremely high, the flower posture is elegant, exquisite and lovely, the color is bright, the smell is fragrant, it is regarded as one of the "four ornamental foreign flowers", which can be used as cut flowers or potted plants. In addition, the flowers cut for 2-3 days do not wither, exuberant vitality is amazing. In Western society, people often dedicate her to their beloved elders.

The above is Dendrobium candidum culture methods and Dendrobium flower language introduction, hope to help you, but also want to know more Dendrobium knowledge to continue to pay attention to us.

How to raise Dendrobium candidum in detail the methods of culture and propagation of Dendrobium candidum

Dendrobium candidum is a kind of cool perennial herb, which belongs to the genus Dendrobium of Orchidaceae. It is an important species of cut flowers and can also be used as an ornamental plant. So how to raise Dendrobium candidum? The following editor introduces the methods of culture and reproduction of Dendrobium candidum.

Introduction of Dendrobium candidum

Dendrobium candidum (scientific name: Dendrobium thyrsiflorum Rchb. F.): stem erect or oblique, Terete, coarse, unbranched, with several nodes, yellowish brown and glossy, with several longitudinal edges. Leaves 3-4 alternate at upper end of stem, leathery, oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Racemes lateral to upper ends of old stems with leaves, pendulous, 10-16 cm long, densely flowered, flowers spreading, thin texture, sepals and petals white; petals suborbicular, 14 mm long, 12 mm wide, apex obtuse, base with claws ca. 2 mm long, with 7 veins and many branches, irregular denticulate margin above base Labellum golden, semicircular triangular, 15 mm long, 19 mm wide, apex obtuse, base with ca. 3 mm claws. The florescence is from April to May.

Dendrobium candidum grows on tree trunks in mountain forests at an altitude of 1100-1800. Distributed in China, northeast India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam. This flower is cultivated and has high horticultural value.

How to raise Dendrobium candidum

I. Culture methods of Dendrobium candidum

1. Selection of basin

Usually choose four-wall porous plastic or ceramic flowerpot, with carbon root, peat moss, bark block, charcoal block and so on as pot materials. According to the size of orchid seedlings, choose different specifications of flowerpots, but it is not suitable to use large potted plants and small seedlings. The above materials must be soaked in clean water for more than 1 day before use. The bottom of the basin should be covered with large tiles or broken bricks, the depth of which is about 1 beat 3 places, then put the orchid seedlings in the center of the basin, and insert a thin bamboo pole on one side to fix the orchid seedlings, and then fill in other cultivation materials, pay attention to the separation between the roots and roots.

2. Watering

At the initial stage of planting, put it in a cool place with scattered light, only spray some water on the leaf surface, and do not water the basin. After about 10-15 days, the new roots were moved to the shade for maintenance after the new roots germinated. Watering during the growing season should keep a moderate amount of dry pancake fat and water alternating between dry and wet. Trees are watered once a day during the peak growth period, and water is often sprayed on the ground around flowerpots in dry season and hot summer to maintain high air humidity and pay attention to good ventilation. Less water should be watered during the winter dormancy period. In the later stage, the air humidity is too small to often watering and moisturizing, you can use a sprayer to water in the form of spray.

3. Temperature

The newly transplanted tissue culture seedlings are very sensitive to water, but the lack of water leads to slow growth, dry up and low survival rate. If the spray is too much, the root is waterlogged and rotten, and when the temperature and humidity are high, it is easy to cause soft rot on a large scale. Within one week after transplanting (the seedlings have not yet sent new roots), the air humidity should be kept at about 90%. After a week, the plants begin to produce new roots, and the air humidity can be maintained at 70% 80%. The dry and wet potential of the planting border is beneficial to root and sprout. Avoid strong light directly, the sun can be seen in the morning in spring and autumn, sufficient light can be placed in winter, and a place with bright scattered light and ventilation can be placed at other times. The overwintering temperature can be kept at 8-10 ℃.

4. Fertilization

Because Dendrobium is aerial root, it is necessary to spray appropriate foliar fertilizer as nutrient solution to provide sufficient nutrients for early root sprouting. Foliar fertilizer can choose potassium nitrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, humic acid and so on, as well as imported ternary compound fertilizer and diluted MS medium. Generally, one week after transplanting, 1/1000 potassium nitrate or potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed after the occurrence of new roots, once in 7-10 days and 3 times in a row. After sprouting, 3 ‰ ternary compound fertilizer is sprayed every 10-15 days. The barren growing land should pay attention to topdressing, for the first time before and after the Qingming Festival, nitrogen fertilizer was mixed with pig and cow manure and river mud. The second time before and after the Beginning of Winter, peanut drum, rapeseed cake, calcium superphosphate and so on were added into the river mud to mix and paste in the root, in addition, fertilizer could be applied outside the root.

