
Main points of sowing and propagation of pineapple

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The cultivation of pineapple is not difficult, if it is cultivated in the open field, it can be self-sown and can be introduced and cultivated by artificial cultivation. Pineapple has strong resistance and easy management, so it is a very good flowering plant.

The cultivation of pineapple is not difficult, if it is cultivated in the open field, it can be self-sown and can be introduced and cultivated by artificial cultivation. Pineapple has strong resistance and easy management, so it is a very good flowering plant.


Pineapple is suitable for raising seedlings in the protected field in spring, and the seedling days of planting in the open field after the final frost are about 45 days, which should not be too long, otherwise the vines of the seedlings will be intertwined.

The seedlings can grow well by sowing and cultivating seedlings with ordinary nutritious soil. Sow seeds on a seedling tray. The seeding rate per square meter is about 100g, and the fine soil 1.5cm is covered after sowing. It should not be too thin, otherwise it is easy to be unearthed with seed coat. The ground temperature was controlled at 20-25 ℃, and the seeds were dried for 4 days to emerge. The seedlings of pinnacle and maple are shown in figure 7. Pineapple seedlings are easy to emerge, but they are often irregular, so they should be carefully selected so that the seedlings are neat. The author observes that pineapple seedlings are very afraid of drought and will die when the drought is slightly severe, and it is difficult to recover even if watering, which should be paid special attention to when raising seedlings. Because it is a straight-root plant, it is best to grow seedlings in a plastic seedling bowl with a diameter of 8cm, and the seedlings are moved only once, and one seedling is planted in each container. It can also be cultivated into seedlings with 72-hole hole trays, and attention should be paid to the supply of water during the period of cultivation. The soil moisture was moderately controlled in the middle and later stage of seedling cultivation. Full light should always be seen at the seedling stage. If the seedlings are large and the vines are intertwined, they should be separated as soon as possible, and the seedling bowl should be moved away at a certain distance if necessary.

Red flowers are more gorgeous than white flowers, and most people prefer red flowers. But even if all the red flower seeds are harvested, most of the offspring may separate white flowers. Seeds are not easy to distinguish, but they are easy to distinguish at seedling stage. The stem color of red flowers is dark red, while the stem color of white flowers is green, which can be well distinguished by careful observation. If the seeds are carefully selected every year, and pay attention to isolation, the offspring will be less and less mixed.

Key points for the maintenance of pineapple in the four seasons

Spring and summer conservation of pineapple key points of spring conservation of pineapple

Spring is the peak growth period of pineapple, the temperature and light in spring are more suitable for the growth of pineapple, it is necessary to ensure sufficient light in spring.

Pineapple has a great demand for water and fertilizer. When planting and transplanting in spring, a certain amount of base fertilizer can be applied first, and then once a month. When transplanting and planting, be sure to water once, and then only water once a week to keep the basin soil moist. With the growth of the plant and the change of temperature, watering should be more frequent, from once a week to once a day to keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water.

Spring is the season for propagation of pineapple, which is sown in April every year. Generally, it can sprout one week after sowing. When the seedling is about 10 cm high, it is not easy to survive when the seedling is too large.

Key points of summer conservation of pineapple

High temperature and large evaporation in summer, should be watered every day to keep the basin soil moist. But in the rainy season in summer, we should pay attention to it on rainy days. Don't get too wet in the basin so as not to rot the roots. Due to the vigorous growth of pineapple in summer, dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied 3 times a month. Summer begins to enter the flowering stage, before flowering, in order to ensure that pineapple has sufficient nutrients, it can be fertilized properly.

Make sure the pineapple has plenty of light in summer.

Autumn and winter conservation of pineapple key points of autumn conservation of pineapple

The weather is getting cooler in autumn and the flowering period of pineapple is over. Seeds can be harvested in November for planting in the coming spring.

Other maintenance work is mainly appropriate topdressing to ensure adequate light and water.

Key points of winter maintenance of pineapple

Pineapple is an annual plant that ends its life in winter.

However, in the case of heating, the "tissue cultivation method" can be used to promote the germination of pineapple seeds. Plant it in a flowerpot and let it grow.

The main points of cultivation of feather-leaf pineapple

The feather-leaf pineapple has a tender vine long stem, which belongs to the vine flower. Because the feathered pineapple has magenta high-footed dish-shaped flowers above the leaves, like a little red tassel on the green tapestry, it is very special, so it is used for decoration. So what problems should be paid attention to in the process of cultivation?

Feather-leaf pineapple

Artemisia angustifolia is an annual herbaceous vine of Convolvulaceae, which is native to tropical America. A terrain that enjoys sunshine and good drainage; it is not strict with soil, but grows better in fertile humus soil.

Seeds for reproduction are sown directly or in pots in March and April in the warm and sunny part of the courtyard. Because of its strong taproot, it is suitable for direct seeding or pot planting; for pot sowing, it should be transplanted as early as possible; keep the sowing soil moist after sowing, and sprout after about a week. When the seedling height is 10 cm, the seedling can be fixed, and the row spacing of the plant planted in the courtyard is about 20 cm.

Feather-leaf pineapple should be planted under the courtyard bamboo fence or windowsill, as well as open-field flower paths, low walls and scaffolding; residential buildings can also be planted in shallow pots on windowsills or balconies. The mixed soil of fertile rotten leaf soil and garden soil is better for potted soil. Generally, 3 plants of 2Mel can be planted in flowerpots with a diameter of about 15 centimeters. After planting, they are drawn with string in time with the growth of seedlings, so that the trailing stems are wound up, and fine bamboo slices can be used to form various kinds of flowerstand bonsai.

When the seedling height is 50 cm, it is necessary to increase topdressing and watering, then the vine stem growth is accelerated, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, the flowering is many and the color is bright. If it can be planted in a warm place in March, it can be planted in advance, so that the florescence can be advanced by more than a month. When the seeds mature from August to October, they should be harvested in time for sowing in the following year.

Feathered pineapple with fine stems and leaves and exquisite flowers is an essential vine annual flower for family courtyard windowsill and balcony decoration. For example, in front of the light-colored wall, the loose string for its winding is extremely beautiful, and it can also be used as a low hedge or small scaffolding greening and beautification material, the effect of masking and shading is very ideal, coupled with the advantages of simple cultivation, it is more popular among flower lovers.

The common cultivated similar plants include round-leaf pineapple, split-leaf pineapple, palm-leaf pineapple and so on. Their growth habits and cultivation methods are similar to those of feather-leaf pineapple, but not as common as feather-leaf pineapple.