
Fertilization Technology of Strawberry in greenhouse

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fertilization Technology of Strawberry in greenhouse

Strawberry is an important cash crop. The cultivated area of strawberry in our country is increasing gradually, among which strawberry in greenhouse occupies 2go 3. Long-term continuous cropping in greenhouse will lead to soil salinization and salinization. Therefore, in order to fundamentally change the phenomenon of strawberry planting in greenhouse, according to the growth characteristics and fertilization demand of strawberry, provide systematic fertilization technology for strawberry in greenhouse, so as to promote the high yield of strawberry in greenhouse.

Fertilizing before transplanting opened the film in August, turned the soil deeply, and applied 15 kg of diammonium phosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate in the process of turning the soil. Due to the vigorous growth of strawberries at the initial growth stage and slow reproductive growth, it is very important to allocate the input of nitrogen and phosphorus reasonably. Finally, the soil should be raked fine to prepare for ridges.

One week after strawberry transplanting, various fertilizers such as potassium nitrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, magnesium sulfate and zinc sulfate should be sprayed many times. Wait until early October, to apply urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, according to the growth of strawberries, take a small amount of more application.

In early November, choose sunny, high temperature periods to spray gibberellin, so as to effectively break the sleeping period of strawberries and promote flowering. When flower buds appear, trace elements such as boric acid should be sprayed in time, and reasonable fertilization should be carried out according to the growth status of strawberries to reduce the probability of abnormal fruit. Foliar fertilizer containing stevioside should be applied three times in the two weeks before picking. Stevioside is mainly used to increase the sugar content of berries and regulate the ratio of sweetness and sour of strawberries.

In the whole growth process, strawberry should also be sprayed with liquid silicon fertilizer to promote the growth of plant and fruit cell wall, increase the thickness of leaves, improve the fruiting degree of berries, and play an important role in the transportation and preservation of fruits after harvest.