
Sowing and propagation of colored calla lily

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Color calla is a bulbous flower, native to Africa, and its suitable growth temperature is between 18-23℃. The flowering period of colored calla lily is affected by temperature and illumination. If temperature and illumination are controlled carefully, it can provide flowers every year.

Colorful calla lilies (details) are bulbous flowers, native to Africa, and the suitable temperature for growth is between 18 ℃ and 23 mol. The flowering period of colored calla lilies will be affected by temperature and light. If temperature and light are controlled carefully, flowers can be supplied year-round.

Colorful calla lilies

Colored calla lilies can be propagated by seeds, which germinate at room temperature of 20 degrees, or can be propagated by bulbs. When the colored horseshoe enters the dormant period, the small balls around the plant can be peeled off and replanted. It can bloom after about 2-3 years. After sprouting, move to the place where there is scattered light under the shade shed for maintenance, be careful not to direct sunlight, and not all shade. The color calla should be semi-overcast and the air is moist. If measures such as cooling and humidification and preventing strong light are not taken in summer, the leaf color will turn yellow most easily. Or wilting.

Key points of cut flower cultivation techniques of colored calla Zantedeschia is a perennial herbaceous bulbous flower of the genus Zantedeschia in Araceae. The colored calla lilies cultivated as cut flowers mainly include red calla lilies and yellow calla lilies, which are native to South Africa. The cultivation habit is fundamentally different from the common white calla, and it is difficult to cultivate. For this reason, with reference to the advanced cultivation and management experience of the Netherlands and other countries, combined with the study on the introduction, cultivation and reproduction of colored calla in recent years, the cultivation techniques are summarized as follows: 1. The selection and treatment of 1.1 kinds of bulbs for the production of cut flowers, the bulbs with strong and disease-free, bright color and full bud eyes should be selected. The size of the bulb should be about 3-5 cm in diameter, and the bulb is too small to blossom or not. 1.2 the varieties with strong disease resistance, bright flower color, insensitive to light, high cut flower yield and high percentage in the market should be selected. 1.3 the seeds of colored calla before planting were treated with gibberellin, which could promote flowering. Increase the yield of cut flowers. Generally, before planting, the gibberellin solution with a concentration of 25-50 mg / kg is used to soak for 10-15 minutes, which is too long and the concentration is too high, which can easily cause abnormal flowers. 2. the cultivation environment chooses colorful calla lilies, which prefer warm, moist and shady environment and are not resistant to cold. The suitable temperature during the growing period is 15 ℃ / 24 ℃ during the day and no less than 12 ℃ at night. The high temperature above 30 min is easy to cause the prevalence of soft rot. The cultivation environment should be well ventilated and moderately shaded, and the cultivation land should choose sandy soil with higher topography, better drainage conditions, rich organic matter and pH value about 7, and apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a large number of mature organic fertilizers. 3. Bulb planting 3.1 planting time should be determined according to the needs of cut flowers and bulbs. However, the quality and yield of cut flowers of colored calla planted in spring are the highest, and for promoting and delayed cultivation, attention should be paid to the flowering treatment of bulbs and the effective control of cultivation environment in order to make a profit. Sprouting is carried out before sowing, and new buds are germinated before planting. 3.2 the planting depth of bulbs with a general planting depth of 3-4 cm is 10 cm, and for bulbs exceeding 5 cm, the suitable depth is 15 cm. Watering enough water after planting and covering the ground with wheat straw to increase humidity and reduce soil temperature, promote seed bulb germination and rooting. 4. Water and fertilizer management the water management of colored calla lilies is very important in the growing period, and it is generally appropriate to be wet at the initial stage of growth. The amount of water should be properly controlled in the later stage of flowering, and the bulb should be enriched and forced to dormancy in a dry environment after anthesis. In the case of adequate base fertilizer, as long as the appropriate topdressing. Tongdang used 1000 times calcium nitrate and foliar fertilizer twice before flowering, with an interval of 7 days, in order to promote flowering, and compound fertilizer should be applied after flowering to promote seed bulb fullness and maturity. 5. Harvesting and postharvest treatment of cut flowers it takes about 60 Murray 70 days from sowing to flowering. Flowers should be picked in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, using the method of selection, for varieties with longer flower branches, cut flowers can also be used. After picking flowers, 1000 times of agricultural streptomycin can be sprayed, sterilized and disinfected. When cutting flowers, we should pay attention to the disinfection of cutting tools to avoid virus transmission between different plants. The picked flower branches should be soaked in antistaling agent or 3-5 ℃ water as soon as possible, and then packaged and sold on the market. 6. the harvest and storage of colored calla is a perennial bulb flower. After the cut flower is harvested, the bulb can be used next year. The best time to harvest the bulb is after the leaves on the ground are withered and yellow. First, dig the bulb out of the soil and clean the soil. Do not force the root to fall off naturally and put it in a ventilated place. When there are conditions, the dried bulbs should be disinfected and stored in cold storage. The suitable temperature is 8 ℃, and the seeds can be sown after 3 months. During the storage period, sulfur should be fumigated in cold storage every week to reduce the occurrence of diseases. Key points of cultivation of colorful calla lilies

