
Three commonly used breeding methods of Robinia pseudoacacia

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Yellow locust blossoms almost all the year round, the flowers are large and bright yellow, very beautiful. Robinia pseudoacacia can be propagated by sowing, root cutting and cutting. As the seeds of Robinia pseudoacacia are easy to obtain, the method of sowing and breeding is more commonly used.

Yellow locust blossoms almost all the year round, the flowers are large and bright yellow, very beautiful. Robinia pseudoacacia can be propagated by sowing, root cutting and cutting. As the seeds of Robinia pseudoacacia are relatively easy to obtain, sowing and breeding are more commonly used.

Huang Huai

I. method of sowing and breeding

Spring sowing, because the seed coat has a fence layer with close adhesion of cells, and the water permeability is poor. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked in water with an initial temperature of 85 min and 90 °C for 24 hours, and the remaining hard grains were retreated for 1 time. The seed absorbs water and expands and can be sown. The row spacing of strip sowing is 25 cm, the thickness of covering soil is 1.5 li 2 cm, the sowing amount is 8ml 10 kg per mu, and the seedlings are unearthed in 10 days, and the seedlings are reasonably closely planted at the seedling stage to prevent the trunk from bending. Generally, 8 seedlings are left per meter long, and the annual seedlings are more than 1 meter high. It can also be transplanted and fixed after raising seedlings in a concentrated nutrition bowl in early spring. The sprouting ability of Robinia pseudoacacia is strong. If the large seedlings form a good stem shape, the stem can be cut off in the early spring of the second year and the row spacing can be enlarged. The height of the seedlings in the same year is 3mur4 meters, and the trunk is straight, strong and smooth.

2. Root insertion method

At the end of winter or the beginning of spring, the stout roots of Pseudoacacia pseudoacacia were cut into 15cm segments to keep the soil moist without shade, and the roots could survive and go into the basin after about 1 month. The survival rate is as high as 90%. The root cutting method of Phellodendron pseudoacacia can not only make full use of and increase the cutting propagation materials, but also make the bonsai according to the different forms of the roots of Robinia pseudoacacia, which greatly improves the pot ornamental value of Robinia pseudoacacia. Potted Robinia pseudoacacia began to bloom in October, flowering for more than 2 months, soil change and pruning after overwintering and defoliation, and began to bloom again from May to June the following year, and the flowering period was about 1 month.

Third, cutting method

In late winter and early spring, before the leaf buds sprouted, cut the branches of Robinia pseudoacacia into segments about 20cm long for cutting. after cutting, we should pay attention to shading and keep the soil moist. After about 2 months, the branches of the cuttings of Robinia pseudoacacia have taken root and survived, and they can be poted one after another, put it in a cool place for 2 weeks, and then gradually move to a place with plenty of sunny. after that, the management of the cuttings of yellow locust is the same as that of dry pot cultivation. Because the growth of Pseudoacacia pseudoacacia grown in cuttings is slower than that in pots, so the flowering time is one month later than that in pots, that is, it blossoms in early November. After careful observation for more than a year, we found that the root of the residual underground part of Robinia pseudoacacia could sprout and grow into a new plant after transplanting, and the root of Robinia pseudoacacia was used as cutting. its survival rate and growth rate are higher and faster than branch cuttings.

Guangzhou Institute of Garden Sciences carries out research and development on ecological function of green space and breeding of garden plant varieties.

Result code: GK13229

Result name: ecological function of Guangzhou urban green space and R & D capacity construction of garden plant variety selection

Completed by Guangzhou Institute of Landscape Science

Completed staff: Zhu Chun, Huang Huazhi, Dai Seping, Xiong Yongmei, Lu Li, Ye Zhenhua, he Manmei, Feng Yimin, Chen Hui

Start time: 2007-12-01

Termination time: 2010-12-01

Organization and appraisal unit: Guangzhou Bureau of Science, Technology and Informatization

Identification date: 2012-10-19

Declaration department: Guangzhou Forestry and Garden Bureau

Registration date: 2013-08-14

Summary of results: 1 Research background

As an important part of urban public utilities, environmental construction and land greening, urban landscaping construction is an important part of urban construction and an important part of urban ecosystem. It plays an important role in improving the quality of urban ecological environment. It can not only improve the climate, adjust the temperature, increase humidity, balance carbon and oxygen, weaken Greenhouse Effect, purify the air, absorb and filter harmful gases, reduce noise, prevent sandstorms, floods and other disasters, but also beautify the environment. And it is the main place for entertainment, browsing, rest and fitness for urban residents. It is an accepted fact and indisputable theory that the role of urban green space in improving the urban environment. With the continuous development of urbanization, the population continues to gather to the city, and the number is increasing. The pressure of large population, shortage of land resources, fragile living environment of residents, especially ecological environment problems is becoming more and more obvious, in the development of environmental construction. People are more and more deeply aware of the importance of urban green space system in urban construction, attach importance to and carry out large-scale urban greening, and regard it as a standard to measure the level of urban modernization and civilization. it has become an important task of urban ecological environment construction.

Guangzhou, as the central city of South China, is known as the "Flower City". In 1966, urban greening ranked second in the country's big cities, and in 1993, it was rated as the national advanced city in urban greening. In recent years, the Guangzhou municipal party committee and municipal government put forward the urban development goal of "suitable for entrepreneurial development and living". Mayor Zhang Guangning proposed to the Municipal Garden Bureau that "carefully build, beautify and manage the city". Guangzhou has fully implemented image projects such as "small changes a year", "green hills and green spaces", "blue sky and clear water" and so on. Facing the 2010 Asian Games, Guangzhou urban greening put forward the goal of building "Lingnan famous City, Ecological Guangzhou, colorful Flower City, Green Asian Games". Compared with 2003, the area of green space in the built-up area increased by 7747 hectares in 2006, and the area of public green space increased by 1965.05 hectares. In the construction of large area urban green space, a series of problems such as urban greening mode, garden tree species and plant configuration are prominent. the government has realized that there are poor biodiversity and monotonous tree species in the construction of urban green space. problems such as simple type and structure, single function, poor stability, easy degradation and high maintenance cost. How to plan, construct and maintain the urban greening can not only beautify the urban environment, but also enhance the ecological function and environmental purification capacity of urban green space? How can the ecological security of urban environment be guaranteed through various monitoring? How to evaluate the health of urban ecosystem? The research on the ecological process and mechanism of urban near-natural ecosystem has been seriously restricted by the backward scientific research conditions of the landscaping industry. The research on these aspects in Guangzhou lags behind or is blank, which has become a problem and bottleneck in the construction of high-quality landscaping in Guangzhou.

Therefore, it is urgent for Guangzhou to carry out the construction of the ecological function of urban green space and the R & D capacity of garden plant breeding. it is of great significance for the garden industry to implement the scientific concept of development, to create resource-saving and environment-friendly gardens, and to improve the landscaping technology of Guangzhou after the Asian Games.

2 the main contents of research and development

1) carry out a series of studies on the functions of the green space system of more than three road greening models.

2) carry out a series of studies on more than three kinds of public green space ecosystem.

3) to analyze the blueprint structure and pattern of near-natural community in Guangzhou and to study and formulate the key technologies of near-natural community establishment model.

4) study and classification of ecological functions of 35 commonly used garden plants.

5) screening or breeding 6-8 species of characteristic plants for functional determination and popularization and application

6) the selection of characteristic plant materials and a series of studies on ecological functions are applied to urban greening construction to carry out the study of characteristic plant community ecology. The landscape characteristics such as landscape appearance, plant type and leaf color, seasonal changes and flowering characteristics of characteristic plants in garden green space were analyzed.

(3) the achievement of assessment indicators such as expected goals and results.

The main results are as follows: 1) to monitor and study the three road green spaces in Guangzhou, such as reducing temperature, increasing humidity, reducing light exposure, dust retention, maximum soil water holding capacity, carbon sequestration and oxygen release per unit area, noise reduction effect and SO2, NO and NO2 gas absorption. The ecological and environmental benefits of the road greening model with multi-tree species, high canopy density and scattered planting Arbor-shrub layer structure are better than those of single-row, neatly planted trees or shrubs or Arbor shrub structure.

2) the indexes of decreasing temperature, increasing humidity, reducing light, dust retention, maximum soil water holding capacity, carbon sequestration and oxygen release per unit area, noise reduction effect and gas content of SO2, NO and NO2 in three kinds of public green space in Guangzhou were monitored and studied. The ecological and environmental benefits of Arbor-shrub-grass multi-layer structure were better than those of shrub or single-row trees plus shrubs.

3) complete the study on carbon sequestration, oxygen release, transpiration and heat absorption of 35 species of garden plants, the dust retention capacity of 72 species of garden plants, the absorption of S and Cl content of 44 species of plants, and the germicidal function of 47 species of garden plants. Based on the classification of the ecological functions of the above garden plants, eight kinds of plants with strong ecological functions were selected, such as big-leaf banyan, fine-leaf banyan, yellow locust, autumn maple, pointed-leaf Duying, Huili, kapok and alpine banyan.

4) complete the selection or breeding of 9 kinds of new excellent garden plants, study and formulate corresponding application forms and related maintenance technical measures in the process of reproduction, production, popularization and application, and finally achieve economic benefits of more than 6 million yuan.

5) the preliminary establishment of three roads and three kinds of public green space greening models to reduce temperature, increase humidity, reduce light, dust retention, maximum soil water holding capacity, carbon sequestration and oxygen release per unit area, noise reduction effect and SO2, NO and NO2 gas absorption data collection; completed 35 species of garden plant carbon sequestration and oxygen release, transpiration heat absorption data collection; completed 72 species of garden plant dust retention data collection The data collection of S and Cl content absorbed by 44 species of plants and the sterilization of 47 species of garden plants were completed.

6) completed the research on temperature regulation and humidification, light reduction, carbon absorption and oxygen release, dust sterilization, air quality and soil maximum water holding capacity of different disturbance degree green space and artificial green space. For different disturbance degree green space, the ecological benefit of natural green space is the best. For different types of artificial green space, the ecological benefit of park green space is the best.

7) complete the analysis of the plant blueprint of Shuixi Village, Baiyun Mountain Scenic spot, Conghua Hot Spring Reserve, the southern foot of Nankun Mountain and Maofengshan Forest Park in Luogang District, Guangzhou, and sum up that the near natural community in Guangzhou is mainly evergreen broad-leaved forest, rich in plant species, mostly native tree species. The main tree species of coniferous forest is Pinus massoniana.

