
Key points of maintenance of peony in spring

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The feeding and management of peony in spring is very important. Raising well can not only ensure the flowers of this year are big and colorful, but also conducive to the formation of flower buds next year. So how can we do a good job in the maintenance of peony in spring?

The feeding and management of peony in spring is very important. Raising well can not only ensure the flowers of this year are big and colorful, but also conducive to the formation of flower buds next year. So how can we do a good job in the maintenance of peonies in spring?

Peony flower

On the basis of winter pruning, the missing "soil buds" and overlapping branches, cross branches, disease and insect branches should be "pruned", and the branches whose terminal buds are leaf buds should be truncated-topped, so that nutrients can be concentrated on flower buds.

Fertilization can be applied before the end of February fully mature cake fertilizer or human feces and urine, 0.5 kg of cake fertilizer or 2 kg of human urine per plant. As the peony is "like fertilizer, fertilizer-tolerant" flowers and trees, in the case of sufficient fertilizer, as long as it is a little far away from the root, it doesn't hurt to apply more. After the peony leaves are unfoliated, 0.1murmur0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used for foliar spraying, and 2Murray can be sprayed 3 times before flowering, which can make the buds more substantial and blossom large and bright.

The flowering of peony with sparse buds is similar to that of fruit trees, and there is also a phenomenon of "big and small years". When the peony shows its bud, it should be properly thinned according to the tree situation and the flowering situation of the previous year. If there are many buds in that year, it can be regarded as a "big year". It is advisable to remove the small and thin buds on the thin branches (about 1 / 3 of the total buds of the whole plant). The work of soothing buds should be done sooner rather than later.

The climate of cold-proof spring is changeable, and peony is vulnerable to cold spell and late frost before flowering. If there is a cold snap, it should be watered to increase the ground temperature; in case of late frost, light wet firewood and grass to produce smoke and prevent frost. For valuable varieties, single or multiple plants can be covered with plastic film to protect against cold.

If there is less rain and snow in spring, the peony should be watered 3 times from sprouting to flowering, watering every 20 days or so. Flowering period should stop watering, do not spray water on the flowers, otherwise it will shorten the flowering time.

In addition, it should be noted that the residual flowers should be cut off in time after flowering, which can not only avoid "decay", but also avoid fruiting, thus reducing the consumption of nutrients. In addition, topdressing after flowering is also indispensable.

How to destroy the flowers and the key points of peony conservation

The peony is beautiful in shape, beautiful in color and good in meaning, so it is very popular with people and is placed in the room for appreciation. So, how do peonies destroy flowers? How to maintain the peony? Next, I would like to introduce the methods of destroying flowers in peonies, as well as the main points of peony maintenance.

How do peonies destroy flowers?

First, the time of potting

Greenhouse flowering, as long as the method, temperature, sunlight, water is suitable, generally have about 45 days to meet its growth, development, flowering needs, so the pot time should be determined according to the required flowering time.

II. Initial management

The growth and flowering of peony in the field in spring is from low temperature to high temperature, and only when it increases gradually, it can grow and develop well, the flowers are big and full, and the color is bright. Therefore, in the greenhouse to promote flowers should also be according to its growth habits, grasp the temperature, make it low and higher, as close to the conditions needed for its natural growth as far as possible. The Prophase temperature is generally controlled at 10-14 degrees during the day and 6-8 ℃ at night. After a week, the temperature can rise to 14-16 degrees during the day and 10-12 degrees at night. Keep it in this way, the flower buds can sprout, fat and glossy in about 10 days, and show buds in about 15 days. Due to the small indoor evaporation and high relative humidity, the water needed by the plant can be satisfied by spraying water 1-2 times a day.

III. Mid-term management

After budding, the peony enters the normal growth and development stage, and the temperature can rise to 16-18 ℃ in the daytime, 12-14 degrees at night, and enter the bud stage in about 20 days. During this period, the flower buds are weaker than the young buds in the south, and they are more sensitive to the sudden change of temperature. Therefore, it is appropriate to keep the indoor temperature relatively stable.

After 28 days, the plant entered the leaf expansion stage. The temperature can rise to 18-20 ℃ during the day and 14-16 ℃ at night. Under the condition that the temperature will not drop suddenly in the morning, a little skylight can be opened at the top of the greenhouse for ventilation to exercise the stress resistance of the plant. If the temperature is more than 25 ℃, the skylight can be opened larger, so that the temperature can gradually drop down, do not open windows under the greenhouse to cool down, lest the air directly attack the plant, so that flower buds stop development, commonly known as cold. Even if the temperature is increased in the future, it will no longer develop and reduce the survival rate. During this period, in addition to sprinkling water twice a day, depending on the degree of dryness and wetness of the basin soil, water should be watered every 2-3 days. At the same time, foliar fertilizer can also be sprayed.

