
Essentials of management in the later stage of ginger growth

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Essentials of management in the later stage of ginger growth

After the Beginning of Autumn, the weather was cool and entered the period of rapid expansion of ginger tubers. during this period, ginger had a large demand for water and fertilizer, and there were more diseases and insect pests, which was also a key period for prevention and control.

First, watering should be frequent. Ginger likes to be moist but not resistant to drought, so it is generally appropriate to water it after shallow hoeing and loosening the soil. In case of drought, watering times should be increased, but do not flood irrigation. September is the best time for ginger rhizome growth, and the demand for water is obviously on the high side. Watering should be done every 7 to 10 days, and less watering should be done when Rain Water is too much. Watering time should be in the morning and evening, not watering at noon.

Second, it is necessary to make full use of fertilizer. Ginger has a long growing period and needs a large amount of fertilizer, especially in the middle and later stages of ginger, which accounts for about 80% of the whole growth period. In the first and middle of September, when ginger seedlings have 6-8 bifurcations, it is the period of rapid expansion of rhizome, and topdressing can be carried out according to plant growth, which is called "supplementary fertilizer". On the one hand, topdressing can promote the luxuriant stems and leaves and rapidly expand the roots of ginger; on the other hand, it can prevent the late growth of fat and lead to premature senescence of stems and leaves, affecting the yield. Generally, 20 kg of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer per mu, combined with topdressing, timely supplement of boron fertilizer, zinc fertilizer and other micro-fertilizers, generally 2 kg of zinc sulfate and 1 kg of borax per mu, play a very important role in improving the yield and quality of ginger. For the plots with the phenomenon of de-fertilization, foliar spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice can significantly increase the yield in the later stage.

Third, we should cultivate the soil frequently. Because the growth of ginger rhizome needs dark environmental conditions, so the soil should be cultivated many times. General soil cultivation 2 or 3 times, the first soil cultivation in the big topdressing, with soil cover farm manure as appropriate, not too thick, so as not to affect the growth of seedlings. After 15 days, the soil should be cultivated for the second or third time, and finally the soil should be ridged, and the rhizome should not be exposed to the ground.

Fourth, prevent diseases and insects. Ginger blast is not only a destructive disease in ginger production, but also a major factor affecting ginger yield, so comprehensive control measures should be taken. Crop rotation can be used to change stubble; drainage ditch can be dug to prevent waterlogging; or chemical control can be used to irrigate the root with 1500-2000 times of medicine solution such as Jiangbao, Jiangqisan, Luba and so on. When seriously diseased plants are found, they should be pulled out in time and marked with lime. After the ginger is harvested, the soil will be buried deeply. The main pests are ginger borer, beet armyworm, ginger thrips and so on. We should regularly investigate the insect situation and do a good job of chemical control before the occurrence of pests. It can be controlled by mixed spray of pyrethroid pesticides and imidacloprid every 7 to 10 days.

Fifth, harvest at the right time. The best harvest time of ginger in the central part of our province should be between October 20 and 25, the southern part of our province can be appropriately delayed by 3-5 days, and the eastern Hebei producing area can be harvested one week earlier, at this time, the harvest of ginger will not frostbite ginger nuggets. At the same time, we can make full use of the golden period of increasing production in the later stage of ginger. Therefore, we must grasp the best harvest time, must not harvest prematurely, in order to facilitate storage and nutrient reflux, we can leave about 3 cm of stalks to promote nutrient reflux, and flexibly grasp the release time according to the market situation. Wang Hu