Colorful calla lily is a perennial herbaceous bulbous flower of the genus Zantedeschia in Araceae. The colored calla lilies cultivated as cut flowers mainly include red calla lilies and yellow calla lilies, which are native to South Africa. The cultivation habit is fundamentally different from the common white calla, and it is difficult to cultivate. For this reason, with reference to the advanced cultivation and management experience of the Netherlands and other countries, and combined with the study on the introduction, cultivation and reproduction of colored calla in recent years, the cultivation techniques are summarized as follows:

1. Selection and treatment of seeding balls.

1.1 the bulbs selected for the production of cut flowers should be strong and disease-free, bright in color and full in bud eyes. The size of the bulb should be about 3-5 cm in diameter, and the bulb is too small to blossom or not.

1.2 the varieties with strong disease resistance, bright flower color, insensitive to light, high cut flower yield and high percentage in the market should be selected.

1.3 the seeds of colored calla before planting were treated with gibberellin, which could promote flowering. Increase the yield of cut flowers. Generally, before planting, the gibberellin solution with a concentration of 25-50 mg / kg is used to soak for 10-15 minutes, which is too long and the concentration is too high, which can easily cause abnormal flowers.

2. the cultivation environment chooses colorful calla lilies, which prefer warm, moist and shady environment and are not resistant to cold. The suitable temperature during the growing period is 15 ℃ / 24 ℃ during the day and no less than 12 ℃ at night. The high temperature above 30 min is easy to cause the prevalence of soft rot. The cultivation environment should be well ventilated and moderately shaded, and the cultivation land should choose sandy soil with higher topography, better drainage conditions, rich organic matter and pH value about 7, and apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a large number of mature organic fertilizers.

3. Planting bulbs

3.1 planting time should be determined according to the needs of cut flowers and bulbs. However, the quality and yield of cut flowers of colored calla planted in spring are the highest, and for promoting and delayed cultivation, attention should be paid to the flowering treatment of bulbs and the effective control of cultivation environment in order to make a profit. Sprouting is carried out before sowing, and new buds are germinated before planting.

3.2 the planting depth of bulbs with a general planting depth of 3-4 cm is 10 cm, and for bulbs exceeding 5 cm, the suitable depth is 15 cm. After planting, pour enough water and cover the ground with wheat straw to increase humidity and reduce soil temperature, and promote seed ball germination and rooting.

4. Water and fertilizer management the water management of colored calla lilies is very important in the growing period, and it is generally appropriate to be wet at the initial stage of growth. The amount of water should be properly controlled in the later stage of flowering, and the bulb should be enriched and forced to dormancy in a dry environment after anthesis. In the case of adequate base fertilizer, as long as the appropriate topdressing. Tongdang used 1000 times calcium nitrate and foliar fertilizer twice before flowering, with an interval of 7 days, in order to promote flowering, and compound fertilizer should be applied after flowering to promote seed bulb fullness and maturity.

5. Harvesting and postharvest treatment of cut flowers it takes about 60 Murray 70 days from sowing to flowering. Flowers should be picked in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, using the method of selection, for varieties with longer flower branches, cut flowers can also be used. After picking flowers, 1000 times of agricultural streptomycin can be sprayed, sterilized and disinfected. When cutting flowers, we should pay attention to the disinfection of cutting tools to avoid virus transmission between different plants. The picked flower branches should be soaked in antistaling agent or 3-5 ℃ water as soon as possible, and then packaged and sold on the market.

6. the harvest and storage of colored calla is a perennial bulb flower. After the cut flower is harvested, the bulb can be used next year. The best time to harvest the bulb is after the leaves on the ground are withered and yellow. First, dig the bulb out of the soil and clean the soil. Do not force the root to fall off naturally and put it in a ventilated place. When there are conditions, the dried bulbs should be disinfected and stored in cold storage. The suitable temperature is 8 ℃, and the seeds can be sown after 3 months. During the storage period, sulfur should be fumigated in cold storage every week to reduce the occurrence of diseases.