
Improve the ability of cucumber to sit on melon continuously and grasp three points

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Improve the ability of cucumber to sit on melon continuously and grasp three points

1. Plant adjustment cucumber wants to have a high yield, first of all, the vine must grow strong, that is, strong plants must be cultivated before fruiting, and after entering the fruiting period, with the growth of the plant, in order to adjust the plant in time, we must ensure that there are 16 functional leaves on the plant, because there are fewer functional leaves and less photosynthate, which is not enough to supply the growth of melon strips. When falling the vine, the falling vine can not be more than 20 centimeters at a time, lest the falling vine is too long, and the leaves suddenly become less, affecting the growth and development of melon strips at the bottom. At the same time, old leaves, diseased leaves and tendrils are removed when the vine falls to prevent competition for nutrients. 2-3 tendrils can consume the nutrients needed for the growth of melon strips.

two。 Fertilizer and water management uses less chemical fertilizer and more organic fertilizer or biological bacterial fertilizer. In production, melon farmers always insist on flushing and applying rotten human feces and urine, and the effect is better. Generally, about 700 jin of compound fertilizer is added each time, while watering not only pays attention to the weather, but also pays close attention to the growth of the plant to water and fertilize. For example, every time you see cucumber tendrils curling, you know that cucumbers are "thirsty" and should be watered. In the late growth stage of cucumber, making full use of the role of leaf fertilizer, spraying new high-fat film combined with Zhuangguatiling can not only supplement a lot of nutrients in leaves, but also enhance plant resistance, prevent cucumber from premature senescence, and improve the continuous melon-setting ability of cucumber.

3. The purpose of disease prevention and control is to protect the normal growth of leaves and ensure the sturdiness of stems. Downy mildew and bacterial angular spot are the three major diseases that harm the growth of cucumber in recent years. Among them, downy mildew and bacterial angular spot mainly damage cucumber leaves and reduce the function of cucumber leaves. Targeted agents combined with new high lipid membrane agents can be used to comprehensively control the disease and improve the control effect.