8) the summary of the technical regulations for the establishment of the demonstration site was completed. After 5 years of construction, the plant composition, dominant species, diversity, canopy structure, soil properties and ecological factors of the demonstration site were studied. The ecological benefits of the demonstration site community were evaluated and compared with the suburban community. The ecological benefit of the plant community in the Mingquanju demonstration site is similar to that of the near natural community in Baiyun Mountain.

9) the key popularized varieties were propagated in large numbers by means of sowing, cutting and tissue culture, and more than 200000 seedlings of different specifications were produced. To Guangzhou, Foshan, Huadu, Qingyuan, Shenzhen and Hong Kong and other regions to promote multi-flower red thousand layer, beautiful flower red thousand layer, silver leaf Acacia narrow leaf different-winged vine There are more than 100000 wild and cultivated varieties, such as Chinnan, Myrtle, Plum Plum, Safflower Silver Birch, Golden Panda, Fine Leaf Wild Peony, ground Mini, Zhentong, Wild Peony and so on, which are used in the landscaping of urban roads, factories, residential areas and government courtyards. In parks, roads, Asian Games venues, flyovers, Asian Games City Rivers and other demonstration sites to use the above research theories and plant materials to create landscape, which makes a great contribution to the construction of plant landscape of Guangzhou Asian Games.

10) introduce 3 master's degree students and train 2 doctoral students through this R & D capacity-building platform.

11) 7 related research papers were published.

(4) the situation of application promotion and existing problems.

Through the follow-up investigation of the popularized new varieties, we know the application effects of these varieties, including the growth of plants, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, the influence of site conditions and conservation level on their growth, and the landscape effect. After several years of cultivation and observation, a number of varieties adapted to the growth of Guangzhou and with good ornamental value were selected. Such as beautiful red thousand-layer, multi-red red thousand-layer, safflower silver birch, silver leaf acacia, as well as some winter color leaf varieties, such as red nan, narrow leaf different-winged vine and other new varieties, applied in Foshan first ring, Guangzhou urban area, Baiyunshan scenic spot and residential district, achieved good results, attracted the attention of relevant leaders and industry departments, and became a hot selection variety for recent design and application, causing a surge in market demand. So far, the economic benefit of breeding new and excellent varieties has exceeded 6 million yuan. At the same time, publicity materials about the characteristics and application characteristics of varieties were compiled, and a number of demonstration sites of new varieties were established in different places. Through these forms, the promotion of new varieties has achieved good results. In particular, it has played a positive role in creating a "colorful Flower City" urban landscape for the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou. The observation and research of seedlings is long-term, and it needs continuous application, comparison, analysis and promotion in order to achieve the best effect, so it is necessary to persist in studying the characteristics of seedlings for a long time.

The function and efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine-Sophora japonica, Flos Sophorae, Fructus Sophorae, limb of Sophora japonica; Sophora japonica, Sophora japonica

Species name: Sophora japonica Platycladus orientalis has become a city tree in Beijing, while Robinia pseudoacacia is also a city tree in Dalian City, Liaoning Province and Tai'an City, Shandong Province. English name: Flower of Japanese Pagodatree, Pagodatree Flower Bud Latin name: Sophora japonica Linn. English alias: Sophora tree, Fructus Sophorae, Robinia pseudoacacia, Robinia pseudoacacia, Fine Leaf Robinia pseudoacacia, Golden Medicinal Materials, Guardian Tree, House Locust. Six years of incense, Robinia pseudoacacia name source: Sophora tree, pinnately compound leaves, leaflets smaller, so the crown is dense. The first-class lateral branches of the locust tree are stout, so the crown is cloud-shaped. The locust tree has rhizobium and adequate nitrogen nutrition, so its leaves are dark and dark green. From a distance, the crown of the locust tree is like a dark green thick cloud, dark green is a kind of dark color, thick clouds will also bring darkness. The locust tree is constricted in the shape of beads, and the constriction is very fine. The pod horn of the locust tree shrank on the tree, and in the next rainy season, the shrinking place was broken and fell by Rain Water, and the pericarp was soaked and rotted to reveal seeds, dyed the ground under the shade of the tree dark green. Locust trees are vulnerable to aphids, and aphid secretions will dye the ground black when they fall to the ground. Therefore, it is often black under the shade of locust, which also has a dark meaning. Therefore, the locust tree comes from "dark". The pronunciation of the word "locust" is similar to that of "dark". "locust tree" is an "obscure tree", indicating a kind of tree with a dark crown. It is precisely because of this characteristic of the locust tree that people like to enjoy the cool party in the shade of the locust tree. Therefore, some people in the Han Dynasty thought that "locust" means "Huaihuai". People standing under the locust tree miss people from afar and want to conspire with them. "this is actually a humanistic explanation of the name of the locust tree because it only pays attention to the phenomenon that people like to enjoy the shade of the locust tree. Because it is suitable for people to enjoy the shade, the locust tree is also a symbol of status. "Zhou Li. Qiu Guan recorded that there were three locust trees planted outside the court of the Zhou Dynasty, and when the three princes saw the son of Heaven, they stood under the locust tree. San Gong refers to Tai Shi, Tai Fu and Tai Bao, which is the combined name of the three highest official positions in the Zhou Dynasty. As a result, future generations used San Huai as a metaphor for San Gong, which became the symbol of the auxiliary official position of San Gong, and the locust tree became a famous cultural tree species in our country. Families and genera: Kingdom: Plantae phylum: Magnoliophyta class: dicotyledonous class Magnoliopsida: Leguminosae Fabales: Leguminosae Leguminosae butterfly subfamily Fabaceae: Sophora / Sophora species: Sophora S. japonicum distribution

It is found in many countries, especially in Asia. It turns out that it is more concentrated in northern China, ranging from Liaoning in the north, Guangdong and Taiwan in the south, and Dongzishan to Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan in the east. Common North China Plain and Loess Plateau can grow at 1000 meters above sea level. Morphological characteristics deciduous trees, 15-25 meters high, dry skin dark gray, branchlets green, lenticels obvious. Pinnately compound leaves 15-25 cm long; leaf rachis hairy, base inflated; leaflets 9-15, ovate-oblong, 2.5-7.5 cm long, 1.5-5 cm wide, apex acuminate and apiculate, base broadly cuneate, gray-white below, sparsely pubescent. Panicle terminal; calyx campanulate, 5-denticulate; Corolla milky white, flag broadly cordate, with short claws and purple veins, margin of pterygoid keel slightly purplish; stamens 10, unequal. Pods fleshy, beaded, 2.5-5 cm long, glabrous, indehiscent; seeds 1-6, reniform. The flowering and fruiting period is from September to December. The same family plant (1) Robinia pseudoacacia: the branchlets are bent and drooping, the crown is umbrella-shaped, and it is often planted in the garden. (2) Amorpha: 15-17 leaflets with blue-gray silky pubescence; the wing and keel petals of the flower are often purplish, and the florescence is the latest. (3) Robinia pseudoacacia: the leaflets are 3-5 fascicled, the terminal leaflet is often 3-lobed, and there are often large lobes in the lower part of the lateral leaflet. (4) Robinia pseudoacacia: there are often large lobes in the lower part of lateral leaflets, the back of leaves are hairy, and the branches are yellow. The growth habit is cold-resistant, sunny, slightly shady, not shady and drought-resistant, poor growth in low-lying stagnant water, deep roots, lax soil requirements, relatively resistant to barren, lime and light saline-alkali soil (salt content about 0.15%) can also grow normally. But it grows best on sandy soil that is moist, fertile, deep and well drained. Resistant to smoke and dust, can adapt to the urban street environment. There are not many diseases and insect pests. Long life, strong resistance to tobacco toxicity. The garden is a characteristic tree species commonly used in Chinese courtyards. Fast-growing, hard material, elastic, straight texture, easy processing, corrosion resistance, flower buds can be used as dye, pulp can be used as medicine, seeds can be used as feed and so on. It is also a tree species for preventing wind and fixing sand, timber and economic forest. it is a good shade tree and street tree species in urban and rural areas. Robinia pseudoacacia is one of the traditional tree species in Chinese courtyard greening, which is rich in national sentiment. The leaf shape of five-leaf Robinia pseudoacacia is strange, like thousands of green butterflies perched on the tree, which can be called a spectacle and should be planted alone. Propagation is mainly sown and propagated, and it can also be cut. Spring sowing, because the seed coat has a fence layer with close combination of cells, and the water permeability is poor. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water with an initial temperature of 85-90 degrees for 24 hours, and the remaining hard grains are retreated for 1-2 times. The seed absorbs water and expands and can be sown. The row spacing of strip sowing is 20-25 cm, the thickness of soil cover is 1.5-2 cm, the sowing amount per mu is 8-10 kg, and the seedlings are unearthed in 7-10 days. The seedlings are reasonably close-planted at the seedling stage to prevent the trunk from bending, generally leaving 6-8 seedlings per meter long, and the annual seedlings are more than 1 meter high. It can also be transplanted and fixed after raising seedlings in a concentrated nutrition bowl in early spring. The sprouting power of Robinia pseudoacacia is strong. If the large seedlings form a good stem shape, they can be cut off in the early spring of the second year and increase the row spacing. The seedlings are 3-4 meters high and the trunk is straight, stout and smooth. Nectar plants with excellent economic use; seed oil for industrial use; exocarp of Huaijiao can be filled with sugar, etc.; wood is used for construction or for the production of agricultural tools and furniture; it has strong resistance to toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide and chlorine. Medicinal value Flos Sophorae has a bitter cold taste, which has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, clearing liver and purging fire, and stopping bleeding. It contains rutin, quercetin, sophora glycol, vitamin An and other substances. Rutin can improve the function of capillaries, maintain normal resistance of capillaries, and prevent bleeding, hypertension and diabetes caused by excessive fragility and permeability of capillaries. Cut the branches of the locust tree into small sections, decoct until the liquid is green, smoke first and then wash the hemorrhoids, which has a good therapeutic effect. ★ warned that the species is a poisonous plant listed in the Chinese plant atlas database, and its toxicity is toxic to flowers, leaves, stem barks and pods. People eat flowers and leaves poisoning to show facial edema, skin fever, itching. Leaves and pods can also stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing colic and dysentery. Fruit shell extract can cause dyspnea in mice and rats. Buds and flowers contain rutin and sterols, and fruits contain many kinds of flavonoids and phenols, such as locust, quercetin and so on. The difference between Baila and Robinia pseudoacacia: deciduous trees, crown oval, leaflets oval to ovate. Health: light-loving, slightly shade-resistant, suitable for warm and humid climate, drought-resistant, cold-resistant, developed root system, fast growth, pruning resistance, long life. The trunk is straight and handsome, the leaves are green and thick, and the leaves turn yellow in autumn. Sophora japonica (Sophora japonica): Sophora japonica L. Trees, up to 25 meters high. Bark dark gray, rough vertically and horizontally, branchlets green; stalks budding. Leaves odd-pinnate, leaflets 7-17, shortly stipitate, ovate to lanceolate-ovoid, apical base orbicular or broadly cuneate, pale north, covered with flat hairs. Panicle terminal, Corolla yellow-white. Flowers yellowish, pods 2.5-5 cm, yellowish green, glabrous. The pericarp is fleshy, gelatinous, non-dehiscent and does not wither through winter. The flowering period is from June to August and the fruiting period is from September to October. The bark is different and the leaves are different.

