
Ginger flower commonly used breeding methods introduced

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although the popularity of ginger flowers is not wide, there are still many flower friends who love ginger flowers very much. If you want to artificially propagate ginger flowers, the survival rate will be higher in spring. If it can be planted at Qingming, it will bloom at the beginning of autumn, and the flowering of the second year is often the most prosperous period.

Although the popularization rate of ginger flower is not wide, there are still many flower friends who like it very much. If you want to artificially propagate ginger flowers, the survival rate will be higher in spring. If it can be planted during the Qingming Festival, the Beginning of Autumn will blossom, and the flowering in the second year is often the heyday.

Ginger flower

Ginger flowers are divided into sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. The propagation speed of ginger flower is also fast by the method of ramet propagation. In the areas that can survive the winter outdoors, ramets can be intercept from adult plants in four seasons. They can be planted in February and March of that year, and can blossom in July and August. Each new plant can be divided into 40 plants in the whole year, with good flowering quality and high yield. But in Chibi area of Hubei Province, it can blossom from June to July every year from November to March of the second year. It blossomed until the frost hit the ground before it withered. By the second year, it can produce as many as 32000 to 38000 flowers per mu. It produces about 35000 to 40, 000 flower roots. There is one root every 5 to 10 centimeters.

The golden ginger flower has strong adaptability to the soil, and the cultivated soil is the most suitable for fertile loam or sandy loam with good drainage, but the soil should always be moist or close to the water source, it will grow more vigorously. It can be planted in spring, summer and autumn, but the planting in February and March in spring is the best, and high yield can be obtained in the same year. The average yield per mu is nearly 2000 branches / month in that year, and can reach more than 2200 branches / month in the second year. Before planting, the soil was deeply ploughed, basic fertilizer was applied, and the bed was raised in deep ditches. Single-row planting or double-row planting was adopted, with a row spacing of 50 × 50cm and 2500000 plants per mu. If the condition of fertilizer and water management is good, it can blossom in late May of that year. When a seedling or rhizome is planted, about 20-40 new plants can be divided in the whole year, and more than 15 leaves can blossom.

Red silk ginger flower, also known as scarlet ginger flower, originated in India. Like warm, moist and semi-overcast environment. Impatient, avoid frost, afraid of bright light. Slightly acidic and fertile sandy loam is required. Aquaculture: commonly used root culture. It usually takes place in the spring. Cut the underground rhizome, and the short segment must be potted with one terminal bud and two, respectively. After planting, there is no need to water immediately, just keep the basin soil moist, wait for the rhizome to send out new buds before watering.

Cultivation: potted or planted on the ground, apply sufficient base fertilizer in the soil city, keep the soil moist during the growing period, and topdressing 1 Mel twice. Blossom in August and put it in a semi-shady place to prolong the flowering period. Cut off the inflorescence in time after flowering to reduce nutrient consumption. The withered stems and leaves should be cut off after frost, and the underground part should be left to survive the winter. Diseases and insect pests: there are mainly leaf spot disease and leaf blight, which can be controlled by spraying 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times. Application: red silk ginger flowers are beautiful in shape, orange in color, bright red in silk, like a group of butterflies in full bloom. It is suitable for flower border and under-forest planting, and can also be used for potted and cut flowers. . What is the flower language of fragrant snow orchid

Snow vanilla florescence is relatively early, flowering time is also very long, bright color, fragrance is very fresh and pleasant, so many people chiffon orchid will be cultivated as a family plant. Today, I will tell you about Xiang Xuelan.

Brief introduction of Xiang Xuelan

The scientific name of Cymbidium (FressiahybridaKlatt.) belongs to Iridaceae and perennial bulbous herbaceous flowers of Vanilla. Bulbs narrowly ovate or ovoid, leaves sword-shaped or strip-shaped, flowers erect, sessile, yellowish or yellowish green, fragrant, bracts broadly ovate or ovoid, perianth tube trumpet-shaped, perianth lobes ovoid or elliptic, capsule subovoid, flowering from April to May, fruiting from June to September. The main varieties are lilac "Blue Sister", bright yellow "cream cup", red "fast red", white "beautiful" and orange "Spring Day" and so on.

