
The basic principles of dietary coordination of goose seedlings

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The basic principles of dietary coordination of goose seedlings

Choose a reasonable feeding standard. All kinds of feeding standards have certain representativeness, but they have some limitations, which are only relatively reasonable standards. Therefore, when referring to and applying a certain standard, we must pay attention to observe the actual feeding effect, according to the economic type, breed, age, growth and development stage, body weight, laying rate and season of geese, at the same time, it should be adjusted according to the production level, feeding experience and other specific conditions of the goose farm.

The selection of feed should be economical and reasonable. On the premise of meeting the nutritional needs of geese, the local feed resources should be fully utilized to reduce the feed cost as much as possible. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of local feed resources and choose nutritious and low-cost feed as far as possible.

The physiological characteristics of different varieties. Geese are more resistant to rough feeding than other poultry, and some diets with high crude fiber content can be selected appropriately.

Pay attention to the palatability of the feed. The feed with good palatability should be selected as far as possible, and the amount of feed with high nutritional value but poor palatability should be limited to make the whole diet have good palatability, and the use of moldy feed is strictly prohibited.

The quality of dry matter should be appropriate. In addition to meeting the needs of various nutrients, the diet should also pay attention to the amount of dry matter. The diet should have a certain volume, so that the goose seedlings can not only eat, but also meet the nutritional needs.

Feed diversification is required. Several kinds of feed should be selected as much as possible in order to give full play to the complementary role of various feed nutrients so as to improve the nutritional value and utilization rate of feed.