
Introduction to the Propagation methods of Portulaca oleracea

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Portulaca oleracea can be propagated by sowing or cutting, but the seeds of Portulaca oleracea are very small, so it is necessary to pay attention to compaction after sowing. Portulaca oleracea can reproduce by self-sowing, so it is not difficult to cultivate artificially.

Portulaca oleracea can be propagated by sowing or cutting, but the seeds of Portulaca oleracea are very small, so it is necessary to pay attention to compaction after sowing. Portulaca oleracea can reproduce by itself, so it is not difficult to cultivate it artificially.

Large flowered purslane

First, seed reproduction: Sichuan area sows from September to October, before sowing, prepare the land, open a ditch 1.3 meters deep, open a horizontal ditch according to the row spacing of 30 centimeters, a depth of 4 centimeters, a horizontal trench of about 10 centimeters, so that the bottom is flat and the soil is loose. Seeds need to be accompanied into plant ash mixed with human and animal dung water to turn into seed ash. 5-6 taels of seeds are used per mu. When sowing, first apply human dung water in the ditch and spread the seed ash evenly.

Second, plant reproduction: after the summer harvest, dig out the old pocket, select the ones that grow well, divide them into small pockets, plant them according to row spacing of 30 cm and plant spacing of 7 cm to 10 cm, and pour them into livestock dung water.

Third, field management: seed propagation, when the seedling height of one centimeter, pour a light human and animal dung water to lift the seedling. When the height of the seedling is 3-4 cm, it is necessary to uniform and replenish the seedling. Leave one seedling every 3 to 4 centimeters, and the supplementary seedlings should be carried with soil. After leveling the seedlings, they were ploughed and weeded once, and fertilized in parallel. If the plant is propagated, the new seedlings will be removed and fertilized once after planting, and then only need to pull up the grass and loosen the soil, and once after harvest in September and once after topdressing in November.

Cultivation methods of Portulaca oleracea L., also known as Portulaca oleracea, sunflower, pine peony, rhododendron, annual or perennial fleshy herbs, with leafy bracts at the base, petals bright, white, yellow, red, purple and other colors. The capsule is cracked when ripe, and the seeds are small and silvery gray. There are many varieties of horticulture, including single, semidouble and double. Portulaca oleracea likes warm, sunny environment and grows poorly in dark and humid places. Extremely resistant to barren, the general soil can adapt, especially love the sandy soil with good drainage. Portulaca oleracea sees the sun blooming and closes in the morning, evening and cloudy day, so it has the name of sunflower and noon flower. Portulaca oleracea blooms from May to November and blooms throughout the year in Lingnan region. Semi-branch lotus is not only rich in color, bright color, excellent landscape effect, its strong growth, very extensive management, no matter self-sowing reproduction or cutting propagation are quite outstanding, can achieve ornamental effect in a short time, is a very excellent landscape flower species. Although the flowers are small and called sunflowers, they will only converge their petals if there is no sun, but they will never bow until they fail. Through the detailed introduction of this article, I hope you can gain something! Welcome to continue to follow Zuihua Network and learn more about the latest information about herbaceous flowers! Culture method of Portulaca oleracea L. efficacy and function of Portulaca oleracea L.

Portulaca oleracea, native to Brazil, is a very beautiful flower with strong adaptability. Portulaca oleracea sees the sun blooming and closes in the morning, evening and cloudy day, which is very strange. How to raise the big flower purslane? What is the effect and effect? Let's learn about it next.

I. Culture methods of Portulaca oleracea L.

1. Containers: mud pots, porcelain pots, plastic flowerpots or other containers with water seepage at the bottom. At the bottom of the water seepage pad with tiles, to facilitate water seepage, can be loaded into the culture soil for planting.

2. Soil: prepare culture soil: it can be made by mixing 3 parts of pastoral mature soil, 5 parts of yellow sand, 2 parts of rice chaff ash or fine sawdust, and then adding a little calcium superphosphate powder.

3, maintenance: seed propagation, when the seedling height of one centimeter, pour a light human and animal dung water to lift the seedling. When the seedling is 3-4 cm high, it is necessary to uniform and replenish the seedling. Leave a seedling every 3-4 cm, and the supplementary seedlings should be carried with soil. After leveling the seedlings, they were ploughed and weeded once, and fertilized in parallel. Usually maintain a certain humidity, semimonthly application of 1/1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate, can achieve the purpose of large color and blooming.

4. Overwintering: Frosts Descent moves the double-petal purslane indoors to the sun after solar terms every year. After the beginning of winter, put it on the inside of the glass window and let the basin soil dry a bit, so that you can survive the winter safely. After the Qingming Festival the following year, the flowerpot can be placed outside the window. In case of a cold spell, you still need to go into the window for maintenance.

Second, the efficacy and function of Portulaca oleracea L.

1. Medicinal efficacy: Portulaca oleracea can be used as medicine. It has the effects of dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain, clearing heat, detoxification and detumescence. It is used for throat swelling, scald, fall injury, boil swelling and toxin.

2. Ornamental effect: there are many varieties of Portulaca oleracea, usually including Princess Red, Jiahong, Dahong, Crimson, Purple Red, White, Snow Blue, Light Yellow, Deep Yellow and so on. It is native to South America, Brazil, Argentina and other places, and has been widely cultivated in China. The maintenance of the building makes use of its characteristics of early resistance, dryness and salt growth. Potted plants beautify the balcony and windowsill. The mushroom stem and receptacle hang out of the basin. Open to the sun, such as brocade embroidery, the heyday at noon, blossoming hard to open, enjoy the warmth of the sun, add unlimited interest to the room, unique.

The above is the introduction of the cultivation methods of Portulaca oleracea and the efficacy and function of Portulaca oleracea. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to cultivate Portulaca oleracea. I also want to know more about Portulaca oleracea and continue to pay attention to us.