
Stop growing flowers and plant ginger? I'm sorry. You may not even be able to raise ginger.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Growing flowers is a favorite activity for many people, and it is a good way to cultivate body and mind and relax the mood. But with more and more potted flowers, many flower friends say that growing flowers is also a little tired, but because of the florets of their dreams.

Growing flowers is a favorite activity for many people, and it is a good way to cultivate body and mind and relax the mood. However, as more and more potted flowers are raised, many flower lovers say that growing flowers is also a little tired, but out of the pursuit of their dream small garden, they naturally can't control themselves to buy back all kinds of flower farming.

It is good to like to grow flowers, but the more varieties you raise, the more different it will be, which will lead to a variety of diseases and deaths due to poor care of some flowers in the process of conservation. So we often see or hear some flower friends say tired: "No more flowers, raise a pot of ginger and eat it." Although this is a sentence equivalent to angry words, in order to express the feeling of being tired of raising flowers. But there is no shortage of people who really change the fun of growing flowers and raise ginger. So how are these former flower friends who cultivate ginger doing now? Let's have a look together.

Today, Hua'ergu saw a flower friend complain backstage, saying that he was a person who loved growing flowers but could not always raise flowers well. Just as netizens said, he changed his profession and began to plant ginger on the balcony, hoping that the leaves of ginger could grow luxuriantly and finally he could eat his own ginger. But the cultivation of ginger seems to be the same as the cultivation of flowers, which will slowly begin to get worse after a period of exuberance. To investigate the reason, I am always at a loss at the bottom of my heart, just like growing flowers, I don't know where the problem is.

Then, Hua'ergu contacted this flower friend, and we chatted for about half an hour, and found several reasons why she could not keep flowers well. Some reasons even make people laugh or cry. It doesn't seem that flowers and ginger are difficult to raise, it's just that the way we raise them deviates from the normal channel.

One of the problems: watering is irregular at ordinary times. Sometimes, because I am busy with my work, I will be busy doing housework at home, then eating, then washing dishes, bathing the children and myself, washing clothes. The whole process down to almost 09:30 or ten o'clock in the evening, at this time I am very tired, I have no time to take care of flowers and ginger. In this way, the flowers are dry for a few days and then irrigate a little water, so that the green plants of flowers and ginger will not be able to get enough water to grow.

The second problem: the child in the family is only two years old, the family is full of toilets, and it is not convenient for children to go to the toilet. In the process of guiding the child to urinate and bid farewell to diapers, he took the child to urinate in the flowerpot, saying that he would water the flowers for his mother. In this way, although children really learned to control themselves not to pee their pants, but in the end, the farmed ginger was drowned in urine. There is a lot of salt in the urine and a higher temperature than the normal water for watering flowers. In the long run, the ginger is wiped out by warm salt water.

The third problem: the flowers cultivated on the balcony never pay attention to shade. Their balcony is in the west, and they can receive direct sunlight in the afternoon. The summer sun is as fierce as a tiger, exposure + lack of water, and the wound "sprinkles salt". These flowers naturally can not grow well.

It can be seen that some behaviors that we think are more normal are fatal injuries to flowers and green plants, especially the matter of urination. Many children in rural areas will do such things when they are young, thinking that they can add some nutrients to flowers. However, they do not realize that such behavior is not desirable for non-exposed plants. Although it is not abnormal for children to urinate in flowerpots, it is possible to use such a way to guide children to get rid of diapers. But the habit is very terrible, we'd better let him go back to the bathroom to solve it.

These are some of the experiences of a flower friend who recently met in Hua'ergu who could not raise flowers well, and perhaps it is not just that she has such a flower-growing problem. We also need to sum up more experience when growing flowers to avoid some inappropriate operations!