
Key points of short-term fattening of cattle

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Key points of short-term fattening of cattle

Short-term fattening of cattle refers to the rapid weight gain of 1.5-2-year-old or adult cattle by providing nutritious feed in a short period of time under scientific and reasonable management conditions. Fattening in the period can improve the speed of fattening, shorten the fattening time and improve meat quality, which is an important link for the current cattle industry to improve economic benefits.

First, do a good job of deworming: parasites affect the growth and development of cattle, so it is necessary to remove internal and external parasites before fattening. Use 20-30 mg sulfur double dichloride powder per kilogram of body weight and mix it in the feed. For extracorporeal parasites, wipe the affected part with 1% mi 3% trichlorfon solution.

Second, supplementary feed: daily amount of corn 500g, bran 1000 g, urea 100g per cow, feed concentrate, minerals and salt appropriately, and feed them three times in the morning, in the middle and in the evening, and provide sufficient high-quality green, hay or nitrided straw feed to allow cattle to eat freely. If there are conditions, you can also feed an appropriate amount of night grass every night.

Third, daily management: to provide a warm, dry, quiet and comfortable living environment for fattening cattle, it is appropriate to keep the temperature at 5-20 ℃; restrict exercise and reduce physical energy consumption: use a short rope of about 1 meter. Shao Kui