
Current key points of vegetable management in greenhouse

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Current key points of vegetable management in greenhouse

At present, the autumn and winter vegetables planted in greenhouse are in the peak harvest period of fruits, and the winter and spring vegetables planted in greenhouse are in the seedling growth period and flowering period, which is the key period of field management. The technical highlights of its management are summarized as follows:

1. Regulate suitable growth environment conditions. Temperature, light and air humidity are important environmental conditions for vegetable growth and development. Now the temperature changes frequently and the temperature difference between day and night is large. It is necessary to adjust the indoor temperature in time by opening and closing the tuyere with the change of external temperature. The suitable temperature for thermophilic vegetables such as tomato is 23℃~28℃ in the day and 15℃~18℃ at night, and for cold-loving vegetables such as celery is 20℃~22℃ in the day and 10℃~12℃ at night. Tomatoes, cucumbers and other light-loving vegetables must ensure that the transmittance of the shed film is higher than 60%, it is best to replace the new film with the function of dripping and fog elimination, and replace the old film that can be used with sweet (spicy) pepper or leafy vegetable shed. According to different vegetables to adjust different indoor relative humidity, tomato, eggplant suitable for relatively dry environment, relative humidity control at about 50%; sweet (spicy) pepper, cucumber and leafy vegetables like wet conditions, relative humidity can be controlled at 70%. Indoor humidity can be regulated by ventilation and watering.

2. Scientific watering and topdressing. Greenhouse just planted vegetables after slow seedlings to squat 10~15 days, control watering to promote root growth and lower tie, wait for young fruit to sit down and begin to expand when watering topdressing. Vegetables in greenhouse grow rapidly, and the transpiration of leaf water is large. It is necessary to water and topdressing reasonably according to the weather, soil moisture and plant growth. It is appropriate to apply instant fertilizer with comprehensive nutrition and reasonable proportion along with drip irrigation. Spray foliar fertilizer once every 7 to 10 days to quickly supplement nutrients needed for growth.

3. Do a good job of pruning and branching, thinning flowers and fruits. Remove old leaves, yellow leaves and lateral branches of plants in time, thinning out excessive fruits and abnormal fruits.

4. Do a good job in pest control. Focus on the control of tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease and late blight, cucumber downy mildew and whitefly, red spider, tea yellow mite and other pests. Tomato late blight and cucumber downy mildew are most likely to occur under low temperature and high humidity growth environment, so it is necessary to avoid forming such environment in cultivation management and close the tuyere in time on rainy days.

5. Timely harvest. Harvest in time can not only improve the commodity rate, but also prevent the fruit from falling and affecting the plant to continue fruiting. Harvesting should be handled with care to avoid damaging the fruit, and packaged for sale according to different specifications.

Liu Zhenghua, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau of Wangdu County