
You only need to sprinkle some chili peppers in potted plants. there is no need to fertilize chili peppers and hang them all over the branches.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, With the continuous acceleration of urbanization, many people will keep some potted plants at home and grow some vegetables on the balcony. On the one hand, they can reduce expenses, more importantly, what they grow is completely natural, and chili peppers are a must for many flower friends.

With the continuous acceleration of urbanization, many people will keep some potted plants at home and grow some vegetables on the balcony, on the one hand, they can reduce expenses, more importantly, what they grow is completely natural, and chili peppers are a necessary choice for many flower friends.

Chili peppers are fertilizer-loving plants. Today, the flowers will introduce some tips for protecting chili peppers. Sprinkle some "it" without fertilizing, and let your chili peppers hang all over the branches. Just a little, let your hot tears flow!

Pepper likes fertilizer, but if you want it to blossom and bear more fruit, the nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium and calcium should be sufficient, and the nutrients such as banana peel are very rich. Many flower friends can ferment directly, although they can also provide nutrients, but the cycle is too long. You can simply deal with it and sprinkle it directly into the pot soil, and the effect is no worse than that of fermentation.

Specific practice: collect some banana peels, directly expose them to the sun for 1-2 days, completely dry, and then bake them in the microwave oven for 10 minutes or stir-fry them in a pan to make them crisp so that they can be mashed into banana peel powder.

The powder can be sprinkled directly on the surface of the basin soil. each time it is watered, the powder will seep into the soil for root absorption, which can promote the pepper to blossom a lot and produce a lot of chili peppers, and it is also very spicy. One small one at a time is enough.

In addition to sprinkling it on the surface of the pot, you can also dig a few small holes directly in the edge of the flowerpot, pour a small spoonful into each hole, and then bury it with soil.

Note: pepper is particularly prone to disease in summer. Plant growth should be checked frequently. Pepper Zhuangtiling can be sprayed on pepper plants every month, which can enhance resistance, reduce diseases and insect pests, and increase nutrient transport in the plant. Accelerate growth and blossom and produce more chili peppers.

This is the end of the maintenance of chili peppers. Flower friends have other additions. You can share them with you in the comment area below. If you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers.