
In this way, raising asparagus can easily solve the problem of yellow leaves of asparagus and bring asparagus back to life.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Asparagus is very easy to feed, and its unique shape is loved by many people. It is a very good ornamental plant and has high ornamental value. Many people will raise a pot at home, office, etc., so as to add green to the environment.

Asparagus is very easy to feed, and its unique shape is loved by many people. It is a very good ornamental plant and has high ornamental value. Many people will raise a pot at home, office, etc., so as to add green to the environment and make the environment better. However, recently, many people have been saying that they found their asparagus turned yellow, but they don't know why. Next, I would like to introduce to you the reasons why I found the yellow leaves when I was raising asparagus and what I did to bring it back to life.

The light is too strong. Now the sun is relatively strong in summer, and asparagus is a plant that likes semi-shade and cannot accept strong sunlight. However, the sun will be very strong in summer, especially at noon. At this time, if you do not put asparagus in a dark place or do not ask asparagus for shading, it may cause asparagus to have yellow leaves because the light is too strong.

2. Keep it in a dark place for a long time

Asparagus likes to grow in a semi-shady environment and can be kept in a dark place at ordinary times, but it should be properly exposed to the sun. However, if it is kept in a dark place during conservation, or if it is kept in a dark place for a long time, it will cause asparagus to turn yellow. at this time, it is necessary to increase the light for asparagus, but it should not be exposed to too strong sunlight. It should be properly shaded in the sun.

3. Caused by improper watering

When asparagus is growing, it likes a wet environment, but if it is watered too much, it will make asparagus have stagnant water, and if the stagnant water is too long, it will make asparagus rot roots, and rotten roots will make asparagus appear yellow leaves. However, if too little watering, it will make asparagus due to lack of water and can not supply enough water to asparagus, resulting in asparagus dry tip, and yellow leaves. Therefore, when watering, we should follow the principle that the basin soil is dry and wet, neither more nor less, in order to make asparagus grow better. In the relatively dry season, you can spray some water on the leaves of asparagus to keep the growing environment moist.

4. Caused by improper fertilization

When fertilizing asparagus, if you apply too much fertilizer, it will be easy to make the fertilizer too thick, asparagus can not be fully absorbed, causing asparagus to burn roots, which will make the leaves of asparagus dry up or even fall off. If you give asparagus too little fertilizer, it will make asparagus do not have enough nutrients to grow, which will make asparagus turn yellow due to lack of nutrients.