
Key points of artificial propagation of Salix mandshurica

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Diaozhong willow has bright colors and a long flowering period. it is a flower variety that many flower lovers like very much. it can be planted with other blue perennial flowers to form a brightly colored scenery. Salix mandshurica can also be viewed in pots, and artificial propagation can be done by sowing, cutting and dividing plants.

The bell willow has gorgeous colors and a long flowering period. It is a flower variety that many flower friends like very much. When planted with other blue perennial flowers, it can form a colorful scenery. Fishing bell willow can also be potted ornamental, artificial propagation fishing bell willow can be used to sow, cuttage and sub-plant methods.

Salix diaozhongensis

1. Sowing and breeding

Most of them are carried out in autumn, and seeds can be sown after harvesting. The seedling stage is delicate, and attention needs to be paid to keeping the substrate moist, often watering or soaking the pot. Sowing propagation is easy to occur variation, so many excellent varieties generally do not use this method.

2. Cutting propagation

Fine varieties can be carried out in autumn cuttings propagation, cuttings can be carried out in October. Select the strong post-flowering shoots, cut them into cuttings about 10cm long, disinfect the cut parts with carbendazim or captan, and insert them into sterilized plain sand cuttings or collapsed pots. Keep humidity and appropriate shading, 30 days left can take root. Rooted plants can be planted in pots. If you plant flower beds, you can plant them on the ground in March to April after thawing in the following year.

3. Plant division and propagation

More options in the spring. In a few days after the mother plant just exposed new buds, dig up the mother plant soil lump or take off the pot, determine the new plant according to the bud, cut the new plant from the mother plant with a knife, and directly transplant. After planting, irrigation water can quickly expand the root system and grow into considerable plants. Cultivation and management: like sunshine, humid air and good ventilation environment, avoid hot and dry, not cold, not strict with soil requirements, but must be well drained, with calcareous sandy loam as the best. Whether potted or planted, general cultivation management is relatively simple. Pay attention to watering during the growth period, and keep it moist frequently to facilitate growth. In hot and rainy summer, attention should be paid to drainage, especially in rainy season, to prevent excessive rainfall and excessive soil moisture and death. Growth period, before and after flowering pay attention to timely fertilization to make flowers big color Yan. After flowering plants should pay attention to cold winter. In northern China, potted plants cut off dead branches at the upper part from late September to early October, and put them into sunny beds for overwintering after taking off pots; ground planters prune the aboveground parts at the end of autumn and irrigate antifreeze water to protect them for overwintering.

Cultivation of Salix angustifolia

Calyx angustifolia is a perennial evergreen herb with a flowering period of April to May. It is very suitable for planting in flower beds and flower borders of landscaping. Safflower bell willow originated from Utah to Mexico, USA. It is an herb recognized by local residents in Mexico.

Salix diaozhongensis

The fishing bell willow likes the environment with sufficient sunshine, moist air and good ventilation. It is not cold-resistant, avoid hot, dry and acidic soil, and must have good drainage performance and fertile sandy loam containing lime. Slightly resistant to semi-shade, requires well-drained soil.

The flower color of fishing bell willow is bright, the flowering period is long, suitable for flower cultivation, and other blue perennial flowers can be configured to form a very bright color landscape. Potted plants can also be viewed. There are about 250 species of plants belonging to the same genus. Common cultivated plants include red flower fishing bell willow (P. barbaratus), violet flower fishing bell willow (P.hirsutus), etc.

Introduction of culture methods of Salix angustifolia

Salix diaozhongensis

Penstemon campanulatus alias ivory red, native to Mexico, bright flowers, color waves, flower stems up to 45cm, the whole plant with hair, flower type and horn is very similar, no matter how cultivated can reflect its ornamental value, is the garden scenic spot to choose flowers and plants first choice, is the flower friends choose to beautify the home environment of the choice, below we understand the cultivation method of the next fishing bell willow.

1. The main value of fishing bell willow

The flower color is bright, the flowering period is long, the plant shape is beautiful, is the fine courtyard flower, may use in the flower bed or the flower boundary. Suitable for flower cultivation, and other blue perennial flower configuration, can form a very bright color landscape. Potted plants can also be viewed.

2. The growth habits of the bell willow

Likes sunny, moist air, well-ventilated environment, not cold-resistant, avoid hot dry and acidic soil, and must have good drainage performance, calcareous fertile sandy loam. Slightly tolerant to semi-shade, requires well-drained soil.

Salix diaozhongensis

3. Cultivation method of bell willow

1. soil

Salix can't adapt to acid soil, it can grow healthily in neutral or alkaline soil, and it is best to have excellent drainage performance, good permeability and calcareous fertile sandy soil.

2. light and humidity

The bell willow likes light and grows healthiest in an environment with sufficient light, humid air and good ventilation. However, the bell willow is not heat-resistant, so do not properly shade in summer to prevent direct sunlight from damaging the flowers and leaves of the bell willow.

3. watering

The soil for planting the bell willow must have good drainage. If potted plants are planted, flowerpots with holes in the bottom should be selected. Some gravel under the pots can prevent the soil from being too wet and causing the roots of the bell willow to rot.

4. fertilization

Pay attention to timely fertilization before and after flowering, which can make its flowers big and colorful. Cold protection measures should be taken after flowering to help it survive the winter smoothly.

5. pruning

The potted bell willow in the north is generally pruned from late September to early October, mainly by cutting off the upper half of the dead branches and overwintering in the sunny bed after removing the pot; if planted in the ground, it is usually pruned in late autumn, and the upper half is also pruned. Leaves outside the deciduous period yellow become small, it is necessary to cut off in time.

IV. Disease control

Axillary buds and adventitious buds are clustered in large numbers, internodes become shorter, leaves become yellow and smaller, and bright veins are produced. In winter, twigs do not fall off and are nest-like. Serious diseased plants die in the same year, and light ones die a few years later. The disease is severe in July and August every year.

control methods

In spring, peeling the diseased branches in a ring can prevent the pathogen from transferring and spreading to other parts and achieve the control effect.

At the beginning of the disease, tetracycline antibiotics were sprayed 4000 times.

The name of the fishing bell willow does not sound familiar, but perhaps we have seen it in a park or roadside, just do not know its name, I hope that the flower friends who have just passed it can re-recognize it through the introduction of this article, this is not only a garden flower plant, but also an ideal landscaping plant.+