Generally speaking, we often say


Locust trees include Robinia pseudoacacia, Amorpha frutescens and so on. The basic differences between Robinia pseudoacacia and Robinia pseudoacacia are: 1. Robinia pseudoacacia has stipule thorns, but Robinia pseudoacacia does not. two。 Robinia pseudoacacia blossoms in May and Robinia pseudoacacia blossoms from July to August. First, Robinia pseudoacacia: Sophora japonica is a butterfly flower family, Sophora japonica is also known as Sophora japonica, deciduous trees, tree champion round. The branchlets are green, the lenticels are obvious, and the winter bud scales are not obvious. Leaves odd-pinnate, alternate, leaflets 7-17, opposite, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, margin. Terminal panicle, flowers butterfly, pale yellowish green. Pods constricted between seeds into beads, do not crack when ripe, fleshy, hanging treetops, do not fall for a long time. The flowering period is from June to August and the fruiting period is October. Second, Robinia pseudoacacia: Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as Robinia pseudoacacia, white Robinia pseudoacacia, German locust. It is a deciduous tree of the butterfly family, up to 25 m high; the bark is brown and longitudinally cracked. Branches with stipules spiny, pinnately compound with leaflets 7 Mel 25, alternate, elliptic or ovate, 2 mi 5.5 cm long, 1 mi 2 cm wide, apex rounded or retuse, apical tip, base rounded. The flowers are white with red markings on the calyx tube. Flowering and fruiting in May. The fruit matured from October to November. Third, Robinia pseudoacacia: the general characteristics of Robinia pseudoacacia are the same as those of Robinia pseudoacacia, except that the branches and leaves are drooping. Fourth, safflower Robinia pseudoacacia: Amorpha and Robinia pseudoacacia have the same general characteristics, but the color is red. 5. Robinia pseudoacacia: Robinia pseudoacacia of butterfly family, broad-leaved deciduous trees, more than 25 meters high, dry skin deeply split, odd-pinnate compound leaves, leaflets 7-19, oval, 2-5 cm long, entire, apex retuse and small spines, golden leaves in spring, yellowish green in summer, orange-yellow in autumn, rich leaf color, flowering in early summer, white flowers, fragrance, drooping racemes. 6. Robinia pseudoacacia: Robinia pseudoacacia of butterfly family, deciduous trees, up to 2-4 meters high, branches and pedicels densely covered with red prickles, odd-pinnate compound leaves, 7-15 leaflets, subround or oblong, 2-5 cm long, racemes, with 3-7 flowers, Corolla rose or lavender, fruit 5-8 cm long, rarely developed, flowering in July, fruit ripening in September-October. 7. Robinia pseudoacacia: it belongs to the genus Sophora of the butterfly family, deciduous trees, up to 16 meters high, brown to gray-brown bark, smooth, leaves alternate, 7-11 leaflets constitute pinnately compound leaves, leaves oval, ovate to oblong, 4-12 cm long, apex pointed, base slightly oblique, inflorescences axillary, flowers red, fragrant, florescence in May, July, May florescence is 20 days, July-August florescence is about 40 days. Spring, summer and autumn bloom successively in the south. Corolla is butterfly-shaped, pink or purplish red, with a small number of small thorns, fruiting in October. Eight, five-leaf Robinia pseudoacacia: also known as butterfly locust, a variety of Sophora pseudoacacia, 3-5 leaflets clustered, terminal leaflets often 3-lobed, lateral leaflets often have large lobes, leaf back hairy. Ninth, Golden Branch Robinia pseudoacacia: also known as Sophora pseudoacacia, is a butterfly family Sophora, deciduous tree, crown spherical or Obovate, up to 25 meters high, golden branches, odd-pinnate leaves, leaflets opposite, entire, inflorescence for the terminal panicle, yellow-white flowers, florescence from June to September. Flos Sophorae in May, such as snow, bursts of fragrance, so sweet that people are intoxicated! May locust flowers fragrance season, bursts of fragrance refreshing, so in the May Day holiday you might as well go to the field farmers to see locust flowers: Sophora flowers budding, a blossom, strings, clusters, reflected in a tender green, white is extremely pure, purple and red charming, people can not help but pick a string, held in the palm of the hand, contained in the mouth. Walking along the forest path and resting on the stone stool, the fragrance drifted with the wind, which was relaxing and pleasant. When the locust flower enters the full bloom, not only the fragrance is overflowing, people can also pick the locust flower, eat the locust flower cake, and taste the locust flower feast. Look at this budding locust flower, are you a little relaxed and happy? Go and enjoy the beauty of nature! Definition: Sophora pseudoacacia L. is Sophora japonica L. Dried flowers and buds. Harvest when summer flowers bloom or buds form, dry in time, and remove branches, stems and impurities. The former is commonly called "Huai Hua", while the latter is commonly known as "Huai Mi". Many parts of our country have the habit of steaming and eating locust flowers. In fact, locust flowers are not only edible, but also blindly good medicine. Sophora flower has a bitter cold taste, which can clear heat and cool blood, clear liver and purge fire, and stop bleeding. It contains rutin, quercetin, sophora glycol, vitamin An and other substances. Rutin can improve the function of capillaries, maintain normal resistance of capillaries, and prevent bleeding, hypertension and diabetes caused by excessive fragility and permeability of capillaries. Now introduce several Huaihua diet prescription: rhubarb Huaihua honey drink [raw material] 4 grams of raw rhubarb, 30 grams of Sophora flower, 15 grams of honey, 2 grams of green tea. [manufacturing method] first, rhubarb will be picked and mixed, washed, dried or dried, cut into slices, put into a casserole, add the right amount of water, boiling for 5 minutes, remove dregs, leave juice, ready for use. Add sophora flower and tea in the pot, add the right amount of water, boil, pour into the raw rhubarb juice, remove from the fire, cool slightly, while warm, mix in honey. [usage] take it twice in the morning and evening. [efficacy] clear heat and cool blood. This diet prescription is suitable for hematochezia, bright red blood color and postoperative hematochezia caused by colorectal cancer patients. Portulaca sophora porridge [raw material] 100 grams of fresh purslane, 30 grams of locust flowers, 100 grams of japonica rice, 20 grams of brown sugar. [making method] first pick up the fresh purslane, wash it, blanch it in a boiling water pan, remove it, code it up, cut it into pieces and set aside. Pick up the locust flowers, wash them, dry them or dry them in the sun, grind them into very fine powder, and wait for use. Wash the japonica rice, put it in a casserole, add the right amount of water, boil it over high fire, simmer over low heat and boil into gruel. When the porridge is ready, mix it with fine powder of Sophora flower, add Portulaca oleracea and brown sugar, then simmer over low heat until it boils. [usage] take it twice in the morning and evening. [efficacy] clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. This food therapy prescription is suitable for hematochezia and blood red disease caused by colorectal cancer patients. Ground elm Huaihua honey drink [raw material] 60 grams of elm, 30 grams of sophora flower, 30 grams of honey. [manufacturing method] first wash the excavated elm, or buy it from the drugstore, pick miscellaneous, cut into slices, add the right amount of water in a casserole, boil twice for 40 minutes each time, merge 2 times of thick decoction, return to the casserole to add Sophora flower, add water as needed, boil in high fire for 10 minutes, filter with clean gauze, remove dregs, collect the filtered juice into the container, when it is warm, mix with honey and mix evenly. [usage] take it twice in the morning and evening. [efficacy] clear heat and cool blood, fight cancer and stop bleeding. This food therapy prescription is suitable for cervical cancer, vaginal bleeding and other diseases. Two locust flower porridge [raw material] raw land, ground bone bark, locust flower each 30 grams, japonica rice 30-60 grams. [making method] Raw land, bark of bone and sophora flower were washed and fried in water to remove dregs to take juice, and then boiled together with japonica rice to make porridge. [usage] take it once a day for 3-5 days. [efficacy] Clearing away heat and consolidating menstruation. For excessive menstruation, deep red or purplish red menstruation, sticky texture, waist and abdomen pain. Upset and thirsty, yellow urine, red tongue, yellow fur, slippery pulse. Flos Sophorae steamed fish [raw materials] 15 grams of locust flowers, 7 onions, 20 grams of purple garlic, 500 grams of crucian carp or carp, the right amount of ginger slices, salt, cooking wine. Wash the fish, remove the scales, gills and viscera, cut the body of the fish into a casserole, add spring onions, ginger, garlic, salt, cooking wine and proper amount of water, and steam over a gentle fire for 20 minutes. Then put in the washed locust flowers, add a little monosodium glutamate and sesame oil, and then you can eat. [curative effect] the function of this food therapy prescription is to clear heat and dispel dampness. it has a good effect on patients with psoriasis vulgaris with red papules covered with multi-layers of silver-white scales, thirst, constipation, yellow and greasy fur. [character] this product of Sophora japonica is wrinkled and curled, and the petals are scattered. Calyx campanulate, yellowish green, apex 5-lobed intact; petals 5, yellow or yellow-white, 1 larger, suborbicular, apex retuse, the other 4 oblong. Stamens 10, of which 9 basally connate, filaments slender. Pistil Terete, curved. Light. Odorless, slightly bitter taste. Fructus Sophorae is oval in shape, with a long 2~6mm and a diameter of about 2mm. There are several longitudinal lines in the lower part of the calyx. Above the calyx are yellow and white unopened petals. The pedicel is small. The body is light, and the hand is broken when twisted. Odorless, slightly bitter taste. [taste and menstruation] bitter, slightly cold. Return to the liver and large intestine meridian. [function and indications] cool blood and stop bleeding, clear liver and purge fire. For hematochezia, hemorrhoids, dysentery, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematemesis, liver fever, red eyes, headache and vertigo. [storage] keep it in a dry place, moistureproof and mothproof. FLOS SOPHORAE [alias] Golden medicine tree, Guan Fang tree, Sophora pseudoacacia, Sophora japonica [source] this product is Sophora japonica L. Dried flowers and buds. Harvest when summer flowers bloom or buds form, dry in time, and remove branches, stems and impurities. The former is commonly called "Huai Hua", while the latter is commonly known as "Huai Mi". [preparation] Flos Sophorae: remove impurities and dust. Stir-fry Flos Sophorae: clean the flowers and stir-fry them according to the clear frying method (Appendix Ⅱ D) until the surface is dark yellow. Flos Sophorae charcoal: take the pure sophora flower and stir-fry it according to the charcoal method (Appendix Ⅱ D) until the surface is scorched brown. [character] Flos Sophorae: this product is wrinkled and curled, and the petals are scattered. Calyx campanulate, yellowish green, apex 5-lobed intact; petals 5, yellow or yellow-white, 1 larger, suborbicular, apex retuse, the other 4 oblong. Stamens 10, of which 9 basally connate, filaments slender. Pistil Terete, curved. Light. Odorless, slightly bitter taste. Huaimi: oval or oval, long 2~6mm, about 2mm in diameter. There are several longitudinal lines in the lower part of the calyx. Above the calyx are yellow and white unopened petals. The pedicel is small. The body is light, and the hand is broken when twisted. Odorless, slightly bitter taste. The tree species of Sophora japonica are called locust horn, which contains flavonoids and isoflavones, including genistein. Pharmacological action: 1. The effect of Fructus Sophorae extract on blood sugar was injected into rabbits. One hour later, the amount of blood sugar increased significantly and urine sugar appeared at the same time. However, this reaction was temporary, and the amount of blood sugar returned to normal 2. 2 after 1 day of injection. The antibacterial activity of Fructus Sophorae contains bactericidal substances, which can inhibit staphylococci and Escherichia coli. [clinical application] Clinical report: 1. To treat urinary tract infection with 500g Huaijiao, add 1500 000ml of water, boil, remove Fructus Sophorae, evaporate water and concentrate into ointment. Take 12g of Fructus Sophorae extract, dissolve it in warm water and take it for children, 2 times a day. 28 cases were treated, 20 cases were cured, 5 cases were improved and 3 cases were ineffective. [Shandong Journal of traditional Chinese Medicine 1988 7 (5): 46] prescription selection: treatment of five kinds of intestinal wind and bleeding, blood name external hemorrhoids before feces, blood name internal hemorrhoids after feces, large intestine without name, prolapse of large intestine, pterygium on all sides of valley road, such as milk name lifting hemorrhoids, hole name fistula on the head, and all are treated: Fructus Sophorae horn (remove branch and stir-fry), Sanguisorba, Angelica sinensis (soaking overnight, baking), Fangfeng (removing lu), Scutellaria baicalensis, Fructus Aurantii Stir-fried bran) each half jin. The top is the end, the wine paste pill is as big as Wutong Zi. Each take 30 pills, rice drink, at any time. ("Taiping Huimin prescription" Huaijiao Pill) 2. Treatment of dysentery and poisonous blood: four taels of Fructus Sophorae (wine washing, stir-frying), two taels of white peony (stir-fried with vinegar), and five coins of wood incense (baked). It's the end. Take two dollars every morning and adjust the white soup. ("Materia Medica Huiyan") 3. Treatment of hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, spitting blood, or epistaxis, tooth bleeding, tongue bleeding, ear bleeding: eight taels of locust horn, five taels of Ophiopogon japonicus. Use 50 bowls of clean water, 15 bowls of fried juice, slow fire ointment. Take three tablespoons each morning, afternoon and evening, under the white soup. ("Materia Medica Huiyan") 4. Treatment of vaginal hernia swelling: Fructus Sophorae (stir-fried) one or two. Tamping for the end, honey pills as big as wutongzi. Each take 20 pills, warm wine, hollow service. ("Sheng Ji Zong Lu" Huai Zi Wan) 5. Treat hot eyes and dark eyes: Fructus Sophorae and Rhizoma Coptidis (to beard) two each. Tamping is the end, honey pill is as big as Wutong Zi. Every time after eating, take 20 pills under the water, and then take them before lying down at night. ("Taiping Shenghui prescription" Mingmu Huaizi Pill)

