
The Cuttage Propagation method of Xianglong Blood Tree

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Fragrant dragon blood tree is also known as fragrant dragon blood tree, flower tiger spot tree, king lotus tree, fragrant dragon blood tree, many people will confuse fragrant dragon blood tree with Brazilian wood, in fact, there are differences between the two. Xianglong Blood Tree is one of the most important decorative plants nowadays.

Fragrant dragon blood tree is also known as fragrant dragon blood tree, flower tiger spot tree, Wang lotus (details) thousand-year-old wood, fragrant dragon blood tree, fragrant dragon blood tree, many people will confuse fragrant dragon blood tree with Brazilian wood, in fact, there are differences between the two. The fragrant dragon blood tree is one of the very important decorative plants now. The editor will introduce to you the breeding method of the fragrant dragon blood tree.

Dracaena fragrans

Xianglong blood tree is commonly used for cutting propagation. From May to June, the mature and robust stem was cut into 5-10 cm segments and placed flat on the sand bed, keeping 25 ℃ room temperature and 80% air humidity. It can take root in about 30-40 days, and can be potted directly in 50 days. The new buds of the stem with 3 or 4 leaves can also be cut off as cuttings and inserted into the sand bed to keep high temperature and humidity and take root 30 days after insertion. It can also be propagated by water insertion and high pressure, but it must be carried out under the condition of more than 25 ℃.

