
Postpartum management of sows in winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Postpartum management of sows in winter

First, start from the aspect of management

The first is to create a good environment. After the sows give birth, the contaminants should be removed in time. After the walls, floors and railings are cleaned, 2% Laisuer is sprayed for disinfection, so as to create a hygienic, quiet and fresh air environment for the sows.

The second is to carefully observe the dynamics of sows and piglets after delivery. There are varying degrees of damage to the uterus and birth canal of sows after delivery, and the pathogenic microorganisms are easy to invade and reproduce, which brings harm to the body. For common diseases such as uterine inflammation, postpartum fever, mastitis, piglet dysentery and other diseases should be detected and treated as early as possible, so as not to infect the whole litter of piglets.

Second, start from the aspect of feeding

During childbirth, there is a lot of physical exertion and a lot of body fluid loss, and the sows show fatigue and thirst, so prepare enough, warm 1% salt water for the sows to drink. Sows should not be fed within 8 hours after parturition, warm water should be supplied, and liquid food should be given in the morning the next day, because the digestive function of postpartum sows is very weak, so the feeding quantity should be restored gradually. If the digestive ability of sows recovers well, there are more piglets, and the amount of feed can be restored to the amount before delivery after 2 days. If the sow is short of milk or no milk, measures must be taken immediately to save the piglets. You can first prepare some porridge feed that promotes milk, such as Millet Congee, soup made with small fish and shrimp, soy milk, milk, etc., and feed them three times a day. After the milk production comes up, it gradually decreases until the feeding is stopped. Zhang Xiaobao