35 days later. The bud enters the flat bud stage. The stress resistance of flower buds is enhanced; as long as there is not too much difference in the rise and fall of temperature, it has little effect on the flowering rate. Therefore, during this period, we should control the indoor temperature flexibly according to the predetermined flowering date. The ship maintains 20: 22 ℃ during the day and 16-18 ℃ at night. In addition, due to the high relative humidity in the greenhouse, stem rot often occurs. Before the onset of the disease, 50% of doinling wettable powder 5D0 solution or 10% methyl topiramate wettable powder can be sprayed to prevent the disease.

IV. Post-management

After 42 days, the bud entered the blooming stage. It will be open in 2-3 days. Therefore, it can be moved out of the greenhouse according to the number of flowers (pots) needed and the time it takes to bloom. Store temporarily unused plants in a cold room of 2-4 degrees. It can still bloom normally after it is removed after 10-20 days. For some late flowering plants, we can continue to heat up and promote their flowering.

Fifth, light regulation

Peony is a long-sunshine plant. Flower buds form in long sunshine and blossom in medium to long sunshine. Lack of light in the early stage of flowering cultivation, only long leaves without budding, and lack of light in the later stage, affecting flowering quality and opening time. Therefore, when there is not enough light in cloudy days, the light source should be made up manually. Luoyang's practice is to add light from dusk with a 500-watt bulb. The daily average illuminance was 4045 lux before budding, the daily average illuminance was 4045 lux, the average daily illuminance was 5150 lux, and from leaf expansion to flowering stage, the daily light was added for 7 hours and the daily average illuminance was 5330 lux, the flowering was 3-4 days ahead of schedule, and the leaves were green and large, and the flowers developed well.

Key points of peony conservation

1. Extensive management and simple maintenance. In addition to the strong light at noon in midsummer, adequate light should be given at other times of the year, especially in winter.

There is a large water demand in the peak growth period from February to September, so it is necessary to often water and spray to increase humidity, and gradually reduce the amount of water after autumn to improve the cold resistance of the plant.

3, like the semi-shady environment, if the light is too strong or insufficient, the leaves will easily become light green or yellowish green, lack of vitality, lose their due ornamental value, or even die; such as direct sunlight, dry air, it is most likely to cause scorching, so it should be placed in a cool and ventilated place and pay attention to maintaining the humidity of the environment.

4. diseases and insect pests are not easy to occur, but if the basin soil is stagnant and poorly ventilated, it may not only lead to root rot, but also root rot, so attention should be paid to spraying prevention and control.

5. Put it in the ventilated position with sufficient scattered light, because winter is not the growing period of peony orchid, in order to prevent and cure the rotten root, watering must be thoroughly watered, depending on the situation.

The above is for you to introduce the methods of peony flowers, as well as the main points of peony conservation, are we clear? Please pay attention to more household knowledge.

Key points of cultivation of Paeonia suffruticosa

The peony blossoms in summer and is pink in color and shaped like a peony, so it is named. The peony is a succulent plant of the cactus family, and it is not difficult to cultivate it, but it is not easy to let the peony blossom. The editor will introduce to you the main points of the cultivation of the peony. Friends who like it can learn together.

Moutan peony

Peony is relatively simple to mix soil, perlite mixed with peat, added vermiculite and cinder, the proportion is random, breathable mainly, the variety of peony is not very resistant to sun exposure, dry and transparent water supply during the growing period, and the adult plant is as little water as possible. Usually the kite is given water only when the soil is very dry, and it is basically watered thoroughly.

Summer is the growing period, and the plants also need slight shading and ventilation. The high temperature period from July to September is basically cool and ventilated, and the water from September to December is also dry. Throughout the cold winter, the temperature is below 2 degrees and the kite hardly gives water, when the plant enters a dormant period, and less water can also prevent frostbite and rotting roots at low temperature. the peony is relatively resistant to low temperature when the basin soil is dry. The sun room of the kite is minus 4 degrees, and the peony will not change at all. This temperature is tested inside the sunshine room, oh, kites usually put a basin of water in the sun room, if the water freezes. It is going to be warmed up, as long as it is not in the open air, the peony can bear this kind of temperature. The water supply during the growth period is basically dry and then water supply, which can be drenched around the head, and it is easy to rot if the ventilation is not good. Spring water supply must be gradual and pay attention to the changes in the weather.