
The domesticated tiger thorn plum threw some of its branches into the flowerpot, thick leaves, green flowers and bright roots.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tiger thorn plum is a potted plant preferred by flower friends, its stem is more branched, accompanied by dense hard and sharp conical thorns, leaves concentrated on the twig, the flower is small and gorgeous, looks very chic, super beautiful! Although the tiger thorn plum is not difficult to raise, it should be.

Tiger thorn plum is a potted plant preferred by flower friends, its stem is more branched, accompanied by dense hard and sharp conical thorns, leaves concentrated on the twig, the flower is small and gorgeous, looks very chic, super beautiful!

Although tiger thorn plum is not difficult to raise, it is not easy to raise it well. it has higher requirements for fertilizer and does not like thick fertilizer, but needs a continuous supply of light fertilizer. today, the flowers will introduce you to the conservation of tiger thorn plum and throw some "it" into the flowerpot. The branches are thick and the leaves are green, the flowers are bright, and the roots are not rotten.

These so-called "it" are bone dregs, which contain a variety of nutrients, and their fermentation rate is very slow, which can provide plum with nutrients for a long time to grow and blossom.

Specific practice: collect the rest of the bones, such as chickens, ducks and fish, first rinse with boiling water, then soak them in water for one day, soak them in a pressure cooker and boil for 1 hour, try to separate the meat and bones, fish out the bones, spread them out in the sun for about 10 days, and then mash all the bones with hammers.

When putting a layer of dregs on the bottom of the pot, the thickness is generally controlled at 3-6cm, or you can dig a few small holes in the edge of the basin, each hole with crushed bone dregs, and then cover it with soil.

Other maintenance of tiger thorn plum:

Tiger thorn plum happy light sufficient environment, if the lack of light, there will be dim flowers, long-term shade, it will not blossom, and even the plant will wilt.

Chimonanthus przewalskii is a succulent plant, which is resistant to drought, and proper drying is more conducive to growth, so during maintenance, there are signs of white and dry cracking in the basin soil, high temperature in summer and fast evaporation of water, which can be sprayed on the leaves to increase humidity and make it better for the summer.

As the tiger thorn plum blossoms at the top of the new branches, they should be pruned in time during and after flowering to promote the germination of more new branches, luxuriant branches, differentiation of more flower buds, more flowers, and increase ornamental.

This is the end of the conservation of tiger prickly plum. Flower friends have other additions. You can share them with you in the comment area below. If you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers.