
Identification method of genuine and fake Veterinary drugs

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Identification method of genuine and fake Veterinary drugs

In recent years, with the rapid development of the veterinary drug market, some illegal vendors in the sale of veterinary drugs inferior, fake genuine, deceive farmers to use fake veterinary drugs, causing sick animals aggravated or died, to farmers brought a lot of economic losses. Therefore, farmers must master some methods to identify true and false veterinary drugs.

1. Look at the outer packaging. General genuine veterinary drug packaging printing clear, strong handwriting, thick packaging bag, good quality, while counterfeit products are blurred patterns, light handwriting, poor printing.

2, see "GMP" certification. General packaging boxes or bags will be marked with "veterinary drug GMP acceptance through the enterprise", there are also some manufacturers marked with "national veterinary drug GMP certification enterprise", no "GMP" words are not qualified veterinary drugs.

3. See the approval number. The package of veterinary drugs must bear the approval number issued by the Ministry of Agriculture or the agricultural and animal husbandry administrative organ of the province, city or autonomous region, and the imported veterinary drugs must have the import veterinary drug license issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. The approval number of veterinary drugs is valid for 5 years, so it should not exceed 5 years from the time of purchase.

4. Look at the package label. According to the regulations on veterinary drug management, veterinary drug packaging must be labeled or labeled with the words "veterinary use". In addition to the name, specification, manufacturer and address, registered trademark, production batch number and approval number of veterinary drugs, the label should also indicate the main ingredients, functions and uses, usage and dosage, storage method, shelf life, precautions or contraindications of veterinary drugs. In addition, the generic name of the drug product (especially the chemical name of the main ingredient of the veterinary drug) must be identified in the drug name. Most of the incomplete labels are counterfeit veterinary drugs.

5. Look at the anti-counterfeiting mark. Anti-counterfeiting mark is the mark designed by each manufacturer, each manufacturer has its own anti-counterfeiting method and mark, so each manufacturer is different, each variety is different, there are laser, there is fire baking, there is fluorescence, some in the bottle cap, there is pressure line at the bottom of the bag, fake veterinary drugs do not have anti-counterfeiting marks.

6. Look at the date of production. Veterinary drugs do not indicate the expiration date or indicate the expiration date, but have passed the expiration date, and their efficacy cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, it is best not to purchase and use expired veterinary drugs.

7. Look at the sales store. Be sure to go to the regular sales store with Veterinary Drug Business License to buy veterinary drugs. The veterinary drugs purchased shall have Veterinary Drug Production License or Veterinary Drug Preparation License, etc., and the sales credentials shall be issued and kept.

8. Identification method of tablet veterinary drugs. The tablets shall be complete in appearance, smooth, consistent in thickness and shape, uniform in color, and have appropriate hardness, without adhesion, mildew, melting, spots, black spots, breakage and discoloration; the packaging shall be tightly sealed, complete and undamaged, and the printing shall be correct and clear. Those failing to meet the above requirements shall be considered as fake veterinary drugs.

9. Identification method of veterinary drugs for water injection. Water injection should be uniform in color and clarity except for special varieties, should conform to the specified color, conform to the standard, and should not have turbidity, discoloration, crystallization, precipitation and other phenomena, otherwise it is a counterfeit drug.

10, powder injection veterinary drug identification method. The powder injection shall be free to turn in the bottle when shaking, with consistent color, without foreign matter, discoloration, agglomeration, dissolution, crack, seal leakage and loose cap. Long Zhaohui