5. Pruning

The density of the growing place of Dendrobium is about 60%, so the epiphytic trees should be pruned frequently so as not to be too shady or not close enough. When the new plant is issued before spring every year, the withered stem in the clump is cut off with the old stem harvested, and the diseased stem, weak stem and diseased root are removed. After planting for 6-8 years, the clump is rebranched and propagated according to the growth of the clump.

2. The propagation mode of Dendrobium candidum

1. Select the place

Land selection and soil preparation according to its growth habits, Dendrobium cultivation land should choose half-overcast and half-yang environment, air humidity is more than 80%, and winter temperature is above 0 ℃. Artificial controllable environment can also be used, the tree species should be yellow pear tree, camphor tree and so on, and the bark should be thick with longitudinal trench, much water, luxuriant branches and leaves, thick trunk living trees, stone land should also be in cool and humid areas, the stone should have moss growth and a small amount of humus on the surface.

2. Ramet propagation

Select the value plant with dense growth. After blooming. Take it out of the basin, remove the old very much from the base of the tufted stem, cut the root system as little as possible, cover and cut open the very shaped parts that are connected to each other, and the root is opened by hand without cutting with a knife. Take the main plant as a group, and then further cut off the old root. Put the new bud near the center of the basin, fill it with a new matrix and compact it to form a new plant.

3. Budding propagation

When there are small plants at the top or base of the stem of Dendrobium that have been potted for more than 3 years, the buds can be cut and propagated. Select a small plant with 3-4 leaves, 2-3 roots and 4-5 cm root length, cut from the mother plant, treat the wound with plant ash or 70% mancozeb, and plant the seedling in the basin. Wang Yi should be shallow. After 2 years of cultivation, it can generally blossom into commercial flowers.

4. Cuttage propagation

Cutting propagation can be combined with changing pots after flowering and ramet. Stone touch orchid has a slender, fleshy stem, there are many nodes on the stem, nodes can grow buds, so it can be propagated by cutting. Select unflowered and fuller whole sowing strips, cut the technical strips into several segments, each with 2-3 sections, and apply plant ash or 70% mancozeb to treat the wound. Insert the stem into a mixture of moss and peat, half exposed and placed in a semi-overcast and damp place. Do not need watering 1 week after insertion, and then often spray moisturizing, appropriate shade. After 1-2 months, new buds grow in the nodes, and 2-3 small roots grow under the new buds to form new plants. Put the new plant into the pot together with the old stem and blossom for 2-3 years. The best cutting time is from April to August.

3. Disease control of Dendrobium candidum.

I. Disease prevention and control

1. Black spot

During the disease, the young leaves showed black-brown spots, which showed yellow around the spots, and gradually spread to the leaves. In severe cases, the black spots connected with each other on the leaves, and finally withered and fell off. The disease often occurs in early summer (March-May). Prevention and treatment: prevent and control the development of Bordeaux solution or 1000-fold solution of Bordeaux or Doring.

2. Anthrax

Damage to leaves and stems and branches, damaged leaves showed brown or black disease spots, which occurred from January to May. Prevention and treatment: spray 2-3 times with 50% carbendazim 1000 times or 50% methyl topiramate 1000 times.

3. Coal pollution disease

During the disease, the leaf surface of the whole plant was covered with a layer of soot gray-black powder, which seriously affected the photosynthesis of the leaves and caused plant dysplasia. The main onset period of the disease is from March to May. Control method: spray 1000 times of 50% carbendazim or 1500 times of 40% dimethoate emulsion for 1-2 times.

II. Pest control

1. Dendrolimus angustifolia

This pest parasites on the edge or back of the leaves of Dendrobium plants, absorbs juice, causes the leaves of the plants to wither, and in serious cases causes the whole plant to wither and die. At the same time, it can also cause coal pollution disease. Control method: the pest is in the peak incubation period in late May, and the spraying effect of 1000 times of 40% dimethoate EC or 1-3 degree stone sulfur mixture is better. If it has become a shield shell but with a small amount, it can be prevented and treated by cutting off the old branches and leaves and centrally burning or twisting them to death.

2. Snails

Pests mainly hide on the back of the leaves to eat the mesophyll or bite the stem to harm the petals. The pest can occur many times in a year, once it occurs, the damage is so great that the whole plant can be eaten beyond recognition in one night. Control methods: mix trichlorfon with wheat bran and spread poison bait in places where pests are often active; spray trichlorfon, cypermethrin and other pesticides in the cultivation bed and surrounding environment, and remove quicklime and saturated salt water; pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the cultivation places, withered branches and leaves should be removed from the field in time.

Garden use of Dendrobium candidum

Ornamental value

The flower appearance of Dendrobium candidum is elegant, exquisite and lovely, with bright colors and fragrant smell, which is regarded as one of the "four ornamental foreign flowers". It can be used as cut flowers or potted plants. In addition, the flowers cut for 2-3 days do not wither, exuberant vitality is amazing.