Traditional Chinese medicine thinks that it has bitter taste and slightly cold nature, and returns to the liver and large intestine meridian; it has the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding, clearing liver and purging fire; it mainly treats intestinal wind and stool blood, hemorrhoids, blood dysentery, urine blood, hemoptysis, bleeding, hematemesis, hematemesis, liver fire headache, eye swelling and pain, throat arthralgia, aphonia, carbuncle and sore ulcer. From the point of view of western medicine, Sophora japonica contains rutin (rutin, Rytub), quercetin (Quercetin), tannin, sophora diol (sophoradiol), vitamin An and other substances (see the content table below). Rutin can improve the function of capillaries, maintain normal resistance of capillaries, and prevent bleeding, hypertension and diabetes caused by excessive fragility and permeability of capillaries. Therefore, Flos Sophorae is often used as a common medicine for the treatment of hematochezia, hemorrhoids caused by damp-heat of large intestine, hematochezia, dysentery and hematemesis caused by blood heat. Generally decoction, 10-15g, appropriate amount for external use, spleen and stomach deficiency cold and yin deficiency fever without real fire should be taken cautiously [3]. Usage 1. Cooling blood to stop bleeding is suitable for stir-frying, and clearing liver and purging fire is suitable for raw use. 2. Sophora japonica is mainly used for hematochezia, urine blood, hemorrhoids, but also with fairy crane grass, white thatch root to treat hemoptysis, hemoptysis and so on. 3. Fried water instead of tea can also be used with Prunella vulgaris, chrysanthemum and Scutellaria baicalensis to increase the effect of clearing liver and purging fire. Related Pharmacopoeia discusses 1. "Rihuazi Materia Medica": treatment of five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, killing abdominal insects and heat, treatment of skin wind, and intestinal wind bleeding, red and white dysentery. 2. "Compendium of Materia Medica": stir-fry incense chewing frequently, treat aphonia and throat arthralgia, and treat hematemesis and bleeding. 3. "Medicine meaning": Sophora flower tastes bitter, bitter can go straight down, and the taste is thick and heavy, the main clear intestine is red blood, hemorrhoids are swollen and painful, visceral poison is leaking, the function of cooling blood is only in the large intestine, the large intestine and lungs are on the surface, and it can relieve the wind and heat of the skin, which is the gas of lung gold. 4. "the source of medicine": cool large intestine fever. 5. "Materia Medica": cool the large intestine and kill worms. Treatment of carbuncle gangrene, vulva wet itching, hemorrhoid leakage, solution of red bayberry acne, chancre Fu du. 6. The compilation of Medicine: purging the lungs, purging the heart fire, clearing the liver fire, strengthening the kidney. 7. "Materia Medica seeking Truth": to treat large and small hematochezia and tongue bleeding. 8. "Materia Medica seeks the original": to cool the blood and need medicine. Treat epigastric pain and kill roundworms. 9. Northeast Medicine Zhi Zhi: the treatment of diabetic retinitis. Main chemical components (take purple-red sophora flower as an example) the main components of modern research are rutin (rutin, Rutin) or its compounds, as well as wax, green pigment, resin, condensed tannin, pigment, protein (or mucus), amino acid (or peptide), sugar and vitamin A, etc. fried Sophora flower is basically the same as raw Sophora rice, only some amino acids (or peptides) or sugars are destroyed. The content of tannin increased slightly. Triterpenoid saponins were obtained from dried buds and hydrolyzed to betulin (Betulin), sophoradiol (Sophoradiol), glucose and glucuronic acid (Glucuronic acid). Sophorin A, B and C were also obtained from flower buds, which are flavonoids different from rutin. B and C are sterols. Rutin in Sophora japonica can be hydrolyzed to Quercitrin under the action of acid or enzyme. Pharmacological effects: 1. Huaihua liquid has a mild excitatory effect on the isolated frog heart and a blocking effect on the cardiac conduction system. Rutin, quercetin and quercetin can also increase the contraction and output of frog hearts in vitro and in situ, and slow down the heart rate. Quercetin can dilate coronary vessels. Rutin can improve myocardial circulation. Rutin can contract blood vessels of toad's lower limb and rabbit's ear. Huaihua liquid and Huaihua tincture can significantly reduce blood pressure temporarily in anesthetized dogs and cats. Rutin and its preparation can also reduce blood pressure in a short time. Effect on blood lipids subcutaneous injection of quercetin 10mg can effectively reduce cholesterol content in liver, aorta and blood of rats with experimental hypercholesterolemia And increase the stability of cholesterol-protein complex. it has preventive and therapeutic effect on experimental arteriosclerosis. 3. Rutin and its aglycone quercetin can maintain the normal resistance of capillaries, reduce vascular permeability and restore normal elasticity of capillaries bleeding due to increased fragility. Quercetin can enhance the resistance of capillaries in guinea pigs and rats. Reduce vascular permeability, and its stability to capillaries is stronger than rutin. 3. Continuous and extensive use of rutin and quercetin It can prevent pulmonary hemorrhage caused by decompression in rats. 4. Anti-inflammatory effects rutin and quercetin can inhibit paw edema caused by histamine, egg white, 5-hydroxytryptamine, formaldehyde, polyvinylpyrrolidone and foot and ankle edema caused by hyaluronidase in rats. rutin can significantly inhibit traumatic edema in rats and prevent the occurrence of conjunctivitis, auriculitis and pulmonary edema. Rabbit conjunctival edema caused by mustard oil There is only a slight inhibitory effect, such as dissolving rutin in propylene glycol. The effect of preventing inflammation is better. Rutin intravenous injection can inhibit the allergic inflammation of skin and joint caused by horse serum in rabbits. sodium rutin sulfate can accelerate the recovery of thrombophlebitis of hindlimb in dogs caused by injection of turpentine. 5. Antispasmodic and antiulcer action quercetin can reduce the tension of intestinal and bronchial smooth muscle, and its antispasmodic effect is 5 times stronger than rutin. Rutin can reduce gastric motility in rats. It can also relieve the intestinal smooth muscle spasm caused by barium chloride. Subcutaneous injection of rutin 5~10mg/kg can significantly reduce the number of gastric ulcer lesions caused by pylorus ligation in rats, and its effect on reflex gastric ulcer is stronger than that of Kailin. Sophora flower liquid (containing very little rutin) injected into the intestinal cavity of rabbits can stimulate the intestinal mucosa and increase the exudate. 6. The effect of anti-pathogenic microorganism on Huaihua water extract (2:5) Trichophyton corydalis, Trichophyton xanthophyllum, Trichophyton Audurum, Trichophyton woolly, Noca stellata and other skin pathogenic fungi were inhibited in different degrees in the test tube. in the test tube, rutin and quercetin have antibacterial effects on some bacteria. It also showed inhibitory effect on virus. 