
Nursery bed Management of disastrous Weather in Seedling period

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Nursery bed Management of disastrous Weather in Seedling period

Cold weather: winter and spring season often cloudy cold weather, the use of Yangqi seedlings, encounter this kind of weather, if it is cold, no sunshine, and a few days in a row do not uncover the cover, once the weather suddenly uncovered, often serious seedlings fall. This is because the seedlings in the dark environment for a long time, the consumption of nutrients in the body is large, the seedlings are very weak, suddenly uncovered after a sunny day, the seedlings absorb less water than transpiration, so they will wither, resulting in death. Moreover, there is a large amount of organic fertilizer applied in the seedbed, which will produce some harmful gases during decomposition; the seedling respiration will also produce more carbon dioxide, and if it is not uncovered for a few days, it will be due to excessive accumulation of harmful gases, which will inhibit the respiration of the seedlings and cause poisoning. When encountering continuous cold weather, in the seedling bed management, the straw cover and other mulch should be properly uncovered late to facilitate heat preservation and increase the scattered light of seedlings. After uncovering, if the bed temperature does not drop, do not rush to cover the bed; after uncovering, if the bed temperature rises, you can cover the bed around 3 p.m.; after uncovering, if the bed temperature drops, you can cover it with the uncovering, or take advantage of the high temperature at noon. After uncovering, wait for a while before covering. In addition, in case of continuous cold weather, can not ventilate.

Second, rain, snow weather: When it starts snowing during the day, it is necessary to immediately cover the grass, and immediately sweep the snow after the snow stops. If it snows at night, snow will be removed immediately after the snow stops the next day, and the cover such as grass cover will be removed in time. In case of continuous overcast snow, no matter whether the snow stops or not, it is necessary to clear the snow in time, and take advantage of the suspension of snow at noon to remove the cover, or to remove the cover at any time. Never leave the cover uncovered for several days. When the continuous cloudy snow suddenly turns clear, pay attention to the change of seedling condition after removing the straw cover. If the seedling wilts, immediately cover the straw cover, and then remove it after the seedling returns to normal. Cover it again when wilting, and then remove it after recovery. After such uncovering management, about 2-3 days to normal uncovering. Therefore, in this case, if you do not take measures to cover the shade, it is easy to cause inverted seedlings.

Third, windy weather: In case of windy weather, pay attention to fixing the plastic film during the day and don't be blown away by the wind. When covering in the evening, pay attention to pressing the straw mat with the wind. If necessary, cover a layer of straw mat and press the surrounding area to prevent the strong wind from blowing away the cover at night and freezing the seedlings. In northerly weather, due to wind barriers can block the cold, if the weather is fine, should still be properly ventilated to avoid excessive temperature.