
Potato plants are short and purple-red, which may be due to lack of phosphorus fertilizer and reasonable fertilization.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The 16 essential nutrients for crops, no matter which one is lacking, are difficult to develop well, no matter which one plays an important role in the plant body. In my previous article for iron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other common nutrients...

It is difficult for crops to develop well no matter which of the 16 essential nutrient elements are missing, and no matter which one plays an important role in plants. In my previous article, I have basically done corresponding answers to common nutrient elements such as iron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and so on.

However, it is not a potato, for different crops, although the principle of the disease is more or less the same, but the specific performance of the plant will be slightly different. The following is aimed at the potato phosphorus deficiency to do some interpretation, I hope to help you.

The initial performance of crop phosphorus deficiency will not be too obvious, but it will become more and more obvious in the middle and later stage. Phosphorus deficiency will interfere with nitrogen accumulation and protein synthesis, and also cause serious interference to nucleotide, DNA and other synthesis, thus leading to the weakening of cell division.

Therefore, the obvious characteristics of the plant are short, thin, the stem is purple-red, in addition, flowering and fruiting will also be seriously restricted. This is very obvious in corn.

On the other hand, the performance of phosphorus deficiency in potatoes is also very obvious, the root system and growth of the plant will be affected, and even can not bloom in the later stage. However, the part of potato harvested is underground root tuber, and due to the lack of photosynthetic capacity of aboveground part of the plant after phosphorus deficiency, the accumulated starch can not be effectively transported to potato tuber, natural potato is very small, even empty. Even if it is ripe, potatoes are prone to signs of rust color, leading to a decline in quality.


Therefore, the best way to solve the problem of phosphorus deficiency in agricultural production is to supplement sufficient organic fertilizer in the base fertilizer, as well as fertilizers such as calcium superphosphate. In the middle stage of plant growth, the possible problem of phosphorus deficiency can be solved by spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaf.

However, we should pay attention to the growth performance of potatoes in the field in time, and once the symptoms mentioned above appear, they should be solved by fertilization in time, so as to avoid unnecessary losses in production.

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