
Management of weaned young rabbits

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Management of weaned young rabbits

1. Timely weaning.

Under good feeding and management conditions, the young rabbits can be weaned when they are 28-42 days old and weigh more than 750 grams. Weaning too early will affect the growth and development of young rabbits. However, weaning too late is not conducive to the regrowth of female rabbits and affects the next reproductive cycle of female rabbits. Therefore, the appropriate weaning time is determined according to the breed, growth and body condition of female rabbits. Generally speaking, young rabbits of meat rabbit breeds can be weaned at 28-35 days old, and those of wool rabbit and Rex rabbit breeds can be weaned at 35-42 days old.

2. Strengthen nutrition.

After weaning, young rabbits should be fed more nutritious and digestible pellets, and less moisture-rich green fodder and rough fodder. The protein in the diet should reach 16-18%. The feeding principle is to eat less and eat more, and feed 4-5 times a day.

3. Prevent and cure coccidiosis.

The outbreak stage of coccidiosis is from before and after weaning to 3 months old. It is the greatest threat to young rabbits. The mortality rate of coccidiosis is more than 80%. Therefore, anti-coccidial, anti-enteritis and growth-promoting drugs must be added to the feed. Such as Dikezuril, Dianjing and other drugs.