7. other effects rutin has a protective effect on X-ray irradiation. Sophora tree contains hemagglutinin, which has agglutination effect on blood cells. high-dose Huaihua tincture can cause the inhibition of some central reflex functions. it is generally believed that rutin can not be absorbed by oral administration, so it is not possible to determine whether oral administration has a therapeutic effect. But it has also been reported. It can still be absorbed after oral administration. The experiment showed that Huaimi charcoal decoction could significantly shorten the bleeding time and clotting time in mice. Its hemostatic and clotting effects may be related to its tannin content, or contain other hemostatic and clotting ingredients. Huaihua charcoal can shorten the time of traumatic bleeding and reduce the amount of bleeding in rats. Fructus Sophorae solution without rutin has a significant hemostatic effect on traumatic hemorrhage in rats, and rutin has a significant inhibitory effect on punctate hemorrhage and experimental pulmonary hemorrhage under skin negative pressure. Rutin intragastric administration of rabbits can prevent experimental frostbite. Compatibility effect: Huaihua compatibility Zhi: Huaihua bitter Lianggong can clear intestinal heat and purge liver meridian real fire Gardenia taste bitter cold double Qingqi, blood heat and dampness, hemostasis; charcoal medicine has the effect of cooling blood and hemostasis. the two combine gardenia, clear lung heat, locust flower, clear intestine and viscera to play the effect of clearing heat and dampness, cooling blood and stopping bleeding; if fried charcoal into medicine, the hemostatic effect is stronger. Used for the treatment of large intestine fire or damp-heat accumulation of fecal bleeding, hemorrhoids bleeding, blood dysentery, metrorrhagia [4]. Edit the prescription of this paragraph 1. Treatment of blood under the large intestine: Flos Sophorae, Jing mustard ears are equally divided. Take a penny for the last wine. ("empirical prescription") 2. For the treatment of dirty poisonous alcoholism, hematochezia: Flos Sophorae (half stir-fried) Gardenia jasminoides one or two (peeled stir-fry). Take it before eating for every two dollars of fresh water. ("empirical prescription" Huaihua Powder) 3. Treatment of red-white dysentery: Huaihua (micro-fried) three-money white peony (fried) two-money Fructus Aurantii (bran) Fried licorice five cents a penny. Fried with water. ("Materia Medica Huiyan") 4. Treatment of hematemesis: no matter how much Huaihua is. A little musk is added to the study of burning and storing. (Huaihua Powder in Sheng Ji Zonglu) 5. Treatment of leucorrhea: Huaihua (fried), The oyster (calcined) is divided equally. For the end. Take three dollars for each wine to get the effect. ("pick Yuan prescription") 6. Treatment of blood loss more than: Sophora japonica, Cuttlefish bones are equally divided. Half-life and half-stir-fry is the end of blowing the nose. ("World Medicine Dexiao prescription") 7. The treatment of tongue bleeding is not only called tongue bleeding: Sophora flower sun-dried on the tongue or fire stir-fry fire poison for the final application [4]. ("wonderful prescription" Huaihua Powder) there are 0 responses to the extract and compatibility of Sophora flower prescription. Treat the blood under the large intestine: Huaihua, Jing Mustard ear and so on. Take a penny for the last wine. ("empirical prescription") 2. For the treatment of dirty poison and alcohol sickness, hematochezia: Huaihua (half stir-fried and half unripe) Gardenia jasminoides one or two (peeled and fried). At the end of the day, take the first two dollars of fresh water and adjust the food before taking it. ("experience prescription" Huaihua Powder) 3. Treatment of red and white dysentery: Huaihua (micro-fried) three-coin white peony (fried) two-coin Fructus Aurantii (bran stir-fry) one-cent licorice five cents. ("Materia Medica Hui Yan") 4. Treatment of hematemesis: no matter how many sophora flowers are. A little musk is added to the fire-burning research. Each serving of three dollars of warm glutinous rice drink is adjusted. (Huaihua Powder in Sheng Ji General record) 5. Treatment of leucorrhea is more than: Huaihua (fried), oyster (calcined) and so on. For the end. Take three dollars for each wine to get the effect. ("pick Yuan prescription") 6. Treatment of blood loss more than: locust flowers, squid fish bones and so on. Half-life and half-stir-fry for the end of blowing the nose. ("World Medicine Dexiao prescription") 7. Treatment of tongue bleeding is not only called tongue bleeding: Fructus Sophorae is dried in the sun and applied on the tongue or fried with fire poison as the last application. ("strange effect prescription" Huaihua Powder) compatibility: Sophora flower compatibility with gardenia sophora flower taste bitter cold special cool blood can clear intestinal heat and purge liver meridian real fire; gardenia bitter cold double clear gas, blood heat and dampness, hemostasis Frying charcoal into medicine has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Gardenia, clearing lung heat, sophora flower, clearing intestines and viscera are used together to play the effect of clearing heat and dampness, cooling blood and stopping bleeding; if fried charcoal is used as medicine, the hemostatic effect is stronger. Used for the treatment of large intestine fire or damp-heat accumulation of fecal bleeding, hemorrhoid bleeding, blood dysentery, metrorrhagia. Flos Sophorae is the flower and bud of Sophora pseudoacacia. Robinia pseudoacacia deciduous trees, often planted on the edge of the house, roadside, widely cultivated all over the country. Harvest when summer flowers bloom or buds form, dry in time, and remove branches, stems and impurities. It can also be used to spread cloth, mats and plastic film under the tree when the flowers are in bloom, so as to beat down the flowers and collect them to dry. The blooming flowers of Sophora japonica are commonly known as "Huai Hua" and the buds are called "Huai Mi". 1. Sophora japonica flowers are wrinkled and curled, and their petals are scattered. Calyx campanulate, yellowish green, apex 5-lobed intact; petals 5, yellow or yellow-white, 1 larger suborbicular, apex retuse, the other 4 oblong; stamens 10 of which 9 basally United, filaments slender; pistil Terete curved. It is better to have a large, compact, yellow-green, unstemmed leaf. 2. Sophora japonica is oval or oval in shape, 2 to 6 mm in length and 2 to 3 mm in diameter. There are several longitudinal lines in the lower part of the calyx. Above the calyx are yellow and white unopened petals with small pedicels. The body is light, the breath is slight, the taste is slightly bitter. Sophora flower supplementary information: according to the different processing methods, it is divided into Sophora japonica flower, fried Sophora flower charcoal, vinegar locust flower, processed and stored in a dry container, vinegar locust flower airtight, placed in a cool and dry place, mothproof. Sophora flower is suitable for people: spleen and stomach deficiency cold and yin deficiency fever without real fire should be taken cautiously. Huaihua dietotherapy effect: Sophora flower taste bitter, slightly cold, return to the liver and large intestine, light and scattered; it has the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding, clearing liver and purging fire, mainly treating intestinal wind and stool, hemorrhoids, blood dysentery, urine blood, hemoptysis, hematemesis, liver fire headache, eye swelling and pain, throat arthralgia, aphonia, carbuncle and anthrax. Huaihua practice guidance: 1. Cooling blood to stop bleeding is suitable for stir-frying, clearing liver and purging fire is suitable for raw use. 2. Sophora japonica is mainly used for hematochezia, urine blood, hemorrhoids, but also with fairy crane grass, white thatch root to treat hemoptysis, hemoptysis and so on. 3. Fried water instead of tea can also be used with Prunella vulgaris, chrysanthemum and Scutellaria baicalensis to increase the effect of clearing liver and purging fire. Entry atlas more atlas

