
Add some to the jasmine pot in summer. It blossoms non-stop, crop after crop.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, We keep a pot of jasmine at home, which blossoms more and more fragrant in summer, so how should we fertilize and water jasmine to make it blossom more? Jasmine belongs to southern flowers, likes acidic soil, and regularly uses ferrous sulfate, Ken.

A pot of jasmine is raised at home, and it blooms more and more fragrant in summer. So how should we fertilize and water jasmine so that it blooms more?

Jasmine belongs to the southern flowers, like the acidic soil, regular use of ferrous sulfate, certainly indispensable, but not too much, every one to two months can be applied, must be thin fertilizer frequently applied, can be used according to the largest proportion on the manual, generally 1:1000 or so, if the dosage is too large, it is easy to burn flowers.

Jasmine is a potted plant based on flower observation. During the bud pregnancy period, of course, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, once or twice a month. When the petals are about to open, stop applying fertilizer.

After flowering, supplement multi-element compound fertilizer or organic fertilizer made by oneself, so that the nutrients consumed by flowering can be quickly supplemented, and then apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer half a month later to promote flower bud differentiation and bloom again.

Jasmine throughout the growth period, we must be so to fertilize, will open flowers big color Yan, crop after crop of flowers

The jasmine in your house is not fragrant, can it be fertilized?

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