
Aunt Li raised it for a long time and fed it medicine for 5 years without fertilization. The leaves were oily and blooming.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Aunt Li doesn't like other flowers. She only likes longevity flowers. There is no reason for it. This kind of flower is beautiful and auspicious. You can hear its name called longevity. How auspicious and good. Aunt Li has raised many pots of longevity flowers at home. When they bloom, they are full of pots....

Aunt Li does not like any other flowers, but only likes longevity flowers, for no reason. This kind of flower is beautiful and auspicious. You hear its name is longevity, how auspicious and good. Aunt Li raised many pots of longevity flowers at home, which were full of pots at florescence and were very beautiful. She asked the aunt how she raised the longevity flowers so well, and the aunt said, there is no other way, but I am not in good health and take medicine by myself, so I gave it a handful of medicine. I don't care much about anything else, it looks so good!

The thing is, Aunt Li takes traditional Chinese medicine all the year round for physical reasons, and it sees that the rest of the Chinese medicine residue is full of plant roots, leaves, stems, and the internal organs of some animals, so she feels that growing flowers should be good, so she didn't think much about it. just when planting longevity flowers, she grabbed a handful and put it on the bottom of the basin, but her longevity flowers grew very well, and her aunt had a pot of longevity. She has been raising it for five years, has not fertilized it, and drives very well every year.

In fact, the aunt's method of growing flowers with traditional Chinese medicine is correct, because

Traditional Chinese medicine is mostly plant roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit, skin, as well as the limbs, organs, shells of animals, as well as some minerals, which are rich in organic and inorganic substances.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers needed for plant growth are all found in traditional Chinese medicine. Using traditional Chinese medicine residue as fertilizer has a lot of benefits for the cultivation of flowers and trees, and can improve the permeability of the soil.

Today, Xiaohua will talk about the correct use of traditional Chinese medicine to grow flowers:

1. The residue of traditional Chinese medicine needs to be exposed to the sun before it can be used. The easiest way to use it is to pad the bottom of the basin directly, as Auntie did, but what we need to pay attention to here is to keep it away from the root system of longevity flowers, or there will be root burning.

2. After exposure to the sun, the residue of traditional Chinese medicine, layer by layer of garden soil, can be put into a large flowerpot, poured through water, and fermented in the sun. It can be fermented into a nutritious organic fertilizer soil in about 60 days in summer, which can be directly used to raise longevity flowers. The fertilizer effect is long-lasting, and it does not burn roots.

3. If there are conditions, you can grind the exposed traditional Chinese medicine dregs into powder with a grinder, dig a few small holes on the edge of the longevity flowerpot, and bury a small spoonful of soil in one hole, but also away from the root system.

It is important to note that:

Traditional Chinese medicine residue because of its sufficient fertility, so it is not appropriate to put too much, the general mixing ratio is not more than 1/10, but affect the growth of flowers and trees.

98% of this flower fertilizer can be used, such as rose, gardenia, crab claw orchid, longevity flower, rich tree, green apple, gentleman orchid, camellia, jasmine, hanging orchid and so on.

Flower friends, have you learned it?

With adequate nutrition, flowers and plants can grow and blossom, but other maintenance can not be less. Florets talk about other maintenance of longevity flowers, so that your longevity flowers will burst into pots as soon as they reach flowering.

1. Lighting

Longevity flower is a short-day light-loving flower, florists can usually put it on the balcony for maintenance, but high temperatures in summer need shade, florescence needs to control light, give it 8 hours of sunshine, too much or too little will affect its flowering.

2. Watering

The leaves of longevity flowers are thick and have a certain water storage capacity. Flower friends usually water them for 5 days or even once a week. In summer, they can often spray water to cool them, but the pot soil is not dry and should not be watered. The flowering period can be properly watered a little more, but do not have water in the basin.

3. Pruning and heart-picking

The growing period of longevity flower needs to do a heart pick, in order to promote its multiple branches and more flowering, and it is too tall to look good, flower friends do not want to give up. After blooming, cut off the remnants of the flowers as soon as possible, so that the pots can be full of flowers.

That's all for today's sharing.