Fragrant dragon blood tree Dracaena fragrans fragrant dragon blood tree map: how to raise fragrant dragon blood tree / fragrant dragon blood tree how to breed fragrant dragon blood tree business card fragrant dragon blood tree Dracaena fragrans fragrant dragon blood tree introduction of Xianglong blood tree trunk, blade sword-shaped, green, full of vitality. Nowadays, it is known as "the new star of foliage plants" and has become a very popular indoor foliage plant in the world. The fragrant dragon blood tree was introduced into Europe from tropical Africa in the 1740s and is mainly cultivated in the greenhouses of British and French botanical gardens for visitors to enjoy. Later enter botanical gardens and parks in America and Asia. By the 1970s, the potted fragrant dragon blood tree has been very popular in Europe and America, and has become one of the important indoor decorative plants. At present, the annual output value of the Dutch fragrant dragon blood tree has reached 37.6 million US dollars, ranking second in the output value of Dutch potted plants. Italy, Spain and other countries also have a certain scale of production. Morphological characteristics of Xianglong blood tree is an erect single-stem shrub. Leaves born at the top of the stem, long and wide linear, sessile, leaf margin wavy, dark green. Common varieties are yellow edge fragrant dragon blood tree (Linderii), leaf edge light yellow. The middle spot fragrant dragon blood tree (Massangeana) has yellow longitudinal stripes in the middle of its leaves. Phnom Penh Dragon Blood Tree (Victoriae), with dark yellow leaves with white edges. The ecological habits of the incense dragon blood tree; the incense dragon blood tree is native to the Canary Islands in western Africa. Like hot, humid and sunny environment. The optimum temperature for the growth of Xianglong blood tree is 1824 ℃, 2430 ℃ from March to September, and 1318 ℃ from September to March of the following year. The winter temperature was lower than 13 ℃ and dormancy, and the plants below 5 ℃ were damaged by freezing. Among them, Bolin Fugui bamboo can withstand 2 ℃ low temperature. The fragrant dragon blood tree likes to be wet and afraid of waterlogging. During the peak period of leaf growth, keep the basin soil moist, the air humidity is 70%-80%, and often spray water to the leaf surface, but the basin soil can not accumulate water. Watering should be controlled during winter dormancy, otherwise leaf tip scorch is easy to occur. Xianglong blood tree has strong adaptability to light, when the sun is sufficient or semi-overcast, the stems and leaves can grow and develop normally, but the color of variegated leaves becomes lighter or disappears under the condition of low light for a long time. The soil should be rich, loose and well-drained sandy loam. The mixed soil of rotten leaf soil, culture soil and coarse sand is the best in potted plants. Cultivation techniques of fragrant dragon blood tree potted fragrant dragon blood tree is commonly used in 12 cm pots and 25 cm pots for 3 stems. Fertilize once every semimonthly during the growing period, or use "Huiyou" 20 Mel 8 Mel 20 with high potassium nitrate fertilizer for four seasons. Fertilization will be stopped when the indoor temperature is lower than 13 ℃ in winter. If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the golden markings of the leaves are not obvious, which will affect the ornamental effect. The fragrant dragon blood tree is resistant to pruning, and the plant height and shape can be controlled by pruning. In order to make the leaf buds grow vigorously, the pot must be changed every spring, the new plant once a year, and the old plant once every two years. Usually cut off the aged and withered leaves in the lower part of the foliage. The propagation mode of fragrant dragon blood tree cuttage propagation is commonly used. From May to June, the mature and robust stem was cut into 5-10 cm segments and placed flat on the sand bed, keeping 25 ℃ room temperature and 80% air humidity. It can take root in about 30-40 days, and can be potted directly in 50 days. The new buds of the stem with 3 or 4 leaves can also be cut off as cuttings and inserted into the sand bed to keep high temperature and humidity and take root 30 days after insertion. It can also be propagated by water insertion and high pressure, but it must be carried out under the condition of more than 25 ℃. Disease control of Xianglong blood tree common leaf spot disease and anthracnose of Xianglong blood tree can be sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder. The insect pest of Xianglong blood tree is harmful to shell insects and aphids and can be sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC. Sometimes there are some phenomena such as leaf scorch edge and leaf tip scorch, which are mostly physiological diseases caused by drought, low temperature, improper watering, fertilization and so on. The control methods are as follows: improving cultivation management, controlling temperature and humidity, reasonable fertilization and proper ventilation. Xianglong blood tree should always keep its leaves clean and remove the insect body in time in the event of insect pests. Sugarcane Bian E is more harmful to Brazilian wood. The damaged Brazilian wood can be moved to an outdoor shady place and sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC or 1000 times of trichlorfon, once a week for 3 times in a row. The variety of fragrant dragon blood tree is classified as tricolor dragon blood tree (D.concinnacv.Tricolor), with green leaves and yellow-white and red vertical stripes. Rainbow dragon blood tree (D.concinnacv.TricolorRainbow) with yellowish leaf vein, deep red margin, and light brown between midvein and edge; dense leaf dragon blood tree (D.deremensis), of which the cultivated variety Bausei has dark green leaves with milky white broad stripes in the center; Janet Craig, golden yellow leaves; Roehrsii, green-white leaves with golden stripes Golden RoehrsGold with beige leaf margin and grayish green in the center; Warneckei with long sword-shaped leaves, twisted apex, dark green margin, light green midrib, white markings. D.godseffiana having dark green leaves with yellow and milky white spots. Its cultivated variety FloridaBeauty has milky yellow spots on its leaves and Friedman has dark green leaves with white spots in the center and milky white spots on the edges. Queen Dragon Blood Tree (D.goldieana), with ovate leaves, with transverse light green and grayish white spots. The cultivated variety Seles (Celes) of D.sanderiana has dark green leaves with white edges, 1 cm wide, MargaretBerkery with white stripes, Virescens with yellow stripes, and Boringuesis with dark green leaves with yellow stripes. The distribution area of Xianglong blood tree is native to western Africa. It is also distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi, Hainan, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and America. The use of fragrant dragon blood tree is a very popular indoor large potted flowers and trees, especially in the wider living room, study, living room display, elegant style, simple, and with southern flavor. It is a beautiful, regular and world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants. The related knowledge of Xianglong blood tree in Japan, the annual output value of Xianglong blood tree is 38 million US dollars and produces 4.5 million pots, accounting for the fifth place in the output value of potted plants in Japan. Now India, which is located in the tropics, also has a lot of production. In the United States, the fragrant dragon blood tree occupies an important position in the output value of 521 million US dollars of foliage plants. Up to now, Hermett International and Egai Trading Company in the United States are the main production companies of the American incense dragon blood tree, which are very famous in the world. In addition, the Kesahin Zadeng Company of the Netherlands, Menfan Wen Company and Israel's Yag nursery occupy an important position in the production of fragrant dragon blood trees, all of which have been industrially produced and their products sell well all over the world. The cultivation of Xianglong blood tree in China was introduced at the end of 1950s in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of Yunnan Province. As a large-scale potted ornamental, it has been popular gradually since the early 1980s. Up to now, the reproduction and production of Xianglong blood tree in Guangdong, Fujian and other provinces has formed a large scale, which has basically met the needs of the domestic market. The goal now is how to improve quality, reduce costs and open up the international market. When buying Brazilian wood on the market, you should first look at the branches for trauma and damage, and at the same time gently press the bark with your hands, the bark eroded by diseases and insect pests will be relatively soft. Then gently shake the branches, the branches are not very loose, indicating that there are quite a number of roots growing out, only such Brazilian wood is more conducive to survival, otherwise, no matter how beautiful the leaves are, they are in a state of fake work. Finally, it depends on whether the leaves are flat or not. The leaf color of Brazilian wood should be clear and bright, the leaf buds are basically not loose, and the leaf center is not rotten. Postpartum treatment of fragrant dragon blood tree plant tall and straight, elegant, full of tropical atmosphere. Several stems of different heights were planted into large potted plants and used to decorate the venue. The living room and lobby are dignified and elegant, full of natural interest. Small potted plants or water-raised plants adorn the windowsill, study and bedroom of the bedroom, making it more beautiful and elegant. In the process of storage and transportation, the fragrant dragon blood tree has the best temperature of 16: 18 ℃, relative humidity of 80% and 90%, and can endure 15 days in the dark. However, plants with temperature lower than 8 ℃ during storage and transportation are vulnerable to freezing injury, and low air humidity will cause serious necrosis of leaf margin tissue. The flower language of the fragrant dragon blood tree represents unyielding, unswerving, longevity, wealth and good luck. The Propagation method of Xianglong Blood Tree

Cuttage propagation is the main method, which can be carried out in all seasons except cold winter. Annual or perennial stems can be used as cuttings, either up or with water. The cutting time should be determined by the temperature. Cuttings were carried out when the temperature was higher than 25 ℃, because the high temperature was beneficial to rooting. The top of the stem with leaves or the lateral buds grown after being cut off can be cut and cut on the cutting bed with river sand as the medium. Maintain a high humidity, under the condition of 50%-80% light and 25-30 ℃, it can take about 30-40 days to take root and survive. The stems of the same year or perennials can also be cut into 5~lOcm segments and cut upright or recumbent on the cutting bed.

If there are conditions, dipping the cuttings with 1000 times the liquid speed of naphthylacetic acid or treating them with 0.01% APT rooting powder for one hour can promote rooting and survival. Indoor growers who saw the trunk into small pieces of 7~10cm and soak it in water are also easy to take root, but it is important to note that the trunk can not be reversed. At the same time, it is necessary to change the water frequently, keep the water quality clean, prevent the dry section from rotting, and add chemical fertilizer tablets to the water regularly to supplement nutrition.

Sowing and propagation need to collect seeds on old plants and sow seeds in spring. Sowing seedlings takes many years to grow up.