
The basic skills of pig farmers: "three, three, one"

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The basic skills of pig farmers: "three, three, one"

1. "three looks" means to look at food, feces and dynamics

Appetite is an obvious sign of the health of pigs. So every time you feed, you must pay attention to observe the pig's appetite. If the pig gulps, wolfing down, it means that the appetite is good. On the contrary, if the pig arches about in the trough and stops eating, it means that the appetite is not good. In case of such a situation, attention should be paid to finding out the cause and dealing with it in a timely manner.

Observing pig feces is also a good way to grasp the health status of pigs. According to the change of fecal shape, we can judge whether the pig is normal or not. The feces are not dry and thin, the surface is shiny, and there is no special Qi ignorance, indicating that the feed is properly prepared and digested well.

The pig pulls out a small amount of dry dung eggs, indicating internal heat, poor appetite and indigestion, which is morbid. The pig pulls in the dung. But the quantity is still not small, which shows that it is due to the improper allocation of feed, mostly because it is coarse but not green, or because it is more coarse and less willing. Pig dung, smelly, indicating improper feed preparation, indigestion; or feed mildew deterioration, or too many bean cakes, or caused by sudden change, may also be a sign of illness. The cause should be found out in a timely manner.

It is also important to observe the dynamics of pigs. A healthy pig has bright eyes, curls and swings its tail freely, or walks in search of food, or sleeps quietly. Pigs with mental malaise, drooping head and tail, hunched back, feverish ears, dry nose, multiple eyes and shivering are often sick and should be diagnosed and treated in time.

2. "Sanding" means that pigs should be fed regularly, quantitatively and at a fixed temperature.

Timing: the time to feed the pig every day should be fixed, so that the pig to form a habit, to the elbow to want to eat, eat delicious, digest well. So, how many meals should be fed a day? This should be determined according to the type, age, season and feed nature of pigs, and cannot be generalized.

Suckling piglets eat less and have weak digestion, and can be fed more than 6 meals a day; weaned piglets also have weak digestive ability and develop rapidly, which can be fed 4-6 meals a day; lactating sows and sows in the later stage of pregnancy need more nutrients and can be fed 4 meals; other pigs can be fed 3 meals a day. The diet based on green feed should be fed a few more meals than the diet based on concentrate. It is hot in summer, and the days are long and the nights are short. It is best to feed a thin meal before and after noon. The winter is cold, the days are short and the nights are long, so the time of late feeding should be postponed.

Ration: the amount of feed per meal every day should be roughly fixed, so that pigs eat just right, neither hungry nor overfull. Don't be hungry, have a full meal. Only in this way can the pig's appetite be maintained. Pigs generally have the strongest appetite in the evening, next in the morning, and slightly worse at noon. Daily feeding should be allocated according to this characteristic. The winter is cold and the night is longer, so you should have a thicker and fuller meal in the evening.

Fixed temperature: the temperature of pig food should be generally constant, not a cold meal, a hot meal. Generally speaking, hot food should be fed on cold days and cold food on hot days. The eating temperature is too low, especially if frozen feed is fed in winter, it is easy to cause miscarriage and gastrointestinal injury in pigs, and it will also increase energy loss and virtually waste a lot of feed.

Therefore, in the cold areas of northern China, warm food is generally fed from the beginning of October to the end of April of the following year, pigs are full, eat warm, save feed, and help to keep fat and gain weight. Feeding cold food in other months not only has no adverse effect on pigs, but also saves fuel and labor.

3. "one step by step"

The change of the type of feed for pigs or the increase or decrease in the amount of feed should be carried out gradually so that pigs have a habitual process. Otherwise, it is easy to affect the appetite and digestion of pigs. If the pig is suddenly fed with a large amount of green feed, the pig will have diarrhea; if the skin is suddenly replaced by sorghum, it will not only affect the pig's appetite, but also may cause constipation; if it is suddenly fed with syrup or soy sauce residue, the taste will improve, and it will often cause stomach damage after overeating, resulting in a great loss of appetite. Therefore, less change in the type of feed or the amount of feed, should gradually increase or decrease. The masses think that "pigs eat dead food". It means that pigs always believe that a taste of feed, if slightly changed, will affect the appetite.