
Fertilizer and Water Management of Cucumber

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fertilizer and Water Management of Cucumber

The yield of cucumber in the soil with 80% humidity is more than twice as high as that in the soil with 40% humidity. It is necessary to ensure that cucumbers have sufficient water conditions in their growth, so that they can be irrigated in a timely manner and maintain a moist environment. In the early growth and development of cucumber, if sufficient nitrogen fertilizer is ensured, the differentiation number of female flowers can also be increased.

When spraying ethephon, the flower buds in the axils of 2 ~ 21 leaves differentiate one after another, but it has not been decided whether it is a female flower or a male flower, so ethephon is the best time. The concentration of ethephon sprayed is generally 100mg / L, too low will not work, too high will inhibit the further differentiation of flower buds and form empty nodes.

If it is sprayed twice, the effect is good with 200 mg / L; for 3 times, the effect is good with 100 mg / L, generally, it can be sprayed twice with a sprayer at 4: 00 p.m. on a sunny day, spray the front and back of the leaves, and make up the spray when it rains after spraying.