Photo album of Flos Sophorae (19)

Appreciation of Flos Sophorae pictures (20)

The efficacy and function of Sophora japonica L.: SophorajaponicaL. Dried buds and flowers. It is produced in various regions of the country, mainly in the Loess Plateau and the North China Plain. When the summer flowers are not in bloom, the buds are harvested, which is called "locust rice"; when the flowers are in bloom, they are called "locust flowers". Remove branches, stems and impurities from inflorescence after harvest, dry in time, use raw, stir-fried or stir-fried charcoal. Bitter, slightly cold. Return to the liver and large intestine meridian. [efficacy] cool blood and stop bleeding, clear liver and purge fire. [application] 1. Syndrome of bleeding due to blood heat. This product is cold and cold, with the function of cooling blood to stop bleeding, and can be used to treat all kinds of bleeding caused by blood heat. Because of its bitter decline, it is good at clearing the heat of the large intestine and stopping bleeding, so it is most suitable for hemorrhoids and hematochezia caused by lower blood heat. To treat hemorrhoids for a long time, it is often compatible with Coptis chinensis, Ulmus pumila, etc., such as Yu Huai Zang Lian Pill ("easy to read"); for those who use stool blood, they are often compatible with Shanzhi, such as Huaihua Powder ("experience prescription"). 2. Red eyes and headache. This taste is bitter and cold, which is good at purging liver fire. Red eyes, headache and vertigo caused by inflammation of liver fire can be used with single decoction instead of tea, or mixed with Prunella vulgaris and chrysanthemum. [usage dosage] Fried medicine, 10-15g. Appropriate amount for external use. To stop bleeding and stir-fry charcoal, it is suitable to clear away heat and purge fire. [usage attention] spleen and stomach deficiency cold and yin deficiency fever without real fire should be used with caution. [differential use] both Sanguisorba officinalis and Flos Sophorae can cool blood and stop bleeding, and the syndrome of bleeding in the wrong way of blood-heat can be treated because of its descending nature, so it is appropriate to treat the syndrome of lower hemorrhage. However, elm cool blood can be astringent, where the lower part of the blood heat bleeding, such as hematochezia, hemorrhoids, metrorrhagia, dysentery, etc.; Sophora flower has no astringent nature, its hemostatic function is in the large intestine, so it is better to treat hematochezia and hemorrhoids. [abstract of ancient books] 1. "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "treatment of five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, killing abdominal insects and heat, treatment of skin wind, and intestinal wind bleeding, red and white dysentery." 2. "the meaning of medicine": "Flos Sophorae tastes bitter, bitter can go straight down, and the taste is thick and heavy, the main clear intestine is red blood, hemorrhoids are swollen and painful, and the visceral poison is leaching. this cool blood function is only in the large intestine, which is on the surface of the large intestine and lungs. It can relieve the wind and heat of the skin, and it is the gas of lung gold." Chemical composition: this product is rich in rutin (Rytub), quercetin (Quercetin), tannin and so on. 2. Pharmacological effects: Flos Sophorae water extract can significantly shorten bleeding and clotting time, and promote blood coagulation more strongly after charcoal preparation; its decoction can reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and protect cardiac function. In addition, it had different inhibitory effects on skin fungi such as Trichophyton corydalis, Trichophyton xylanum, Trichophyton Audurum, Trichophyton woolly, Noca stellata and other skin fungi. [selected prescription] ① for the treatment of inferior colonic blood: Flos Sophorae, ear of Schizonepeta tenuifolia, etc. At the end of the day, wine service costs a dollar. ("empirical prescription") ② treats dirty poison, alcoholism, hematochezia: Sophora japonica (half fried, half born), Gardenia jasminoides (peeled, fried). The last is the last. Two yuan for each service, the new water will be transferred. Take it before eating. ("experience prescription" Huaihua Powder) ③ treats hot blood: dirty pig, wash, control dry, fill with fried sophora flower powder, stir-fry with rice vinegar, boil in pot, beat, marble big, daily dry. Each pill is hollow and Angelica is fried and alcoholized. ④ treats hemorrhoids and bleeding: two taels of locust flowers, one or two dollars each for Sanguisorba and Atractylodes, and one or two for licorice. Stir-fry them all, grind them into fines, and take two dollars before eating every morning and evening. Qi hemorrhoids (bleeding due to strain Zhongqi) ginseng soup; wine hemorrhoids (due to excessive accumulation of alcohol and bleeding) tangerine peel, dried Pueraria decoction; insect hemorrhoids (those with bleeding due to itching) Wumei decoction; pulse hemorrhoids (due to labor injuries, hemorrhoids bleeding such as long-distance line) Ejiao decoction. ("du's family copy prescription") ⑤ treats urine and blood in urine: Huaihua (fried) and Yujin (simmering) one or two respectively. At the end. Two yuan per serving, under the tempeh soup. ("Mi Zhong Mibao Fang") ⑥ to treat hemolysis: Sophora japonica flowers have been burned, fire poison is removed, pestle is the end. One yuan per serving, water and wine will be sent. ("Southern Yunnan Materia Medica") ⑦ treatment of blood avalanche: one or two Chen Huaihua, half a hundred grass cream. At the end. For three or four dollars each, adjust the warm wine; if you pass out, burn the red scale and hammer to quench the wine. ("gathering of good friends" Huaihua powder) ⑧ treatment of leucorrhea is more than: Sophora flower (fried), oyster (calcined) and so on. At the end. It costs three dollars for each drink, and it works. ("pick Yuan prescription") ⑨ treats bleeding more than: locust flower, cuttlefish bone and so on. Half-cooked and half-fried, for the end, blow your nose. ("World Doctor de Xiao Fang") ⑩ treats hematemesis more than: no matter how many locust flowers are. Burn the nature, grind it carefully, and add a little musk. Three yuan per serving, warm glutinous rice drink. ("Sheng Ji Zong Lu" Huai Xiang San) the attached medicine Huaijiao Huaijiao is the ripe fruit of Sophora pseudoacacia, formerly known as Huai Shi. Its taste, efficacy and indications are similar to those of Sophora japonica, but its hemostatic effect is weaker than that of Sophora japonica, but it has a stronger ability to clear down and relieve heat, and can embellish the intestines. It is mainly used for hemorrhoids and hematochezia, especially for hemorrhoids, and is often used in the same way as Sanguisorba officinalis, Scutellaria baicalensis and Angelica sinensis, such as Huaijiao pills. Pan-fry, 6g to 12g, or into the pill, powder. Pregnant women should use it with caution. This article comes from Xiangshitan locust tree flower, also known as sophora flower, which is often picked, cleaned and served, becoming a pure natural green woody vegetable. They are not only delicious, but also have high nutritional value, so they are called "good vegetables on trees". It is mainly distributed in Anhui, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan and other provinces in the Yangtze River Basin. Sophora japonica is a deciduous tree, often planted on the edge of the house, roadside, widely cultivated in China, mostly in the Loess Plateau and North China Plain, generally blooming in April-May every year, flowering is generally about 10-15 days. Sophora japonica has a good ornamental value, every summer flowering season comes, a string of white locust flowers dotted with branches, the air is filled with a touch of elegant fragrance, refreshing. A poem (the author is unknown) is often mentioned, "Huai Lin May rippling Qiong flowers, melancholy fragrance drunk Wanjia, spring water blue waves falling place, fragrance all the way to the end of the world." The nutritional value of Sophora japonica flower: Sophora tree flower is fragrant and sweet, rich in vitamins and a variety of minerals, but also has the efficacy of heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and moistening the lungs, lowering blood pressure and preventing stroke. After picking, you can make soup, mix vegetables, stew rice, and also make locust cakes and dumplings. The most common thing in daily life is steamed locust flowers (also known as locust flower wheat rice). Many parts of China have this habit, and the practice is very simple. Mix the washed locust flowers with flour, add seasonings such as refined salt and monosodium glutamate, mix well and steam them in a drawer. In addition, locust tree flowers can also be added when making porridge soup. Sophora tree flower dietotherapy efficacy and function: 1, Sophora flower: bitter taste, slightly cold sex. Return to the liver and large intestine meridian. It has the function of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing liver and purging fire. Raw Sophora flower has a strong bitter cold, which is longer than clearing liver and purging fire, clearing heat and cooling blood. It is mainly used for blood heat, liver heat, red eyes, headache, dizziness, sore and swelling. 2. Fried Flos Sophorae: the bitter cold relieves the sex and destroys the activity of the enzyme, which is conducive to the preservation of the active ingredients. Its heat-clearing and blood-cooling effect is weaker than that of raw products, and its hemostatic effect is weaker than that of Fructus Sophorae charcoal and stronger than raw products. It is used in patients with bleeding due to weakness of spleen and stomach. Cold salad of locust tree flower: main ingredient: 300 grams of canned locust tree flower. Excipients: 15 grams of spring onions, 5 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of sugar, 1 grams of refined salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate. Production method: (1) put the locust tree flowers into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of boiling water, remove and drain slightly. (2) wash the spring onions, cut them into fines, mix well with soy sauce, sugar and salt, and pour in hot sesame oil to make juice. (3) mix the juice and locust tree flowers together in a bowl. The characteristics of cold locust tree flowers: fresh and green, delicate entrance. The flowers of the locust tree are relatively sweet, and the season of blooming locust flowers is at the turn of spring and summer. There are many ways to eat Sophora japonica flowers: 1. Flos Sophorae is in full bloom to collect the flowers that have not yet fully bloomed. Choose clean, scald with boiling water, rinse (remove locust poison). Flos Sophorae controls most of the moisture. One egg, open and beat, add pepper and salt, stir well, pour into the pot of Sophora japonica, stir well. Sprinkle the flour evenly into the basin and stir with the locust flowers into a thick paste. Heat the pan with a small amount of peanut oil. Pour the mixed sophora paste into the pan and spread it evenly. When the lower layer can shake, turn it around and burn the other side. Turn the heat down, burn it on both sides repeatedly, and burn it to a deep yellow on both sides. When the inside is cooked, serve directly. 2, Huaihua egg soup pot heat, onion, pepper pot, add water, seaweed, refined salt, bring to the boil. Put the prepared locust flowers into the pot. 2 eggs, add 3 or 4 drops of water, break up, wait for the Huaihua soup in the pot to boil, immediately pour the egg liquid evenly into the pot, push it with a spoon and bring to the boil. 3. Huaihua porridge: 30 grams of dried locust flowers or 50 grams of fresh products, 50 grams of japonica rice, take porridge. It is suitable for patients with diabetes mellitus complicated with hypertension and stroke. Flos Sophorae can dilate the coronary artery, prevent and cure arteriosclerosis, and often take it to prevent stroke. 4. Chrysanthemum locust green tea: 3 grams each of chrysanthemum, locust flower and green tea, brewed in boiling water to drink. It is suitable for patients with diabetes and hypertension. 5. Sophora japonica tea: after picking off the buds of the locust tree to dry, soaking it in boiling water and drinking it several times a day, it has a unique therapeutic effect on patients with hypertension. At the same time, Flos Sophorae also has the effect of constricting blood vessels and stopping bleeding. Wind without trace less protection because the locust tree flower has blood circulation, blood pressure, lipid and other medicinal value to introduce folk prescription, the treatment of hemorrhoids cured up to 90%. Pick locust tree flowers to dry, take 2 grams a day to add a small amount of tea to drink, one month is a course of treatment. It was cured in 3 months. Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as "Robinia pseudoacacia", the flower is white, fragrance is very strong, the flower has a certain nutritional value and medicinal value, can treat intestinal wind hemoptysis, hemoptysis and so on. The best way to eat thorn locust flowers is to scald them with boiling water before stir-frying, and you can't eat them in large quantities. Moreover, some locust tree flowers will be allergic, or even poisoned, so locust tree flowers should be eaten carefully. Raw materials of scrambled eggs with locust tree flowers: fresh locust tree flowers and eggs: wash locust tree flowers and blanch water to drain; eggs are beaten and scattered with a little salt; add 80% hot garlic to stir-fry, then stir-fry the scattered eggs and sprinkle with sesame oil before coming out of the pan.

