
The Autumn Equinox vegetables are growing in a good season

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The Autumn Equinox vegetables are growing in a good season

The Autumn Equinox's solar terms will be on September 22nd. The Autumn Equinox season, most parts of China have entered a cool autumn, the south of the cold air and the gradual decline of warm and humid air meet, resulting in precipitation, the temperature also dropped again and again, the daily average temperature has dropped below 22 ℃, to the time of "one autumn rain and one cold". However, the daily precipitation after the Autumn Equinox will not be very heavy. The Autumn Equinox is a beautiful and pleasant season with cool breeze, sunny wind and crisp autumn. Due to the mild climate and sufficient light, it is very suitable for the growth and development of all kinds of vegetables, which is a busy solar term in vegetable production and management. Vegetable farmers should pay attention to the following aspects in agricultural activities.

? Suitable planting period of temperature-loving vegetables in autumn and winter

The temperature-loving vegetable crops such as tomato, eggplant and pepper in the overwintering crop in the solar greenhouse are in the right planting period, and the greenhouse heat preservation performance of planting the temperature-loving crops in the overwintering crop is required to be more than 25 ℃. When the external lowest temperature is-15 ℃, the lowest temperature in the greenhouse is more than 10 ℃, so that the temperature-loving crops can grow normally and supply New Year's Day, the Spring Festival and the next spring market. It is necessary to disinfect the shed and buckle the agricultural film in advance, and install a 50-mesh anti-insect net at the tuyere and door of the shed to prevent pests from entering the shed. 15 days before planting, more than 5000 kg of high-quality rotten and finely crushed high-quality organic fertilizer per mu can be applied, and 3000 kg of bio-organic fertilizer or commercial organic fertilizer can be applied if the source of organic fertilizer is difficult. Fine soil preparation, to achieve horizontal, flat, loose, no light and dark bumps; make a high border 20 cm above the ground, cover plastic film, and promote the integration of drip irrigation and water and fertilizer under plastic film, which is beneficial to saving water and improving fertilizer use efficiency. If there are no conditions, it is necessary to implement the water-saving irrigation method of hidden irrigation under plastic film, digging a V-shaped irrigation ditch between the two rows of planting border to cover plastic film, and watering from the ditch under plastic film in winter, which is helpful to reduce the indoor air humidity and reduce the occurrence of diseases. It should be planted in the afternoon on a sunny day, and the planting depth should be consistent and the density should be reasonable. The tomato variety "Jinpeng 11" should have a suitable density of about 3000 plants per mu, with an average row spacing of 70-75 cm and a plant spacing of 30-35 cm.

Sowing of overwintering stubble vegetables

The overwintering root stubble spinach and spring onions planted in the open field are the most suitable for sowing in late September, which is basically the same as that of winter wheat. The agricultural proverb says, "the Autumn Equinox is early, Cold Dew is late, and the Autumn Equinox is sowing at the right time." if you sow too early, the seedlings will be too prosperous and the cold resistance will be weak; if you sow too late, the seedlings will be too small, which will not be conducive to the safe overwintering of seedlings and low yield. It is necessary to prepare the soil and fertilize ahead of time, apply 3000 kg of rotten and fine crushed high-quality organic fertilizer per mu or more than 2000 kg of commercial organic fertilizer, and select varieties such as "spinach No. 1" with good cold resistance, with a seed amount of 3.5kg / mu. After ploughing and leveling the land, it is made into a flat bed 1.3-1.5 meters wide, with a length of about 10 meters. To adopt the sowing method of strip sowing or sowing, the sowing should be uniform, the depth of covering soil should be consistent, and the soil moisture should be suitable.

Key period for management and harvest of protected vegetables

The plastic greenhouse vegetables planted in autumn are in the peak period of fruit harvest, and the vegetables in solar greenhouse are in the period of seedling growth and flowering, which is the key period of field management.

◆ adjusts suitable growth environmental conditions temperature, light and indoor air humidity are important environmental conditions for crop growth and development. Entering the Autumn Equinox solar terms, the temperature changes frequently and the temperature difference between day and night is large. With the change of external temperature, the indoor temperature should be adjusted by opening and closing the tuyere in time. The suitable temperature for temperature-loving vegetables such as tomato is 23 ℃-28 ℃ in daytime and 15 ℃-18 ℃ at night, and the suitable temperature for cold-loving vegetables such as celery is 20 ℃-22 ℃ in daytime and 10 ℃-12 ℃ at night. Light-loving crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers must ensure that the light transmittance of the greenhouse film is higher than 60%. It is best to replace the new film with droplet anti-fog function, and replace the available old film to the sweet pepper or leafy vegetable greenhouse. According to different crops to adjust different indoor relative humidity, tomato and eggplant are suitable for a relatively dry environment, with a relative humidity of 45% 50%; sweet peppers, cucumbers and leafy vegetables like humid conditions, and indoor humidity should be adjusted through ventilation and watering.

Crops newly planted in ◆ scientific watering and topdressing greenhouse should squat seedlings for 10-15 days, control watering to promote root growth and rooting, and then water and top fertilizer when the young fruit sits and begins to expand. The fruits of greenhouse crops grow rapidly and the leaf water transpiration is large, so it is necessary to irrigate and fertilize reasonably according to the weather, soil moisture and plant growth. It is appropriate to apply "Christmas tree" equal-speed soluble fertilizer with comprehensive nutrition and reasonable proportion along with drip irrigation, 5-8 kg per mu. Foliar fertilizer is sprayed every 7-10 days to quickly replenish the nutrients needed for growth.

◆ does a good job of pruning and branching, thinning flowers and fruits, removing old leaves, yellow leaves and lateral branches in time, and removing too many fruits and abnormal fruits. Autumn greenhouse tomato fruits generally can not mature after September 20, so they should be thinned as soon as possible.

◆ focuses on the prevention and control of tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease and late blight, cucumber downy mildew and pests such as whitefly, red spider and tea yellow mite. Tomato late blight and cucumber downy mildew are most susceptible to low temperature and high humidity, so it is necessary to avoid the formation of this environment in cultivation management and close the tuyere in time after rainfall.

Timely harvest of ◆ can not only improve the commodity rate, but also prevent the fruit from falling and affect the continued fruiting of the plant. Handle it gently when harvesting to avoid damage to the fruit, and package and sell according to different specifications.

? Critical period of yield formation of Chinese cabbage

Autumn sowing Chinese cabbage to the early stage of Baoxin, early sowing of cabbage into the middle of Baoxin, which is the key period for the formation of yield. It is necessary to do a good job of topdressing and watering to ensure a balanced supply of nutrients and water. Generally, one water is irrigated every 7-10 days, and 10 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary liquid fertilizer is applied per mu. Cabbage is harvested one after another from the end of September to the middle of October, and topdressing should be stopped 20 days before harvest. Foliar fertilizer is sprayed every 7 days or so, and functional fertilizers such as Lei Li 2000 have a good effect, so as to quickly supplement nutrition and promote growth. Do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests such as downy mildew, soft rot, cabbage insects, aphids and so on.

? Radish, carrot, mustard

Timely watering and fertilization

All kinds of radish and mustard planted in the open field in autumn are in the period of fleshy root expansion. First of all, they should be watered in time to ensure a uniform water supply, so as not to make the soil too dry or too much water at a time; radish with a small amount of bottom fertilizer can be applied 6-10 kg per mu of organic liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; the second is to control aphids, vegetable green insects, viruses, soft rot and other diseases and insect pests in time.