
Main points of propagation of moonlight flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Moonlight flowers like sunny and warm environment, because moonlight flowers are not cold-resistant and will freeze to death when they encounter frost, so it is not suitable to be cultivated on land in colder conditions. The difficulty of artificial cultivation of moonlight is not high, and it can be propagated by sowing.

Moonlight flowers like sunny and warm environment, because moonlight flowers are not cold-resistant and will freeze to death when they encounter frost, so it is not suitable to be cultivated on land in colder conditions. The difficulty of artificial cultivation of moonlight is not high, and it can be propagated by sowing.

Moonlight flower

The moonlight flower is native to tropical America and likes warmth. Humid climate, not resistant to cold; lax requirements on the soil, the general soil can adapt, can be propagated with seeds.

The seeds were collected at the end of autumn, dried and stored in the sun, and sown from March to April next year. During direct seeding in the open field, the seedlings should be transplanted and planted after the true leaves grew, and the row spacing was 40~60cm × 60~80cm. In addition, moonlight vine nodes are easy to produce adventitious roots, so they can also be propagated by cuttings and strips. Sowing in the seedling bed in early spring, when the seedlings produce 3-5 true leaves, they can plant flower racks or fences before their climbing growth. It can also be broadcast live in the open air from March to April, away from 40~80cm.

The main points for the maintenance of succulent plants Moonlight is a succulent plant of the genus crassulaceae. The leaves are arranged in annular clusters, the leaf surface is smooth, and the leaf margin is clustered and Awned tomentose. The leaf disk lengthens the inflorescence upward during flowering, and usually dies after flowering. In order to prevent the plant from dying, the spike can be removed at the early stage of flowering. For novice flower friends, you may not know how to maintain it, so let's talk about it in detail. First, temperature and light moonlight like warm, dry and sunny environment, suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 degrees, winter is not less than 5 degrees, afraid of high temperature and humidity, resistant to semi-overcast, no obvious dormancy period. Spring and autumn are the growing periods, and the sun shines all day. Dormancy in summer, need ventilation to shade, winter can be placed in the indoor sunny place for maintenance. Second, water management moonlight watering growing season about twice a month to keep the basin soil moist. Winter temperature below 5 degrees will slowly reduce watering, less than 3 degrees do not need watering, keep the basin soil dry can be safe through the winter. Usually when watering, pay attention not to pour on the leaves, let alone on the flower core, it will be very easy to rot the core. Third, the overall requirements of soil moonlight for soil are loose air permeability and good drainage. The mixed soil can generally be a mixture of peat, vermiculite and perlite, or a mixture of peat and coarse sand or peat mixed perlite with cinder, at a proportion of about 1:1:1, in order to isolate the contact between plants and the soil surface, but also for more breathable, can be covered with particles of clean river sand, the size of river sand 3 to 5 mm. Fourth, the propagation mode of moonlight is mainly cutting, which can be carried out all the year round, with fast rooting and high survival rate in spring and autumn. More neat branches and leaves are selected and inserted in a sand basin. They take root about 20-25 days after planting, and can be put on the basin when the root is 2-3 cm long. It can also continue the offspring by the tillering buds at the base of the plant (the new buds that grow from the remaining stem roots after beheading), and the lateral buds will grow during flowering, and the mother plant will slowly dry up and die after the lateral buds grow. Conclusion: the above is the maintenance method of moonlight for succulent plants. I hope it will be helpful to the flower friends who plant moonlight. Key points of planting Evening Primrose in Courtyard

Evening primrose is more adaptable, but if the soil is too wet, its roots are more likely to get sick. Evening primrose is produced in North and South America and spread all over the world after it was introduced into Europe. Evening primrose is a very important nutritional drug discovered in this century. It not only has health care function, but also has significant curative effect on many diseases. In fact, evening primrose can be planted in the courtyard, the editor will give you a brief introduction.

Evening primrose

Evening primrose is strong in nature, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, barren-tolerant, light-loving, and avoiding waterlogging. Courtyard cultivation in the ventilated and bright place, loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil section, the best performance, can also be potted on the balcony to watch, in the moonlight of the quiet night, bursts of fragrance is refreshing. Evening primrose has strong self-sowing ability, and its self-sowing seedlings can grow every year and blossom continuously after once planting. Artificial sowing and propagation should be sowed in autumn in October. After the beginning of winter, the seedlings will be pseudo-planted in the sunny bed and covered with cold at night. Planting in open field or pot cultivation in the next spring. It can also be sown in early spring and March and blossom in the same year, but the quality of flowers is not as good as that of autumn sowing. When the seeding seedlings grow from 2 to 3 true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted once to promote strong, and then colonized when they grow to 6 to 7 true leaves. The main root of evening primrose is well developed, and it can pick the heart to promote branching and blossom more after survival. During the growth period, the growth is strong and weak, and an appropriate amount of organic or inorganic liquid fertilizer can be applied every two weeks to keep the basin soil moist. Cut off the residual flowers in time after flowering to reduce nutrient consumption in order to blossom again. Family flower cultivation can be planted in the early spring room, because the seeds are small, the sowing should not be too dense, the soil cover should not be too thick, wait for the seedlings to grow 6 true leaves, take the soil to plant in the ground or on the pot, bloom in May and bloom until the end of October.