
Seedling raising techniques of Cotton Seeds

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Seedling raising techniques of Cotton Seeds

Cotton is an annual herb of the genus Cotton of Malvaceae, native to Mexico in America, usually propagated by seeds, seeds have thick seed coats and developed embryos, a longitudinal groove on the ventral surface of seeds is the umbilicus, and the tip of seeds is the umbilicus. In order to improve cotton yield, it is usually necessary to dry seeds, soak seeds and dress seeds in the early stage of seed sowing. Let's take a look at cotton seed seedling technology together!


Generally, sunning seeds 15 days before sowing can break the dormant state of cotton seeds, effectively kill cotton seed epidermis pathogens, reduce seedling diseases, promote seed ripening, enhance seed water absorption and seed coat permeability, improve seed germination rate and germination potential, and promote seed germination and emergence. Hair seeds should be exposed to sunlight for 3~5 days under strong light weather conditions, 5~6 hours a day, the general thickness of the sun should not exceed 10 cm, and the seeds should be turned 3~4 times a day to ensure uniform sun exposure. Develted coated seeds should be air-dried for about 1 day in weak light weather conditions. When drying seeds, pay special attention not to dry seeds on slate, concrete floor or plastic film to avoid high temperature burning cotton seeds and affecting seed germination rate.

seed soaking

Soaking seeds in warm water is a traditional method of hair seed treatment in China. Its main function is to promote seed germination and emergence, especially under the condition of poor soil moisture, it is beneficial to realize whole seedling sowing at one time. Soaking seeds in warm water generally does not have the effect of alleviating seedling diseases. On the contrary, if the soaking time is too long, too much nutrients will flow out of the seeds, which may aggravate the occurrence of seedling diseases. Therefore, the key to seed soaking is to master the seed water absorption should not be too much, generally to reach 60~70% of the seed's own air-dried weight, seed coat soft, cotyledon layering is appropriate. Soaking time depends on water temperature, soaking seeds for 12~16 hours at 18~20℃, taking out and controlling dryness for chemical seed dressing, not emphasizing warm soup soaking seeds, not advocating germination.

seed dressing

Pesticide seed dressing can kill the germs carried by seeds and the germs in the surrounding soil after sowing, so as to improve the emergence rate and prevent seedling diseases. Combined with pesticide seed dressing, it can also reduce the harm of seedling pests. Seed dressing chemicals contain a certain amount of fungicides, pesticides and appropriate plant growth regulators. The commonly used pesticide and treatment method is to dress 20 jin dry cotton seeds with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 50g plus 50% thiram wettable powder 30g plus new lipid film, or with 40% seed dressing double wettable powder 125g plus new lipid film.


1, plastic film scaffolding seedling: most of the ecological cotton areas in the country use plastic film scaffolding seedling mode, mainly in the sowing, covering the soil, the arch frame film, will be sealed around, after the seedlings ventilation cooling.

2, nutrient block seedlings: nutrient block seedlings are also known as square seedlings, square seedlings, different names due to different measures taken everywhere, such as river mud, pond mud and so on as bed soil for square seedlings called river mud square seedlings.

3, plastic film tiling seedlings: plastic film tiling seedlings save labor, management procedures simplified, simple operation technology, easy to be mastered by the masses, directly spread the film on the seedbed, in the cotton bud top soil when breaking the film to release seedlings, the film thickness used is only 18% of the thickness of the common agricultural film, seedling rainy weather in the area with this method seedlings disease, dead seedlings are more serious, production should be appropriately postponed seedling period, can be used in late crop transplanting cotton fields.

4. Double-film seedling: Double-film seedling is a seedling method of laying a layer of plastic film first after sowing and covering soil, and then covering arch shed, which solves the problem of stiff seedlings and sick seedlings caused by rainy and low temperature weather after early spring sowing. The cotton seedlings bred are of good quality and bud stage is early.

5. Ventilated omentum seedling: Ventilated omentum seedling is to cut the conventional plastic film along the center line, and cover the nylon window screen 10~15 cm wide in the middle seam on the scaffold. The temperature and humidity are naturally adjusted through the open part of the ventilation net, without the need to open the cover day and night.