
Rice seedling raising technology

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Rice seedling raising technology

In order to do a good job in raising rice seedlings, it is necessary to select improved varieties, do a good job in seed selection and seed drying, soaking seeds with chemicals, and accelerating germination at the right temperature, and strengthen the management of seedling fields. adopt the "four control and one prevention" technical measures of controlling sowing date, controlling sowing amount, controlling water, controlling overgrowth and preventing diseases and insect pests, so as to realize the whole seedling. Let's take a look at the rice seedling raising technology together.

Rice variety selection

The correct selection of varieties is the basis of high quality and high yield of rice. Jinqing, H301, Baixiangjing and Jinshi, which are resistant to stripe blight and rice blast, should be selected in the cultivation of special excellent rice. Yujing 6 superior lines, such as 30, 36, 38, 33 and Xindao 11, Hongguang japonica, black rice and purple rice, should be selected for high quality rice cultivation to ensure both high yield and high quality of rice. The promotion of hybrid rice is the current development trend of rice variety selection. Indica hybrid rice varieties have been widely used, japonica rice has also developed rapidly, and the yield has been greatly increased. The national trial rice 2003076, that is, hybrid Japonica Jinyou 2003, can be selected with a yield potential of 750kg.

Rice seedling raising technology

Mastering the technology of raising seedlings is the guarantee of raising seedlings well. The standard of strong seedling is that the rice seedling should reach the seedling age of 35 ~ 45 days, the leaves of the main stem are 5 ~ 7, the leaves are straight and the leaves are green and yellow. The plant height is 15 Mel 20 cm, there are 1 Mel 2 tillers, the stem base is thick and elastic, there are many white roots, many root primordia, no black roots, no diseases and insects.

1. Selection of seedling field.

Seedling fields require fertile soil, convenient drainage and irrigation, and no salinity, and we should resolutely overcome the habit of using ditch riversides, roadsides and places with poor fertility to make seedling fields.

2. Fertilization in seedling field.

The fertility of seedling field is the key to cultivate strong seedlings. The rice seedling field should be ploughed with 5 / mu farm manure and 50 kg rotten cake fertilizer. Five days before sowing, 20 kg of monoammonium or diammonium 15 mi, 40 kg of ammonium sulfate, 20 kg of potassium sulfate and 2 kg of zinc sulfate were applied in 5 mu net seedling bed. You can also use Wo Jing brand or Wali brand or Qiangwang brand rice seedling formula fertilizer 30ml 40kg sprinkled on the head, and then fine rake, so that the soil, fertilizer mix evenly, after finishing to sow.

3. Seed soaking and disinfection

In order to improve the germination rate of seeds, the seeds should be dried for 3 days before sowing, and then the seeds should be selected by wind or muddy water to achieve full seeds and strong germination potential. In order to eliminate the germs carried by the seeds, seed disinfection should be carried out after seed selection. Seeds can be soaked in 5 grams of 5 grams of water and 3 kilograms of 3 kilograms for 4 days, or with 4000 times of 25% prochloraz or 80% 402 fungicides 20003000 times or 4000 times of 10% soaking seeds for 5 days to kill white leaf blight, rice blast, evil seedling disease, dry tip nematode and other germs, and sow directly after being fished out. For Baixiangjing varieties which are susceptible to evil seedling disease, seed soaking must be done well in order to effectively control the disease. Field control is only a remedial measure, and the effect is not very ideal. In rice stripe disease area, after soaking seeds, 20 grams of imidacloprid per mu and a small amount of fine soil are mixed well, and then mixed with seeds before sowing, which can control the virus vector rice planthopper.

4. Sowing date and quantity

Sowing early or late is not conducive to the cultivation of strong seedlings, sowing too early, seedling age aging, lack of tillers, slow tillers and few tillers after planting. Sowing too late, the seedlings are tender and weak, and return to green slowly after planting. According to the existing varieties of wheat stubble rice in our county, it is better to sow on May 5-10, and the seedling age is 35-40 days. The area of seedling field is calculated according to the net seedbed of 45 square meters per mu of field, and 2.5 kilograms of high-quality rice seeds are needed. The sowing amount per mu of seedling field is about 35 kg, the sowing date is a little later, and the sowing amount is slightly increased.

5. Sowing method

Two days before sowing, the bed was soaked with water, and the ground was carefully prepared so that the mud was rotten and the surface was flat. When the water infiltration of the seedling bed is reached, when there is no mud, the fine sowing is carried out, and when sowing, half the seed is put into the mud, and you can not sow the seed without seeing the seed, in case the sowing depth is different and the seedling is uneven. After sowing, gently pat with a shovel to make the seed and mud surface flat. When the dung to be covered can not be wet, then cover it with 1:2 sifted and rotten dung, with a thickness of 0.7mi 1cm. This is crucial. It is strictly forbidden to sow thin mud and cover it with dung. The dung soil covered by the bed is dry and breathable, which is very important to promote the rooting of seeds. If the permeability is poor, the roots are less, the seedlings are weak and the tillers are less, at the same time, it can also preserve soil moisture and increase temperature, control the rise of groundwater, restrain the rise of salinity and alkali, promote the root system to root down, and achieve the goal of more roots and seedlings.

6. Watering and topdressing

Drought is the main growth before the three-leaf stage, and after the three-leaf stage, if malnutrition, it is easy to induce blight. During the period of two leaves and one heart, weaning fertilizer is applied, 45% formula fertilizer or urea 3mer 5kg / mu is used and small water is watered once; when three leaves are one heart, tiller promoting fertilizer is applied, urea 10kg / mu or formula fertilizer 12m 5kg / mu is applied, and small water is watered once to promote seedling tillering. In the future, as long as the alkali is not returned to the bed or the leaves of the seedlings are not curled, the watering times should be reduced as far as possible to make the seedlings grow dry, promote the development of roots and improve the quality of seedlings. For the back-alkali seedling bed, the growth of seedlings will be seriously affected, so it is necessary to wash the bed with water, pour alkali with water, irrigate enough water in the morning, drain water in the afternoon, wash alkali and then water and fertilize. Usually pay attention to the weather forecast, encounter strong winds and cool weather, pay attention to irrigation to prevent low temperature and cold damage. The seedlings should stop water for 40 days to train the seedlings, so that the seedling tissue is old, the leaves are washed up, and the stress resistance is improved.

8. Chemical controlled fertilizer spraying

Chemical regulation can achieve the goal of strong seedlings, more tillers and more roots. During the two-leaf and one-heart stage of rice, 120 grams of 15% paclobutrazol per mu were sprayed on water. Spray should be uniform, do not miss spray re-spray, so that the growth of seedlings is consistent. A week before transplanting rice seedlings, 5 grams of rooting agent and 15 kilograms of water were sprayed on the leaves per mu to promote the seedling to grow root primordium and grow and elongate rapidly after transplanting.