Sophora japonica [families and genera] are the flowers or buds of Sophora pseudoacacia. [alias] Huaihua, Huaimi. The sexual taste is cold and cool, and the taste is Ganping; entering the liver and large intestine meridians. [harvesting] summer buds are harvested and dried in time to remove branches, stems and impurities. [character] the flower bud is ovate or oval, 2-6mm in length and about 2mm in diameter. Calyx yellowish green, with several longitudinal lines in the lower part. Above the calyx are yellow and white unopened petals. The pedicel is small. The body is light, and the hand is broken when twisted. Odorless, slightly bitter taste. [chemical composition] contains rutin (rutin), saponins and sterols. The nature is slightly cold and the taste is bitter. [functional indications] cool blood and stop bleeding, clear liver and purge fire. For hematochezia, hemorrhoids, dysentery, metrorrhagia, hematemesis, hematemesis, liver fever, red eyes, headache and vertigo. The dosage is 4.5ml 9g. [note] Flowers (Flos Sophorae) cool blood and stop bleeding; fruits (Fructus Sophorae) clear heat and purge fire. [efficacy indications] cool blood and stop bleeding, clear liver and reduce fire. It mainly treats intestinal wind, hematochezia, hemorrhoids, urine blood, hemolysis, hemoptysis, ah blood, red and white dysentery, eye red, sore poison, hypertension and other diseases. [nutrients] per 100 grams of fresh food, there are 78 grams of moisture, 3.1 grams of protein, 0.7 grams of fat, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 8.3 milligrams of calcium, 69 milligrams of phosphorus, 3.6 milligrams of iron, 0.04 milligrams of carotene, 0.04 milligrams of vitamin B1, 0.18 milligrams of vitamin B2, 6.6 milligrams of niacin and 66 milligrams of vitamin C. In addition, it also contains rutin, sophorin and other substances. [dietotherapy] 1. Cooling blood to stop bleeding Sophora japonica is mainly used for bleeding, which belongs to the disease of blood fever. it can cooperate with Sanguisorba officinalis to treat lower bleeding such as hematochezia, urine and hemorrhoids, and with Xianhe grass and white thatch root to treat upper bleeding such as hemoptysis, hemoptysis and so on. 2. To lower blood pressure and prevent stroke, rutin (rutin) contained in Flos Sophorae is a vitamin that can enhance the resistance of capillaries, enhance the elasticity of blood vessel wall, improve the toughness of capillaries, prevent cerebral vascular rupture in patients with hypertension, and prevent stroke. Huaihua liquid has a significant effect on reducing blood pressure in anesthetized dogs. [health diet] 1. Huaihua wine 100 grams, liquor 750 ml, the right amount of sugar. Pick the soon-to-open locust bud, put it in human gauze, put it in a container with liquor, add the right amount of white sugar, seal, and drink after 2 months. Drink 3050 ml each time, once a day. This wine has the effect of lowering blood pressure, preventing stroke, invigorating the stomach and eliminating fatigue. It is suitable for cardiovascular diseases of the elderly, spleen deficiency, sleepiness, obesity and other diseases. 2. Huaihua drink 10 grams of Chen Huaihua, 30 grams of japonica rice, the right amount of brown sugar. First boil the rice soup, mix the Huaihua noodles into the rice soup, add the right amount of brown sugar to serve. This drink is fragrant, sweet and palatable, with the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing liver and reducing fire. It is suitable for stool, red eyes, hemorrhoids and other diseases caused by internal disturbance of wind and heat. 3. Chrysanthemum locust tea chrysanthemum, locust flower, green tea each 3 grams. Wash the chrysanthemums and locust flowers, drain the water, put them in the cup with the tea, soak them in boiling water for a while, then drink. This tea is fragrant and fragrant, with the effect of clearing the liver and soothing the wind, reducing fire and eyesight, relieving thirst and eliminating annoyance, has a certain effect on the auxiliary treatment of hypertension, but also suitable for red eyes, dizziness, thirst, irritation and other diseases. [matters needing attention] locust flowers are cold, yang deficiency, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should be eaten carefully. [selected Literature] "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "treatment of five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes." "Daming Materia Medica": "treatment of five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, killing abdominal worms and skin wind-heat, intestinal wind bleeding, red and white dysentery, and fried research." Compendium of Materia Medica: "stir-fried incense chews frequently to treat aphonia and throat arthralgia. It also treats hematemesis, smoke blood, and leakage in the collapse. " [cultural appreciation] Tang Weng Chengzan. "inscription Huai": "look at the yellow in the rain, seduce the cicada to send the sunset." I recall that in the past, I followed the planner, and the horseshoe was busy for the king all day. " Kim Zhao Bingwen. "Yutang Huaihua": "Yutang Yin closed cold window screen, rain silver mud lead seal cochlea. The camp grass and sunflower are all missing, and the sound of bees is full of locust flowers in the garden. " Qing Ye Shengyi. "remembering Qin E. Sophora flower": "the wind is fragrant, and the rain is full of yellow locust flowers." Huaihua yellow, hard in the past, three times have been busy. Mother-in-law business Xin is strong, cool return to high trees to extend the autumn light. Yan Qiuguang, bid farewell to the nest guest swallow, sing at night. " Historical legend: according to "Zhou Li", "face three Huai, three male Yan." It means that when the son of Heaven is seen in court, the three dukes stand facing three locust trees. In the Tang Dynasty, there was also the saying that "Huaihua is yellow, raising a son is busy". Wu Cheng notes: Huai's words are Huaiyun, and Huailai people are here; Wang Anshi's interpretation: Huaihuang, with its beauty in mind, so the three princes; "Spring and Autumn No Life bag": Huai's words return. The ancients of the tree Huai, listen to the next lawsuit, so that the feelings are true. Robinia pseudoacacia is a poisonous plant and generally cannot be used as medicine. Its stem bark, leaves, pods and seeds are highly toxic, among which the inner layer of stem bark is the most toxic. The poisoning symptoms were fever, tongue swelling, lower limb edema, vomiting, lethargy, constipation, dullness, pupil dilation, convulsion, dyspnea and irregular heartbeat. Sophora japonica is mainly used in medicine is Sophora flower, sophora fruit, sophora tree branches, the three have a good antihypertensive effect: Sophora flower taste bitter, medicine slightly cold. It has the function of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing liver and purging fire. It is mostly used for blood heat, liver heat, red eyes, headache, dizziness, sore and swelling. Flos Sophorae is bitter in taste and cold in medicine. It has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the liver, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. For intestinal wind bleeding, hemorrhoids, metrorrhagia, haemorrhagia, bloody dysentery, chest distress, wind dizziness, vaginal sores and itching. The branches of Sophora japonica are bitter in taste and flat in medicinal properties. It has the effect of dispelling blood stasis, clearing heat, dryness and dampness, dispelling wind and killing insects. For metrorrhagia, red leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, scrotal wet itching, heartache, red eyes, scabies. The practice of locust tree bud and nutrition knowledge detailed introduction click to browse locust tree bud recipe (a total of 2 kinds of locust tree bud method) alias: Longya cabbage, thorn old bag, bird does not live locust tree bud knowledge introduction: Longya cauliflower is also known as Sophora tree bud, commonly known as locust tree bud, thorn old bag, bird does not sleep. For the tender head of tree buds, it is often picked, cleaned and served to become a pure natural green woody vegetable. They are not only delicious, but also have high nutritional value, so they are called "good vegetables on trees". It is mainly distributed in Anhui, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan and other provinces in the Yangtze River Basin. Sophora sprouts nutrition analysis: Longya contains 22 kinds of trace elements, of which the essential minerals such as calcium, manganese, iron, titanium, nickel, cobalt and germanium are higher than ginseng, especially the content of germanium is much higher than ginseng. Sophora sprouts dietotherapy: Dragon sprouts taste bitter, cold, with the effect of dispelling wind and dehumidification, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. Some time ago, my feet were unfortunately sprained. The monk helped me find Ai Ye and told me how to clean my feet to make my feet better. The method was also very simple, but in the days when I went home to stay, my father asked an old Chinese medicine doctor about the role of Ai Ye. Then he recommended a folk prescription. Now I will tell you the folk prescription, hoping to help some people. Many people only know that moxa leaves can ward off evil spirits and mosquitoes. Little do you realize that it plays a great role, so you might as well check it on the Internet. Moxa leaves can take a bath and keep their fragrance for a long time. Artemisia argyi leaves with salt can cure their foot sprains. Bitter locust tree bark can be fried with eggs to eat, the treatment of children cough is very effective, for the cough is not good can try its way. Moxa leaves + bitter locust branches + salt is very effective in treating all kinds of beriberi. Moxa leaves and bitter locust branches can be boiled in a pot for 25 minutes. Remember not to mix cold water, soak the towels in boiling water, and then take them out not on your feet. Once a day, two weeks yesterday, the reporter saw in front of the stop sign of the North Road Stomatology Hospital, an old man leaning over to dig a tree hole with a pick. The reporter went up and learned that the old man, surnamed Jiang, is 76 years old this year. Digging roots is to go home to cure his wife. Uncle Jiang told the reporter that he dug the roots of locust trees, which is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of clearing heat and purging fire, promoting diuresis and reducing jaundice. It is used to treat damp-heat jaundice and edema. Uncle Jiang often goes to the mountains to dig some white grass, which is commonly known as thatch. In traditional Chinese medicine, root medicine can clear heat and diuresis, cool blood and stop bleeding. Put the locust tree root, white grass, pepper and so on into the water to boil, wipe the swollen site with hot water, which has a good effect on the edema treatment of the elderly. Huai Mi asked to edit encyclopedia business cards.

Fructus Sophorae, also known as Sophora japonica, in a broad sense, is the dried bud and flower of Sophora japonica L. It is produced in various regions of China, mainly in the Loess Plateau and the North China Plain. When the summer flowers are not in bloom, the buds are harvested, which is called "locust rice"; when the flowers are in bloom, they are called "locust flowers". Remove branches, stems and impurities from inflorescence after harvest, dry in time, use raw, stir-fried or stir-fried charcoal. English name: Sophora: plant phylum: angiosperm phylum: dicotyledonous family: Leguminosae: butterfly subfamily: Sophora genus: Sophora species: Huai Mi edits the basic information of this paragraph.

Huai Mi Flos Sophorae Immaturus (English) Japanese Pagodatree Flower-bud [alias] White Sophora, Flos Sophorae, Flos Sophorae, Fructus Sophorae (the flowers and buds of Sophora pseudoacacia are used in traditional Chinese medicine). [source] is the flower bud of Sophora japonical (Leguminosae). It is cultivated all over the country. [harvesting] summer buds are harvested and dried in time to remove branches, stems and impurities. [character] the flower bud is ovate or oval, 2-6mm in length and about 2mm in diameter. Calyx yellowish green, with several longitudinal lines in the lower part. Above the calyx are yellow and white unopened petals. The pedicel is small. The body is light, and the hand is broken when twisted. Odorless, slightly bitter taste. The nature is slightly cold and the taste is bitter. [functional indications] cool blood and stop bleeding, clear liver and purge fire. For hematochezia, hemorrhoids, dysentery, metrorrhagia, hematemesis, hematemesis, liver fever, red eyes, headache and vertigo. The dosage is 4.5ml 9g. [note] Flowers (Flos Sophorae) cool blood and stop bleeding; fruits (Fructus Sophorae) clear heat and purge fire. Dye function: Fructus Sophorae is also a natural plant dye, which can be used not only as a food pigment, but also as a textile dye. Edit this section of plant morphology deciduous trees, 15-25m high. Pinnately compound leaves alternate; leaf rachis hairy, base inflated; leaflets 9-15, ovate-oblong, 2.5-7.5cm, 1.5-5cm wide, apex acute, base broadly cuneate, gray-white below, sparsely pubescent. Panicle terminal; calyx campanulate, 5-toothed; Corolla milky white, its valve broadly cordate, shortly clawed, with purple veins, margin of pterygoid and keel slightly purplish; stamens 10, separate, unequal. Pods fleshy, beaded, 2. 5-5cm long, glabrous, indehiscent. Seeds 1 Mel 6, reniform. The florescence is from July to September and the fruiting period is from September to October.

