
It is necessary to look at the top dressing of wheat after turning green.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is necessary to look at the top dressing of wheat after turning green.

At present, with the rise of temperature, wheat will enter the stage of rapid growth and development, and the critical period of wheat turning green and topdressing will also come. Most farmers increase the amount of returning green fertilizer at will when topdressing, resulting in wheat lodging and yield reduction. In this regard, the author suggests that farmers should "look three times" in the application of wheat returning to green fertilizer to ensure a bumper wheat harvest this year.

The first is to apply fertilizer according to the situation of seedlings. In the process of topdressing, topdressing should be classified according to different seedling conditions. Generally speaking, late sowing seedlings and weak seedlings should be fertilized heavily to increase the panicle rate of tillers, while strong seedlings should apply little or no returning green fertilizer. At the same time, the wheat fields with no strong seedlings or few tillers per plant and the total number of tillers per mu less than 400000 per mu should be applied early and re-applied, generally applying 20 kg of three-element sulfur-based compound fertilizer per mu. For the strong seedlings with good ontogeny and moderate population during the overwintering period, there is little or no application, and the jointing fertilizer is mainly controlled to reduce the growth of invalid tillers in spring, prevent ridge closure and facilitate ventilation and light transmission. For the seedlings whose population is too large, in addition to controlling fertilizer and water during the period of returning to green, measures such as deep ploughing and chemical regulation should be taken to control the growth of wheat roots, stems and leaves.

The second is to look at the soil to fertilize, sandy land because "send young seedlings do not send old seedlings". Fertilizer and water conservation is poor, should be appropriate more fertilization, if insufficient fertilization, the number of ears and grains, as well as the late growth will have a certain impact. Due to the poor fertilizer effect in the early stage, clay soil should be applied less in the green stage, extra-root fertilization can be adopted at booting stage, and attention should be paid not to apply too much fertilizer to prevent greed and lodging.

Third, fertilization depends on the sky. If there is a rainy day during the return to green period, chemical fertilizer will be applied with a chemical fertilizer seeder, and it is strictly forbidden to apply chemical fertilizer to avoid burning seedlings and leaves and affecting the growth of wheat. The application of chemical fertilizer can not only not be well absorbed by wheat, but also cause volatilization and loss of fertilizer, resulting in unnecessary waste. In order to improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer, it is necessary to irrigate in time after fertilization in the case of drought.