
High-yield cultivation techniques of Maize

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, High-yield cultivation techniques of Maize

The high yield referred to in this article refers to the yield of more than 1000 kg per mu. According to the research and practice, the ecological conditions required for corn yield of 1000 kg per mu are as follows: accumulated temperature ≥ 3000 ℃, available accumulated temperature up to ≥ 2800 ℃, frost-free period 150-160d, flat terrain, fertilizer and water conservation, loam or light loam soil, and high-grade fertilizer and water conditions.

Select excellent varieties

Knowing how to select good maize varieties is a key issue related to the increase of autumn yield and income. The following principles should be followed when selecting improved corn varieties:

(1) seed selection according to the conditions of heat resources. The local heat resources are related to the growing period of maize varieties. The maize varieties with long growing period have good yield performance and high yield potential, and the local heat and growth period should meet the needs of full maturity of the varieties. If the heat is sufficient, the corn varieties with longer growth period should be selected as far as possible, so that the production potential of the excellent varieties can be brought into full play. However, too much pursuit of high yield and the use of maize varieties with too long growth period will lead to the lack of full maturity and grain fullness, which will affect the nutrition and quality of corn. Therefore, the selection of maize varieties should not only ensure the normal maturity of corn, but also can not affect the timely sowing of the next crop. The topography is related to the ground temperature, and the hilly land temperature is high, so it is appropriate to choose late-maturing varieties or mid-late-maturing varieties with long growth period, mid-late-maturing varieties in flat land and mid-early-maturing varieties in depression.

(2) seed selection shall be made in accordance with the local production management conditions. The high yield potential of maize varieties is related to the production management conditions, the varieties with high yield potential need good production management conditions, and the varieties with low production potential need relatively low production management conditions. Therefore, the maize varieties with high yield potential and high yield potential can be selected in the areas with high level of production management, fertile soil and abundant water source. On the contrary, the varieties with lower production potential but better stable performance should be selected.

(3) seed selection according to the previous planting. The increase of yield and income of maize varieties is directly related to the previous planting. If soybean is planted in the previous crop, the soil fertility is better, and high-yield varieties should be selected; if corn is planted in the previous crop with good growth and high yield, this variety can continue to be selected; if the previous corn is infected with a certain disease, the varieties prone to this disease should be avoided in seed selection. In addition, the same variety can not be planted in the same plot for three or four years, otherwise the land will be barren and the varieties will be degraded.

(4) seed selection according to diseases. Disease is the nemesis of high yield of maize, which is mainly related to soil. The soil nutrients are not balanced and the soil temperature is abnormal, so the varieties which are not suitable for growing under this condition should be avoided in seed selection. For example, "Denghai 9" is only suitable for growing in plots with balanced soil nutrients and high maturity.

(5) seed selection according to the appearance of the seed. The purity and quality of corn varieties directly affect the yield of corn. If the purity of first-grade corn seeds (purity 98%) decreases by 1%, the yield will decrease by 0.61%. The selection of high quality varieties is a favorable guarantee for high yield of maize. The high-quality seed bag is sealed at one time, with the name and detailed address and telephone number of the seed company; the production date, purity, moisture and bud percentage are clearly marked on the seed label; and the shape, size and color of the seed are neat and consistent.

(6) seed selection shall be based on local precipitation and accumulated temperature. According to experience, the amount of snow in winter last year is small, the winter is not cold, the next summer rainfall will be more, the accumulated temperature will not be high, the growing period is too long, the accumulated temperature is not enough, affecting maturity. On the contrary, there is a large amount of snow in last winter, very cold in winter, less rainfall in the following summer and high accumulated temperature, so it is easy to choose varieties with strong drought resistance, and some mid-and late-maturing varieties can be planted in the depression.

First thing in the morning, three times before drought-resistant precision sowing.

Drought-resistant precision sowing and preservation of seedlings is the premise to achieve high yield. The technique of catching up with three times in the morning is to sow seeds early by grabbing the soil moisture at the right time, before the early spring (making full use of anti-slurry water). Topdressing was long before the summer drought (so that the high efficiency period of fertilizer and water needed for corn coincided with the peak of the rain and heat period in July and August), and the corn matured before frost (making full use of effective accumulated temperature to promote early ripening and yield increase). The early sowing time of ① is between April 15 and 25, and the best time is 20 days. According to the soil temperature index, the soil temperature of 10 cm can be sown when the soil temperature is stable between 7 and 8 ℃. Drought-resistant treatment technology of ② seeds. Corn biological seed soaking agent and drought-resistant and water-retaining agent were used (refer to the variety description). ③ sowing quality. Ensure that the depth is appropriate, cover the soil is consistent, improve the uniformity of seedling emergence, so that the whole seedling is strong.

With the increase of yield, the effect of sowing technology on yield was gradually enhanced. Sowing techniques include selection of seed treatment, soil moisture preparation, reasonable density, sowing method, sowing amount and sowing depth, etc.

Seed treatment: drying seeds. The corn seeds that have been exposed to the sun have the advantages of fast water absorption, early germination, neat emergence, high emergence rate and strong seedlings after sowing.

Seed soaking and seed dressing: soaking seeds in clear water is mainly to supply water and promote germination. The main chemical agents for seed soaking are potassium dihydrogen phosphate and trace elements, but if the concentration of seed soaking is too high or the soaking time is too long, the seed is easy to be poisoned and the germination rate is reduced. Seed dressing with pesticides can control the harm of diseases and insect pests.

Seed coating is to coat the seed with a potion. The coated seeds have the ability of disease resistance, insect resistance and promoting rooting and germination after sowing, and should be used symptomatically for local diseases and insect pests.

Carefully prepare soil moisture: soil moisture is the key to affect the quality of seed emergence. The soil moisture is good, the land is flat, the sowing depth is easy to be consistent, and the seedlings emerge neatly and evenly. An important part of preparing soil moisture before sowing is the adjustment of soil moisture. In Huang-Huai summer and interplanting summer corn areas, seasonal drought often occurs after wheat harvest, which worsens the soil moisture during sowing; therefore, watering wheat yellow water is often used to supplement soil moisture in production.