The flower buds of Robinia pseudoacacia contain rutin (rutin), triterpenoid saponins (0.4%), betulin (betulin), sophora diol (sophoradiol), glucose and gluconic aldehyde (glucuronic acid). Sophora flower buds also contain sophorin A (14%). Sophorin B (1.25%) and sophorin C (0.35%) are flavonoids different from rutin (formerly called glycoside dai, now polyglycoside gan). B and C are sterols.

Petal editing this paragraph of literature discussion 1, "Rihuazi Materia Medica": treatment of five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, killing abdominal insects and heat, treatment of skin wind, and intestinal wind bleeding, red and white dysentery. 2. "the source of medicine": cool large intestine fever. 3. "outline": stir-fry incense and chew frequently to treat aphonia and throat arthralgia. It also treats hematemesis, bleeding and leakage in the collapse. 4. "Materia Medica": cool the large intestine and kill worms. Treatment of carbuncle gangrene, vulva wet itching, hemorrhoid leakage, solution of red bayberry acne, chancre Fu du. 5. "the compilation of Medicine": purging the lung, purging heart fire, clearing liver fire, strengthening kidney water. 6. "Materia Medica seeking Truth": treat large and small stool bleeding, tongue bleeding. 7. "Materia Medica seeks the original": to cool the blood and need medicine. Treat epigastric pain and kill roundworms. 8. Northeast Medicine Zhi Zhi: the treatment of diabetic retinitis. Anti-inflammatory effect: the rutin contained in rat ip has obvious inhibitory effect on the inflammatory process of wool ball implantation. 2. Vitamin P-like effect: rutin can maintain vascular resistance. It can reduce its permeability and brittleness, and has the effect of removing fat in the fatty liver, especially in combination with glutathione. 3. Antiviral effect: the concentration of 200ug/ml has the greatest inhibitory effect on vesicular stomatitis virus. 4. Inhibition of Aldose reductase: the inhibition rate was 95% at the concentration of rutin 10-5mol/L. This effect is beneficial to the treatment of diabetic cataract. 5. expectorant, antitussive and other functions: quercetin contained in this product has a certain antiasthmatic effect. In addition, it can reduce blood pressure, enhance capillary resistance, reduce capillary fragility, reduce blood lipids, dilate coronary artery, increase coronary blood flow and so on.

The medicinal materials of Sophora japonica are edited and identified in this section. 1. The flowers of Sophora japonica are wrinkled and curled, and the petals are scattered. Calyx campanulate, yellowish green, apex 5-lobed intact; petals 5, yellow or yellow-white, 1 larger, suborbicular, apex retuse, other 4 oblong; stamens 10, 9 of which basally United, filaments slender; pistil Terete, curved. It is better to have a large, compact, yellow-green and stemless leaf. 2. Sophora japonica is oval or oval in shape, 2-6mm in length and 2-3mm in diameter. There are several longitudinal lines in the lower part of the calyx. Above the calyx are yellow and white unopened petals. The pedicel is small. The body is light, the breath is slight, the taste is slightly bitter.

Microscopic identification of sophora nectar powder characteristics: yellowish green. ① pollen grains are spherical or obtusely triangular, spherical or obtusely triangular in diameter, 14-22 μ m in diameter, with 3 germination pores. ② non-glandular hairy l-6 cells are 64-709 μ m in length, 7-23 μ m in diameter and 9 μ m in wall thickness, with irregular horny threads and minute verrucous processes in some cases. ③ sepal epidermis cells are polygonal, showing non-glandular hairs and hair shedding marks; stomatal infinitive, 4-8 accessory cells. In addition, Corolla epidermis cells, pollen sac inner wall cells and calcium oxalate square crystals can be seen. Physical and chemical identification of this product 0.2g, add ethanol 5ml, water bath warm 5min, filter. Take the filtrate 2ml, add a little magnesium powder, mix well, and add a few drops of hydrochloric acid to show fuchsia. (check flavonoids) to edit the clinical application of this paragraph 1. Treatment of psoriasis: take Flos Sophorae Fried Yellow and grind into fine powder, 1 money each time, twice a day, take with lukewarm water after meals. Flos Sophorae can also be made into honey pills for internal use, the dosage is the same as above. Clinical observation of 53 cases, 6 cases were cured, 22 cases were significantly improved, 19 cases were improved and 6 cases were ineffective. This medicine has certain side effects on people with gastrointestinal diseases, which can be alleviated by adding vitamins B1 and B6 when taking the medicine. There are also some patients who begin to have diarrhea and disappear after a few days, so it is appropriate to start with a small dose and add it to the full dose after 2-3 days. 2. Treatment of cervical lymphoid tuberculosis: take 2 portions of locust rice and 1 part of glutinous rice, stir-fry yellow powder, and take 2 spoons (about 10g) on an empty stomach every morning. It is forbidden to take sugar during medication. More than 30 cases were treated clinically, all of them were cured. 3, treatment of summer therapy: 1-2 taels of dried Sophora japonica rice, add water 1500ml decoction, dip in cotton to wash the part. The juice can be heated repeatedly and washed 2-3 times a day. At the same time, mash the dregs like mud and apply them to the affected area. Generally, the swelling can be reduced and cured locally after 1-2 days of medication. 4. Pay attention to allergic reaction: it was reported that a child had allergic reaction caused by Flos Sophorae in the mouth, with fever, flushing skin on the face, neck and extremities, dense papules of different sizes on the surface, pressure, itching, tingling, white blisters and flake erosion about 0.5cm in diameter in the cheek and front of the neck, and a little exudation; patch test was positive. The initial treatment effect of diphenhydramine was not good, but it was changed to hydrocortisone and gradually recovered. Locust rice is a dry bud, non-toxic, after drying can be directly soaked in water to drink, this medicine is slightly cold, Yang deficiency physique people had better not drink. The treatment of chronic tracheitis has anti-inflammatory effect, vitamin P-like effect, maintaining vascular resistance, reducing its permeability, reducing brittleness, removing fat, antiviral and inhibiting Aldose reductase in fatty liver. Efficacy of Sophora japonica at 08:19 on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 [families and genera] are the flowers or buds of the leguminous plant Robinia pseudoacacia. [alias] Huaihua, Huaimi. The sexual taste is cold and cool, and the taste is Ganping; entering the liver and large intestine meridians. [efficacy indications] cool blood and stop bleeding, clear liver and reduce fire. It mainly treats intestinal wind, hematochezia, hemorrhoids, urine blood, hemolysis, hemoptysis, ah blood, red and white dysentery, eye red, sore poison, hypertension and other diseases. [nutrients] per 100 grams of fresh food, there are 78 grams of moisture, 3.1 grams of protein, 0.7 grams of fat, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 8.3 milligrams of calcium, 69 milligrams of phosphorus, 3.6 milligrams of iron, 0.04 milligrams of carotene, 0.04 milligrams of vitamin B1, 0.18 milligrams of vitamin B2, 6.6 milligrams of niacin and 66 milligrams of vitamin C. In addition, it also contains rutin, sophorin and other substances. [dietotherapy] 1. Cooling blood to stop bleeding Sophora japonica is mainly used for bleeding, which belongs to the disease of blood fever. it can cooperate with Sanguisorba officinalis to treat lower bleeding such as hematochezia, urine and hemorrhoids, and with Xianhe grass and white thatch root to treat upper bleeding such as hemoptysis, hemoptysis and so on. 2. To lower blood pressure and prevent stroke, rutin (rutin) contained in Flos Sophorae is a vitamin that can enhance the resistance of capillaries, enhance the elasticity of blood vessel wall, improve the toughness of capillaries, prevent cerebral vascular rupture in patients with hypertension, and prevent stroke. Huaihua liquid has a significant effect on reducing blood pressure in anesthetized dogs. [health diet] 1. Huaihua wine 100 grams, liquor 750 ml, the right amount of sugar. Pick the soon-to-open locust bud, put it in human gauze, put it in a container with liquor, add the right amount of white sugar, seal, and drink after 2 months. Drink 3050 ml each time, once a day. This wine has the effect of lowering blood pressure, preventing stroke, invigorating the stomach and eliminating fatigue. It is suitable for cardiovascular diseases of the elderly, spleen deficiency, sleepiness, obesity and other diseases. 2. Huaihua drink 10 grams of Chen Huaihua, 30 grams of japonica rice, the right amount of brown sugar. First boil the rice soup, mix the Huaihua noodles into the rice soup, add the right amount of brown sugar to serve. This drink is fragrant, sweet and palatable, with the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing liver and reducing fire. It is suitable for stool, red eyes, hemorrhoids and other diseases caused by internal disturbance of wind and heat. 3. Chrysanthemum locust tea chrysanthemum, locust flower, green tea each 3 grams. Wash the chrysanthemums and locust flowers, drain the water, put them in the cup with the tea, soak them in boiling water for a while, then drink. This tea is fragrant and fragrant, with the effect of clearing the liver and soothing the wind, reducing fire and eyesight, relieving thirst and eliminating annoyance, has a certain effect on the auxiliary treatment of hypertension, but also suitable for red eyes, dizziness, thirst, irritation and other diseases. [matters needing attention] locust flowers are cold, yang deficiency, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should be eaten carefully. [selected Literature] "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "treatment of five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes." "Daming Materia Medica": "treatment of five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, killing abdominal worms and skin wind-heat, intestinal wind bleeding, red and white dysentery, and fried research." Compendium of Materia Medica: "stir-fried incense chews frequently to treat aphonia and throat arthralgia. It also treats hematemesis, smoke blood, and leakage in the collapse. " [cultural appreciation] Tang Weng Chengzan. "inscription Huai": "look at the yellow in the rain, seduce the cicada to send the sunset." I recall that in the past, I followed the planner, and the horseshoe was busy for the king all day. " Kim Zhao Bingwen. "Yutang Huaihua": "Yutang Yin closed cold window screen, rain silver mud lead seal cochlea. The camp grass and sunflower are all missing, and the sound of bees is full of locust flowers in the garden. " Qing Ye Shengyi. "remembering Qin E. Sophora flower": "the wind is fragrant, and the rain is full of yellow locust flowers." Huaihua yellow, hard in the past, three times have been busy. Mother-in-law business Xin is strong, cool return to high trees to extend the autumn light. Yan Qiuguang, bid farewell to the nest guest swallow, sing at night. " Historical legend: according to "Zhou Li", "face three Huai, three male Yan." It means that when the son of Heaven is seen in court, the three dukes stand facing three locust trees. In the Tang Dynasty, there was also the saying that "Huaihua is yellow, raising a son is busy". Wu Cheng notes: Huai's words are Huaiyun, and Huailai people are here; Wang Anshi's interpretation: Huaihuang, with its beauty in mind, so the three princes; "Spring and Autumn No Life bag": Huai's words return. The ancients of the tree Huai, listen to the next lawsuit, so that the feelings are true.