
Potted jasmine has been in full bloom all summer since it was planted as a young plant.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jasmine green leaves, snow-white flowers, fragrant and intoxicating, but also in full bloom in summer, giving people with aroma and cool smell, so it is favored by people. It has always been loved by flower friends. So, jasmine, how to grow from a young age, let it.

Jasmine green leaves, white flowers, fragrance intoxicating, but also in full bloom in midsummer, giving people a fragrance and cool atmosphere, so popular with people. It has always been loved by flower friends. So, jasmine, how to plant from seedlings, let it bloom a summer?

First of all, jasmine is a tropical plant, like warm, like sunlight, cold. Good was born in humid environment and loose, fertile, good drainage acid soil, avoid ponding. When the temperature is above 20℃, it begins to conceive buds and bloom one after another. When the temperature is above 30℃, it is full bloom, the formation and development speed of buds are greatly accelerated, and the flowers are more and fragrant.

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Below, let's take a look at how to buy from seedlings and then grow jasmine.

1, whenever the turn of spring and summer, the market supply jasmine often potted and exposed roots of two kinds. Most of the exposed roots are seedlings that survived last year's cuttings. When buying, you should choose fresh branches and leaves, and it is better to have more sound roots.

2, planting jasmine soil, it is appropriate to use mountain mud or culture soil mixed with 10% sand or chaff ash mixed soil. After planting, irrigate enough water, place it outdoors in semi-shady place, after about 15 days, move it to sunny place, and then turn to normal maintenance management.

3. Plants with long flowering period are generally good for fertilizer, and jasmine is no exception. No matter in bud stage or flowering stage, nitrogen and phosphorus combined with phosphorus-based organic fertilizers should be continuously applied. With thin fertilizer as the main, every 7 days or so that the flower needs to apply a common liquid fertilizer, fertilizer water ratio of 1:500. In this way, green leaves and flowers can flourish and bloom endlessly.

To the end of August gradually reduce the number of fertilization, 10-15 days to apply once. Fertilization should be basically stopped after the third flower formation in early October. If 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate combined with organic liquid fertilizer is alternately irrigated in the early flowering stage, jasmine blossoms more and flowers have more fragrance.

In addition, jasmine is wet, the growth period is hot weather, potted jasmine under the sun exposure, soil dry after timely watering, and should be watered thoroughly. Some morning watering, such as evening basin dry soil, should still fill irrigation once. If the pot soil is too dry for a long time, the branches and leaves are easy to wither and lodge, and the base leaves are also easy to wither and fall off, which affects further growth and flowering.

When entering the autumn cool, watering can be reduced, keep the basin soil slightly moist, but also to prevent the basin soil from often too wet or accumulated water after rain, encounter this situation, must dredge the drainage hole in time, otherwise it will cause the branches and leaves to wither and fall, or even die.

Potted jasmine, from May onwards, began to grow new branches and leaves and pregnant buds, such as single straight this should be picked or cut short, in order to promote long lateral branches, so that more flowers in the future. Dead branches, diseased branches, weak branches, etc. should be cut off in time, and short excessive branches, branches after flowering, should also be appropriately trimmed or truncated to promote long branches, more buds and more flowers.