
It's all flowers. Why is the gap so big? With these flowers, I threw away all the green orchids on the balcony.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flowers that can be raised on the balcony are not only green pineapple and hanging orchids, but today stone has found several kinds of flowers suitable for raising flowers on the balcony, with many flowers and high appearance, the key is very easy to raise, the reproductive ability is also very high. 1. The ball root begonia likes to be in.

The flowers that can be raised on the balcony are not only green pineapple and hanging orchids, but today stone has found several kinds of flowers suitable for raising flowers on the balcony, with many flowers and high appearance, the key is very easy to raise, the reproductive ability is also very high.

1. Begonia bulbosa

The bulbous begonia, which likes to grow in a humid and shady environment, is mainly sown and propagated by cuttings. it is in full bloom in summer and autumn every year, and the flowers are divided into male and female flowers, large and small male flowers, single and double flowers. Summer aquaculture is placed in the corner of the balcony, where there is scattered light, you can apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering, and you can keep watering normally.

2. Dogtail red

Speaking of dogtail red, many flower lovers will think of dogtail grass, they are very similar, stone thinks dogtail red will be more beautiful. Dogtail red is a relatively easy flower to raise. Like to grow in a warm, humid and sunny environment, the suitable growth temperature is 20 ℃-30 ℃, the overwintering temperature should be above 18 ℃, the leaves droop below 12 ℃, and the low temperature for a long time will cause the leaves to fall off. Like moist air and moist soil, like fertile soil. The seedlings must be heart-picked to promote their branching and make the plant shape perfect.

3. Dolphin flower

Dolphin flowers, native to South Africa, are perennial herbs with elegant appearance and easy cultivation and reproduction. As long as they are well maintained, they can be seen to bloom all year round. Like a cool climate, hot and muggy summer, to pay attention to keep cool and ventilated, it is best to avoid direct sunlight. In winter, it is necessary to prevent the cold damage caused by the low temperature below 10 ℃. It is recommended to move into the bright and ventilated place in the house when it is too cold in winter and too hot in summer.

4. Goldfish hanging orchid

Like warm, moist, negative environment, if placed in the sun for a long time, too dry or winter temperature is too low will cause fallen leaves. The suitable temperature for the growth of goldfish orchid is 18-22 ℃, and low temperature is avoided. If the temperature is lower than 10 ℃ for two consecutive days, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, until they will defoliate with a slight vibration.

Are some very easy to raise flowers, flowering time is generally in summer and autumn, in the balcony maintenance, not only green room, but also can watch flowers, like flower friends quickly raise them.