
When is the cotton planting time?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When is the cotton planting time?

Cotton is the seed fiber of cotton genus of Malvaceae, and its origin is subtropical. It was introduced into China at the end of the 19th century and has been widely cultivated in various cotton-producing areas throughout the country, and has replaced tree cotton and grass cotton. Now the highest cotton yield in the world is in China, the United States, India, Brazil, Mexico and other places. Let's take a look at when cotton is planted.

Planting time of cotton

Due to the different weather and climate in different regions, the cotton planting time is also different, generally speaking, the cotton planting time is about April of each year. In fact, since spring and March, farmers began to buy cottonseed to grow cotton, but since cotton is not planted directly like beans, cotton seedlings are all being cultivated at this time, so the real planting time for cotton should be the end of March and the beginning of April.

Planting conditions of cotton

1. Light: cotton is a light-loving crop, which is suitable to grow under sufficient light conditions. the light compensation point and light saturation point of cotton leaf are high. According to the measurement, the light compensation point of cotton leaf is 750 ~ 1000 lux, and the light saturation point is 70 ~ 80 000 lux. In general, the suitable range of cotton leaf for light intensity is 8000 ~ 70000 lux, and the photosynthetic intensity increases with the increase of light intensity.

2. Moisture: the growth of cotton needs to absorb water from the soil, and the physiological water requirements are different at different growth stages. The soil water content of 20 cm soil layer from sowing to seedling emergence accounts for 70% of the field capacity. The soil water content of 0 cm 40 cm in the seedling stage accounts for 60% of the field capacity, and 65% of the field capacity in the early bud stage. After the full bud stage, the water content of the 0-80 cm soil layer accounts for 70-80% of the field capacity, which should not be less than 60-65%, and the relative soil water content should be kept at 55-70% during the boll-opening period. According to the relevant research, in the whole growth period of cotton field, about 2 × 3 of water is consumed by transpiration and 1 of which is consumed by land evaporation.

3. Soil: the growth and development of cotton needs water and nutrients, which are mainly obtained from the soil through the root system. The required temperature and air are partly taken from the soil, and need the mechanical support of the soil to grow. The physical, chemical and biological properties of soil in cotton field restrict the yield and quality of cotton to a great extent. soil moisture, nutrients, temperature, air, saline-alkali content and texture have great influence on the growth of cotton.

Seedling raising techniques of Cotton

1. Raising seedlings with plastic film scaffolding: most ecological cotton areas across the country adopt the method of raising seedlings with plastic film scaffolding, mainly after sowing and covering soil, covering with film on the bow frame, sealing all around, ventilating and cooling after finishing the seedlings.

2. Nutrient block seedlings: nutrient block seedlings are also known as square seedlings, square seedlings, different names due to different measures taken in different places, such as using river mud and pond mud as bed soil to raise seedlings called river mud grid seedlings.

3. Plastic film flat seedling raising: plastic film flat seedling raising saves labor and cost, the management procedure is simplified, the operation technology is simple, and it is easy to be mastered by the masses. The film is directly spread on the seedling bed, and the film is broken and released when the cotton bud top soil is used. The thickness of the plastic film used is only 18% of that of the commonly used agricultural film. In the areas with more overcast and rainy weather during the seedling stage, this method is used to raise sick seedlings and die seedlings, so the seedling raising period should be postponed appropriately in production. It can be used in transplanting cotton field in late stubble.

4. Double-film seedling raising: double-film seedling raising is a seedling raising method of laying a layer of plastic film first after sowing and covering soil, and then adding arch shed, which solves the problem that stiff seedlings and diseased seedlings are easily caused by rainy and low temperature weather after sowing in early spring. the quality of cotton seedlings is good and the budding period is earlier.

5. Ventilated omentum seedling raising: the ventilated omentum seedling is to cut the conventional plastic film along the middle line, sew a 10-15 cm wide nylon window screen in the middle, cover the scaffolding, and adjust the temperature and humidity naturally through the open part of the ventilation net, without the need for day and night cover.