The Origin of Xiang Xuelan's name

According to legend, this flower was still in the wild at the beginning of the 18th century. One day, a noble lady in the Netherlands was sympathetic to people hunting in South Africa. She saw this strange flower for the first time and loved it very much. Later, she dug it up and brought it back to Europe. The fragrant flowers were blown into the snow by the wind along the way. as a result, even the ice and snow were stained with a strong aroma. People gave it a beautiful name: "Xiangxuelan". Fragrant snow orchid is taken from the beautiful artistic conception of its fragrant sea of snow.

Morphological characteristics of Xiangxue orchid

Perennial bulbous herb flowers. The bulb is narrowly ovate or ovoid, surrounded by a thin coating with reticulate and dark red spots. Leaves sword-shaped or striate, slightly curved, 15-40 cm long, 0.5-1.4 cm wide, yellowish green, midrib obvious. The flower stem is erect, with 2-3 curved branches in the upper part and several leaves in the lower part; the flower is sessile; each flower has 2 membranous bracts at the base, the bracts are broadly ovate or ovoid, the tip is slightly concave or 2-pointed, 0.6 cm long and about 8 mm wide; the flower is erect, yellowish or yellowish green, fragrant, 2 cm in diameter. Perianth tube trumpet-shaped, ca. 4 cm long, ca. 1 cm in diam., base thinner, perianth lobes 6-whorled, outer perianth lobes ovoid or ellipsoid, 1.8 × 2 cm long, ca. 6 mm wide, inner whorl slightly shorter and narrower than outer perianth lobes; stamens 3, inserted on perianth tube, 2 × 2.5 cm long; style 1, stigma 6-lobed, ovary green, subglobose, ca. 3 mm in diam. Capsule subovoid, loculicidally dehiscent. The flowering period is from April to May and the fruiting period is from June to September.

The floral language of Xiang Xuelan

The flower language of Xiangxuelan is: purity. Flower divination: your naive and sweet face is like a pure girl in a painting, which does not eat human smoke and fire, and at the same time does not know that people are sinister. When you hear the sweet words, you look powerless and indulge in a picturesque love, which is very dangerous. You should learn to protect yourself and be alert as soon as possible. Flower motto: you should know that behind love lies happiness and pain, sadness and regret.

The florescence of Xiangxue orchid

Xiangxue orchid is planted in autumn, blossoms in winter, bulbs are planted in August-September, and can blossom in November-December. The growing period requires room temperature 15-20 ℃ and sufficient sunshine, often topdressing, keeping the soil moist and strengthening indoor ventilation. Therefore, the florescence of Xiangxue orchid is in winter every year, that is, November and December.

The value of snow vanilla

1. Ornamental value:

Snow vanilla to yellow freesia, red lily as the main flower, with Magnolia, tricolor banana leaves, brown bamboo leaves, yearning for light, yearning for the future. If use freesia, red Phalaenopsis as the theme flower, with magnolia, asparagus, silk carnation, Longyou willow branch, decorate the room, simple and dignified. Fragrant orchids like lilies, Ye Ruolanhui, elegant design, exquisite and beautiful, rich aroma, long flowering period, are people's favorite winter flowers.

There are many varieties of gardening for indoor ornamental flowers in spring. Commonly used potted plants or cut flower branches are placed in bottles to decorate the interior, which is an ideal potted flower for decorating the living room and study.

2. Medicinal value:

Fragrant snow orchid is commonly known as "ginger flower". The fragrance has the effect of calming nerves, eliminating fatigue and promoting sleep.

Snow vanilla is a non-toxic plant with high cutting value, while friends who like snow vanilla can plant it.

The above is to introduce the relevant knowledge about Xiang Xuelan. I hope it can help you. Please pay attention to more household knowledge.