
How to solve the occurrence of dried leaf tips of green onions

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to solve the occurrence of dried leaf tips of green onions

The dry leaf tip of Welsh onion is the dry leaf tip caused by diseases. When it is impossible to determine which disease is caused, it is easy to miss the favorable opportunity of control and cause losses. However, as long as it is based on prevention, the disease will not cause harm.

About 7 days before transplanting, 500 times of new high lipid film was sprayed once. During the vigorous growth period of stems and leaves after transplanting, 500 times of new high lipid film was sprayed again in the high temperature and rainy season to protect the humidity of seedlings, improve the activity of plant drought resistance factors and self-drought resistance, and reduce the dry tip phenomenon of green onions.

The physiological dry leaf tip can be cooled by spraying clear water during the period of high temperature at noon, or the new high fat film can be used with vegetable Zhuangxian Ling foliar spray, which can keep heat and moisture, filter plant respiratory impurities, prevent pollution and inhibit virus infection. reduce the dry tip phenomenon of green onions, reduce pesticide toxins, and improve the application effect of pesticides or fertilizers.