
Control of common diseases and pests in rose flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to succeed in rose cultivation, in addition to the basic maintenance work, the prevention of diseases and pests is also very important, because many eggs are invisible to the naked eye. and once the rose is infected, it will not only affect the growth, but also affect the ornamental value, so what are the control methods of rose diseases and pests?

Chinese rose

In order to succeed in rose cultivation, in addition to the basic maintenance work, the prevention of diseases and pests is also very important, because many eggs are invisible to the naked eye, and once the rose is infected, it will not only affect the growth, but also affect the ornamental value, so what are the prevention and control methods of rose diseases and pests?

I. diamondback moth

The larvae of Plutella xylostella, Spodoptera litura, Plutella xylostella, Plutella xylostella and Plutella xylostella are mainly the larvae of yellow diamondback moth, green diamondback moth, brown diamondback moth and flat diamondback moth. Prevention and control method: once found, it should be sprayed immediately with 90% trichlorfon crystal 800x liquid, or with 2.5% fenvalerate EC 1500.

2. Scale insects

There are mainly white wheel scale, Japanese tortoise wax scale, red wax scale, brown soft wax scale, blow cotton scale, bran shield scale, snake eye scale and so on, which is characterized by sucking the juice of tender stems and young leaves of rose, resulting in poor plant growth. it is mainly induced by high temperature and humidity, poor ventilation and poor light. Control method: during the peak incubation period of nymphs, 2000 times of prolactin wettable powder can be sprayed and killed.

3. Aphids

They are mainly rose aphids and peach aphids, which absorb the sap of young organs of plants, harm tender stems, young leaves and flower buds, and seriously affect the growth and flowering of plants. Prevention and control method: spray with 2000 times of imidacloprid wettable powder in time.

Fourth, Rose three-node leaf wasp

Mostly in the larval stage, dozens or more than a hundred clusters harm, which can eat up the young leaves of the plant in a short time, leaving only a few main leaf veins, seriously endangering the normal growth of the plant. Prevention and treatment: a small number of potted plants can pick leaves with a large number of larvae and trample them to death. It appears in large quantities and can be sprayed with 4000 times of phoxim EC.

Cinnabar spider mite

Mainly copper green beetle, black velvet beetle, white star beetle, small blue and white beetle, etc., often eat new leaves, shoots and buds with adults, seriously affecting plant growth and flowering. Prevention and control method: make use of the false death of adults to vibrate and kill in the evening. Make use of the phototaxis of adults, trap and kill with black light. When adults feed, spray with 1000 times 50% malathion EC.

VI. Drillworms

The rose heart driller is the larva of the rose stem wasp, which has wormholes in the stem and gnaws into the stem, causing the branch to break and the upper part to die. The larvae are white, with a yellowish head and a body length of about 15-17 mm. The adult has wings, a black body and a yellow belly. Pupa scarlet. It usually occurs one generation a year and causes damage from May to June. It pupates in the stem and overwinters. It is a kind of harmful pest.

Editor's tip: if there are flower friends who often breed rose flowers, do not use infected flowers as cuttings, we all know that bad genes will affect its life growth. I hope the rose cultivated by each flower friend will not be infected with pest diseases.

Prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests of Chinese rose flowers many flower lovers who raise rose flowers are most worried about the diseases and insect pests of Chinese rose flowers in the process of culture. the following is to talk about the prevention methods of common diseases and insect pests in combination with their experience. 1. Green worms: Bacillus thuringiensis, a biological bacterium that is non-toxic to humans, has a good effect on insects and borer (borer), and can be used in fruit trees and vegetables. 2. Red spider: daben or triclofenac, avermectin and triazotin can be used. I saw that flower friends use Avidaben before, but this one only kills bugs but not eggs, and it will appear again two or three days later, so go on, wait until there is no end, and suggest initial and preventive use. 3. Aphids: rose flowers will have green aphids in early spring, so it is recommended to use imidacloprid, which can be done at one time. 4. Powdery mildew: prevention at ordinary times: blue powder (mancozeb), chlorothalonil, methyl Tobu, carbendazim. Treatment: blue powder + multicolor cyanobacteria frustration or has been thwarted benzoate + blue powder or pentotol + polychromatic cyanobacteria frustration or diazepam + blue powder. 5. Black spot: use Dupan Fuxing or configure Bordeaux liquid yourself, that is, use copper sulfate with quicklime. 6. Thrips: imidacloprid plus dimethoate is recommended. Finally, we recommend some essential drugs and optional drugs. Essential drugs: imidacloprid, Avidaben, Bacillus thuringiensis, Blue Powder, Cyanobacterium, DuPont Fuxing. Available drugs: methyl Tobuterium, Chlorothalonil, carbendazim, has been fouling mildew. Conclusion: the above are the prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests in the process of rose cultivation. I hope it will be helpful to the friends who plant Chinese rose. What are the common diseases and insect pests of Chinese rose? How to prevent and cure?

What are the common diseases and insect pests of Chinese rose? How to prevent and cure?

The main diseases of rose are powdery mildew, black spot, etc., and insect pests are mainly aphids, shell insects, red spiders, leaf rollers, longicorn beetles, leaf wasps, saw wasps and so on.

1) Prevention and control of powdery mildew

The main results are as follows: (1) the cultivation management should be strengthened and the diseased branches and leaves should be cut off and burned immediately. Control watering, less nitrogen fertilizer, careful pruning, so that the inner chamber of the crown is well ventilated and transparent.

(2) spraying 1000-2000 times of trimethoprim solution or 1000-1500 times of methyl topiramate during the onset period. Spraying 3 °~ 4 °stone sulfur mixture before sprouting in early spring can also be prevented and treated with 0.1% Mel 0.2% wet sulfur powder suspension. Usually spray once in 5-7 days, spray 1 in 2-3 days when seriously ill.

Once. The method of self-made sulfur powder suspension is as follows: the sulfur powder is wrapped in coarse cloth and kneaded in clean water to form sulfur powder suspension.

2) the prevention and control of black spot.

The main results are as follows: (1) choose varieties with strong disease resistance.

(2) remove dead branches and leaves.

(3) choose ventilated and transparent environment to strengthen fertilizer and water management.

(4) 200-300 times Bordeaux solution for chemical control, sprayed for two weeks.

One prevention. Spray 3 °- 5 °stone sulfur mixture before germination. Spray 70% at the time of onset.

1000 times of thiophanate methyl, or 1000 times of 75% chlorothalonil, or 80 times of carbendazim, or 50% of Dysenamine. Early summer 10

Spray 1% Bordeaux solution once a day.

3) the control methods of aphids often check the plants, kill or remove the aphids in time after finding the aphids. When serious, use 40% omethoate 1200 times, or 90% crystal trichlorfon 1000 times, or use aphid pine emulsion 1500 times, or spray 2.5% fish rattan essence 1000-1500 times.

4) Control methods of scale insects.

Remove the shell worm with a toothbrush or bamboo stick when it first appears. In serious insect areas with large occurrence, insect branches can be burned by renewal and pruning, or cultivation sites can be changed. Spray 40% omethoate 1000-1500 times, or 50% malathion emulsion 800-1000 times, or 50% phoxim 1000-fold 2000 times during the nymph stage; spray with 3 °~ 5 °stone sulfur mixture during dormancy, and pay attention to the protection and utilization of natural enemies, such as Australian ladybugs, big and small red ladybugs, etc.

5) the control methods of red spiders should first remove fallen leaves and weeds, or carry out irrigation in the nursery to eliminate fire and overwintering insect sources. In the occurrence period, spray 0.2 °~ 0.3 °stone sulfur mixture or 40% triclofenac emulsion 2000 times, or spray 20% triclofenac 800 times.

6) the control method of stem borer combined with pruning, crushing the eggs and killing the newly hatched larvae at the oviposition crack, and cutting off the branches of diseases and insect pests and the tender shoots of insect pests in time. Spray 20% fenvalerate 3000 times or 40% dimethoate 2500 times during the larval incubation period to protect the parasitoid c

7) the control method of leaf rollers is to kill larvae manually, or to spray with 2500 times of omethoate or 1000 times of trichlorfon.

For the cultivation methods of Chinese rose, please refer to: