
Key points of cultivation techniques of Rhizoma Amur

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Key points of cultivation techniques of Rhizoma Amur

1. Growth habits of wild Rhizoma thunbergii

Suitable for growing in slightly acidic humus or fertile sandy soil with good permeability, like cool, wet, moderate moisture environment, more cold-resistant, is a shade-loving plant, likes oblique or astigmatism, and avoids direct light.

Second, cultivation techniques:

1. Seedling propagation. There are two ways of seedling propagation: seed propagation and rhizome propagation. 2. High-yield cultivation in the field: 1) soil selection and soil preparation. Select the land with deep and fertile tree shade (the shading rate is about 50%), fully plough and apply sufficient basic fertilizer (4000 kg of mature farm fertilizer, 35 kg of calcium superphosphate and 20 kg of potassium sulfate per mu). The soil moisture surface is 1.5m wide and unlimited in length, and drainage ditches are opened all around. 2) planting. Transplant according to row spacing 30cm, plant spacing 30cm, cover soil thickness about 5cm, and then cover with leaves and other mulch. 3) Management. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: after the seedlings come out, they should artificially hoe and loosen the soil and weed so as to avoid root damage and affect growth. Topdressing: before emergence every year, 1000 kg of farm manure, 15 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate are applied per mu. Shade: the heavy building is afraid of high temperature, so you should set up a shed to shade in time after transplanting.

Third, harvest and processing.

It can be harvested 3-5 years after heavy loading. When the aboveground plants withered in autumn, the budding rhizomes were reserved for seed, and the rest were used for processing and sale. Yang Zukuan