
Propagation methods of velvet taro

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The cultivation of velvet taro is not difficult. Artificial propagation of velvet taro can choose the method of plant division and tissue culture. If your velvet taro is in a period of vigorous growth, you can split it once every 1-2 years.

The cultivation of velvet taro is not difficult. Artificial propagation of velvet taro can choose the method of plant division and tissue culture. If your velvet taro is in a period of vigorous growth, you can split it once every 1-2 years.

Velvet taro

I. split-plant propagation

The basin was changed from April to May in spring or at the end of autumn. During the operation, the overdense plants are pulled out of the pot, the robust and neat plants are separated, potted separately, fully watered, and maintained in a semi-shady place. However, the root is easy to be hurt at low temperature in early spring, which affects the survival rate. In general, ramet should not be too early, and it is more appropriate to do ramet when the temperature is relatively stable. There should be more than 3-4 small plants per plant, and a certain amount of original soil should be retained as far as possible so as not to affect the growth and formation of the plant. When planting, the culture soil was composed of loose rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus 1 peat 3 perlite and a small amount of sand.

2. Tissue culture propagation

Petioles of tender stems or unspreading leaves are often used as explants. After routine disinfection, the petiole was cut into 3 mm segments and the tender stem was cut into 3 mm segments under sterile conditions. The petioles were inoculated on MS medium supplemented with 5mg / L 6-BA and 0.02mg / L naphthalene acetic acid to induce the formation of callus and adventitious buds. Adventitious buds could differentiate adventitious roots on MS 0.5mg / L naphthalene acetic acid medium. The rooting seedlings were transplanted in the medium of peat and perlite, the air humidity was kept high, and the survival rate was more than 95%.

How to raise velvet taro culture methods and matters needing attention

Velvet taro is a kind of plant introduced from abroad in China, its plant size is medium, with leaves as the main ornamental point, like to grow in a warm environment. At present, many people like to buy it and raise it at home. However, not everyone knows about its breeding skills.

How to raise velvet taro

1. The optimum temperature for the growth of velvet taro is 18-25 ℃. The winter temperature should not be lower than 13 ℃ and the summer temperature should not exceed 35 ℃, otherwise it would be extremely disadvantageous to the growth of velvet taro and cause the growth of stems and leaves to stop or freeze to death.

2. Velvet taro has a high requirement for moisture. During the growing season, it should be fully watered to keep the basin soil moist. But if the soil is too wet, it will cause root rot and even death, which should be paid special attention to.

3. If the air humidity is small, the leaf curls immediately and the response is very sensitive. For indoor cultivation, the air humidity must be kept at 70%-80%. Keep a little dry in winter, the over-wet leaves are easy to turn yellow and wilt.

4. The rotten leaf soil with fertile, loose and good drainage is the most suitable. Potted soil is a mixture of cultivated soil, peat soil and coarse sand.

Culture method of velvet taro

1. Temperature: velvet likes warm and humid environment, is not resistant to cold, and is afraid of drying. The culture temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ in winter and 35 ℃ in summer, otherwise it is very disadvantageous to the growth of velvet taro.

2. Watering: velvet taro is very sensitive to water. During the growing season, the basin should be fully watered to keep the basin soil moist. But do not water too much, the soil is too wet, will cause root rot, or even death. In addition, if the air humidity is small, the leaves of velvet taro will immediately become curly, so we should pay attention to maintain appropriate humidity during cultivation, especially at high temperature to spray water to the leaves to increase air humidity.

3. Lighting: velvet taro likes semi-overcast environment and avoids strong light exposure. Therefore, when raising velvet taro, the light should not be too strong, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and curl up, but it is not good to put velvet taro in a completely shaded environment for a long time, which will affect the photosynthesis of velvet taro, thus affecting its normal growth.

4. Fertilization: in the vigorous growth period of velvet taro, liquid fertilizer can be applied every 1-2 weeks, and phosphate fertilizer can be applied 1-2 times properly to maintain the luster of leaves. Plants with low temperature in winter grow slowly or enter a dormant period, so fertilizing should be stopped and watering should be controlled.

Matters needing attention of velvet taro

When raising velvet taro in pots, the pots should be changed in May every year. It is mainly to cut off part of the old roots and add new soil for planting. If the plant is larger, it can be planted in a larger pot or ramet, watered thoroughly after planting and cultivated in a semi-shady place. Pot soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil with good drainage and river sand, and a small amount of bone powder should be added to the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. Do not use sticky soil pot planting, pot depth to not expose the root is appropriate.

Propagation methods of velvet taro

1. Split propagation: after taking out the mother plant from the flowerpot, shake off the excess potted soil, separate the root system as much as possible, and cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife. each plant should have more roots, and its leaves should be pruned properly to reduce water transpiration in order to survive.

2. Tissue culture propagation: the petioles of tender stems or unspreading leaves are often used as explants. After routine disinfection, the petiole was cut into 3 mm segments under aseptic conditions, and the tender stems were cut into 3 mm segments, then inoculated on the medium to induce the formation of callus and adventitious buds, and new plants were formed after culture.

In fact, the culture method of velvet taro is very simple as long as it is familiar with it. Generally, it can start from the growth habits, and it is necessary to strengthen the management of wastewater in the later stage of culture. There are many propagation methods of velvet taro, mainly ramet and tissue culture, and we can choose one of them.

How to raise velvet taro the culture method of velvet taro

Friends who love flowers and plants have heard of velvet taro, but many friends do not understand, how to raise velvet taro? Next, let's tell you how to cultivate velvet taro.

1. Temperature: velvet likes warm and humid environment, is not resistant to cold, and is afraid of drying. The culture temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ in winter and 35 ℃ in summer, otherwise it is very disadvantageous to the growth of velvet taro.

2. Watering: velvet taro is very sensitive to water. During the growing season, the basin should be fully watered to keep the basin soil moist. But do not water too much, the soil is too wet, will cause root rot, or even death. In addition, if the air humidity is small, the leaves of velvet taro will immediately become curly, so we should pay attention to maintain appropriate humidity during cultivation, especially at high temperature to spray water to the leaves to increase air humidity.

3. Lighting: velvet taro likes semi-overcast environment and avoids strong light exposure. Therefore, when raising velvet taro, the light should not be too strong, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and curl up, but it is not good to put velvet taro in a completely shaded environment for a long time, which will affect the photosynthesis of velvet taro, thus affecting its normal growth.

4. Fertilization: in the vigorous growth period of velvet taro, liquid fertilizer can be applied every 1-2 weeks, and phosphate fertilizer can be applied 1-2 times properly to maintain the luster of leaves. Plants with low temperature in winter grow slowly or enter a dormant period, so fertilizing should be stopped and watering should be controlled.

5. Diseases and insect pests: velvet taro is easy to suffer from leaf blight, leaf spot, whitefly, red spider and shell insect, so we should pay attention to observation when breeding and treat the disease in time after discovery.

6. Change the basin: when raising velvet taro in pots, the pots should be changed every May. It is mainly to cut off part of the old roots and add new soil for planting. If the plant is larger, it can be planted in a larger pot or ramet, watered thoroughly after planting and cultivated in a semi-shady place. Pot soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil with good drainage and river sand, and a small amount of bone powder should be added to the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. Do not use sticky soil pot planting, pot depth to not expose the root is appropriate.

7. Reproduction: velvet taro is mainly propagated by individual plants, and the best time is after soil thawing in early spring (February and March). Ramets should not be too small, so as not to affect the growth of new plants. After potted, the moisture of the new plant should be controlled and maintained in a semi-shady place, and the new root should be fully irrigated after the new root is sent out.

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