
Cotton planting technology

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cotton planting technology

Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world, with large output and low production cost, which makes cotton products cheaper and can be made into fabrics of various specifications, from light and transparent Barry yarn to thick canvas and velveteen. It is suitable for making all kinds of clothes, furniture cloth and industrial cloth, and it is also an important honey source plant. Let's take a look at cotton planting technology.

Planting conditions

Cotton is a light-loving crop, which is suitable to grow under sufficient light conditions, and the light compensation point and light saturation point are high. The physiological water requirements are different at different growth stages. The water content of 20 cm soil layer from sowing to seedling emergence accounts for 70% of the field capacity, and the water content of 40 cm soil layer accounts for 60% of the field capacity at seedling stage. the soil water content of 0cm 60 cm in the early bud stage accounts for 65% of the field capacity, and 70% of the field capacity after full bud stage. During the boll opening period, the soil relative water content should be kept at 55-70%. The growth and development of cotton needs water and nutrients, which are mainly obtained from the soil through the root system. Part of the required temperature and air is taken from the soil, and it needs the mechanical support of the soil to grow.

Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Cotton has a long growth period and deep and wide root distribution, which requires not only rich mineral nutrients in the surface soil, but also high fertility in the deep plough layer and slow release of nutrients. Base fertilizer is ploughed and applied to the soil before cotton sowing, which can meet this requirement. The base fertilizer is mainly farm manure, which can be applied to the soil in autumn and winter combined with deep ploughing and deep ploughing, and can also be applied during soil preparation in spring. Generally, high-quality farm manure 3000kg / mu, Stanley compound fertilizer 30kg / mu, zinc fertilizer and boron fertilizer 1kg / mu are applied.

Sowing at the right time

1. Time: the suitable sowing time is that the ground temperature of 5 cm is more than 12-14 ℃, or the air temperature is more than 16 ℃. Sowing at the right time can make the cotton plant grow steadily, blossom earlier and prolong the boll setting time, which is beneficial to early maturity, high yield and high quality. If the sowing temperature is low too early, it is easy to cause rotten seeds and lack of seedlings. Sowing too late, the growth period was delayed, resulting in late ripening, reduced yield and reduced fiber quality.

2. Seed quantity: the sowing amount should be determined according to the sowing method, seed quality, seedling density and soil climate. Too little is difficult to ensure the due number of plants and affect the yield. Too much waste of cotton seeds, and will cause cotton seedlings crowded, easy to form tall seedlings, increase inter-seedling labor, and so on. When the seed germination rate is low, the soil moisture is poor, the soil is sticky or saline-alkali, and the underground pests are serious, the sowing rate should be increased as appropriate.

3. Depth: cotton cotyledons are hypertrophic, the ability of top soil is poor, and the sowing depth is closely related to the emergence of seedlings, the degree of cotton seedlings and the strength of cotton seedlings. The sowing is too deep, the temperature is low, the top soil is difficult, the seedling emerges slowly, consumes a lot of nutrients, the seedling is thin, and even causes rotten seed, rotten bud and lack of seedling. If the sowing is too shallow, it is easy to dry, resulting in lack of seedlings and broken ridges. The sowing depth depends on the quality of the soil and soil moisture. In principle, the sowing depth is 3cm to 4cm. The soil with good soil moisture and sticky texture should be shallow, the soil moisture is poor, and the soil with sandy texture should be sowed deeply.

Pruning and topping

1. Leafless branch: when the first fruit branch appears, the leaf branch below the first fruit branch is removed in time, and the leaves of the main stem are retained to provide organic nutrients to the root system, which is called leafy branch or Youtiao. Removing leaf branches is one of the means to control the vigorous growth of cotton and gain high yield. cotton plants with weak seedlings and missing seedlings can not remove leaf branches and wait for them to elongate before hitting the edge. The removal of leaf branches was carried out at the early stage of budding. In general, mid-maturing varieties with loose plant type need to remove leaf branches, but early-maturing varieties with compact plant type can not do this work.

2. Topping: topping can eliminate apical dominance, regulate the balanced distribution of photosynthates in various organs, increase the proportion of nutrient distribution in the lower fruiting organs, strengthen the transport of assimilation products to the root system, and enhance the root activity and the ability to absorb nutrients, so as to improve the boll rate.

3. To hit the edge is to hit the top of the fruit branch, which can control the lateral growth of the fruit branch, improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the field, increase the boll rate, increase the boll weight and promote early ripening. In the cotton field with sufficient fertilizer and water, prosperous growth and high density, the tip of the group was removed from bottom to top in the middle and later stage of the field management, and combined with boll setting, there were 2-3 fruit nodes in the lower part and 3-4 fruit nodes in the middle part, and the upper part could be beaten in the morning and evening according to the local first frost period.

Reasonable topdressing

1. Light application of seedling fertilizer: topdressing seedling fertilizer can promote root development and cultivate strong seedlings. Generally speaking, the seedling fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, which can be determined according to the seedling condition, soil fertility, base fertilizer and so on. For cotton fields with poor soil fertility, insufficient base fertilizer and weak growth, topdressing urea or high nitrogen compound fertilizer 5kg / mu, ditching strip application, and covering soil after application. For cotton fields with high fertility and sufficient base fertilizer, there is no need to apply seedling fertilizer.