
Key points of epidemic prevention in raising rabbits in autumn

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Key points of epidemic prevention in raising rabbits in autumn

After the hot summer, the disease resistance of rabbits decreased, and it was worth changing hair and giving birth in autumn, and the consumption increased. At this time, it is particularly important to grasp the autumn defense. Therefore, the epidemic prevention of autumn rabbits should be carried out in accordance with the scientific standard operation methods of immune technology.

Choose a regular manufacturer's vaccine

The current vaccine market is a mess. Many manufacturers produce vaccines, and many varieties of vaccines are in circulation on the market. The formal manufacturer is certified by the veterinary drug GMP of the Ministry of Agriculture, a national professional institution, and the vaccine has a formal approval number. the vaccine has sufficient antigen content, high immune protection rate, long-lasting immune protection and good safety.

? Choose the right vaccine

The production situation and disease occurrence of each rabbit farm are different. According to the production needs of each rabbit farm, the immunization procedure should be formulated reasonably and the immunization should be carried out according to the plan.

The more times of immunization, the better. In order to strengthen the effect of vaccination, some farmers will give rabbits rabbit plague vaccine many times a year, thinking that the more times they are, the more safe they are. in fact, this is a misunderstanding. Repeated immunization will not only cause economic waste, but also cause immune dysfunction in rabbits, appear immune paralysis, and lead to immune failure.

Scientific immunization

Before vaccination, a reasonable and scientific immunization plan or procedure should be made according to the number of rabbits raised in the rabbit farm, and the syringes, sterilized cotton balls and needles used should be strictly disinfected and prepared. Check the health status of vaccinated rabbits, for sick, weak, disabled, late pregnant rabbits, should not be vaccinated.

It shall not be used when the vaccine bottle is damaged, the bottle cap is lax or loose, there is no label or the label is incomplete, the validity period is exceeded, the color changes, and deterioration occurs. When injecting the vaccine, it must be carried out in accordance with the requirements, the injection dose should be sufficient and the site should be accurate, and the needle should be changed for each rabbit injected.

You can't get two varieties of vaccine at the same time. Taking different kinds of vaccines at the same time will cause serious immune interference, and rabbits will get sick because they cannot withstand the stimulation of both vaccines. Therefore, in addition to the normal dual or triple vaccine, it is absolutely impossible to inject two kinds of vaccine at the same time.