
There's a girl in everyone's heart

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cayenne berry, often nicknamed "Face Cover Girl" by flower friends-this is the best time to observe because it is blooming. However, there are also a large number of raspberries that are just climbing vines, but have never seen flowers or fruits. They are often treated as a mixture of...

Black raspberries are often jokingly called "face-covering girls" by flower friends-this is the best time to observe, because they are blooming and bearing fruit. But there are also a large number of black berries that just climb the vine, but have never seen blossom or bear fruit. It may have something to do with the fact that they are often cleaned up mercilessly as weeds.

Black raspberries are common in urban areas of Chongqing. It will pop up anywhere you pass: on the fence on the side of the road, in the green hedges and lawns of the neighborhood, even in the cracks in the rocks. Even if it doesn't blossom, its iconic 5 leaflets are different and easy to recognize.

But you may not think that the life of raspberries is much older than ours. For five thousand years, the East-West Quartet, everyone has a broken-arm mountain in his heart, and everyone has a face-covering sister with different elegant demeanor.

The first quartet: the withered serval

Starring: Japanese

The addition word japonica of black raspberry means "Japanese". Let's start with its life in Japan.

In Japan, the name of black raspberry is "Tuku", also known as poor kudzu, poor vine. All three names reveal a negative message. Liu Zongmin, a Japanese horticulturist and author of the Book of Weeds, said that the vitality of black raspberries is too strong. "the ground is luxuriant and the underground travels for thousands of miles." As soon as it meets a tree, its tendrils are wrapped around it until it covers the whole crown. The big tree can no longer see the sun, can not carry out photosynthesis, and finally died naturally.

The perception of Westerners is about the same as that of Japanese. The English common name of black raspberry is simply bushkiller, the bush killer.

The second quartet: vines in the wild

Starring: a Chinese woman who misses her late husband

The same black raspberry is a completely different image in China. It is the background of the most affectionate, the last song of all ages. Like motherwort, black raspberry has appeared in the Book of songs:

GE is born in Mengchu and vines in the wild. To the United States to die here, who is alone?

GE is born with spines and vines in the field. To the United States to die here, who has a solitary interest?

The corner pillow is amusing and the brocade is rotten. Let the United States die here. Who is with Dudan!

Summer day, winter night. After one hundred years old, return to his residence!

Winter night, summer day. After one hundred years old, return to his room!

Tang Feng GE Sheng

Translated into modern language, surprisingly affectionate and touching:

The kudzu vine covered the bauhinia, and the raspberry trailed over the field. My love is buried here, who will accompany the lonely me?

The kudzu vine covered the wild jujube tree and the black raspberry grew on the grave. My love is buried here, who will accompany me who sleeps alone?

The corner pillow is brilliant and the brocade quilt is bright. My love is buried here, who will accompany my lonely day?

Summer is long and winter night is long. A hundred years later, we will meet each other!

Winter nights are long and summers are long. A hundred years later, Fang has to see you again!

The artistic conception of this poem is similar to Su Dongpo's famous eulogy: "Ten years of life and death are boundless, unforgettable." It is expected that the intestines will be broken every year, the moon will be bright, and there will be a short pine hill. " If the music is composed, it is a ready-made good love song.

If it were not for the black raspberry, I would not know that this poem has always been highly respected, "not only to mourn the ancestor of the dead, but also to mourn the last song of the poem." Even Yuan Zhen, who wrote "once experienced difficulties in the sea, except Wushan is not a cloud", the harvest comment is "not out of the rut of this poem".

The third quartet: the Secret of Orange Jelly

Starring: plant addict

In the eyes of all flower friends, "face cover Girl" is a very interesting plant, because flowers and leaves are very interesting.

Black raspberry shows a new leaf type that appears for the first time in this account: bird toe-shaped compound leaves. Each leaf is palmately compound composed of five leaflets, but in particular, most of the two lateral petiolules combine to form a total stalk. This kind of leaf shape is special enough to become the identification mark of black raspberry. Tendrils opposite leaves, 2-Mel-3-forked.

Birdlike 5-foliolate, alternate

Leaflet margin coarsely serrate, abaxially hairy on leaf veins

Tendrils opposite leaves

The black raspberry flowers are very small, but the orange in the center of the flower is very bright, shining with a crystal clear jelly-like luster. This is its flower plate. The disk has three functions, each of which is of great significance: first, it gives each floret a visual focus to guide pollinating insects to accurately pounce on themselves. Secondly, the disk secretes a lot of honey, which makes the pollinator salivating. Finally, to make up for the small size of the flowers, the disk also provides a spacious place for pollinators. After pollination, the color of the disk gradually faded and the success was completed.


The disk seems to be the monopoly of the florets. For example, Saxifraga, star anise gold plate and small stolen clothes have all evolved their own flower plates to make up for the shortcomings of flowers that are not beautiful enough, not big enough and not fragrant enough. Whenever I see through the dexterity of the flowers, I am amazed at their cleverness: no matter what kind of skin God has given them, they can try their best to live their best.

The disk of Saxifraga is also very showy.

Each floret of Prunus mume has 4 small turquoise petals, free, and the apex protrudes like a small horn. When in full bloom, the petals roll down against the four stamens inserted on the disk, which are light and slender, like the legs of a ballet girl.

Stamens 4, petals green, apex angled

Petal free

Compound dichotomous Cymes

Plants with large and colorful flowers are attractive enough by themselves, and the structure is usually very simple. The smaller and more inconspicuous the flower is, the more exquisite and complex the structure is, which makes it more fun to observe and more enjoyable.

Fourth quartet: sow vine

Starring: the broad masses of the people

The fruit is a bit like Solanum nigrum, green and purple.

Commonly known as the five-clawed dragon, I occasionally see six claws and seven claws

The berries of black raspberries turn black when they are ripe, hence the name. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica: "the five leaves are like white pewter, so it is called Wuhu, commonly known as the five-clawed dragon." Jiangdong Hulongwei, also known as Tiger Pueraria. It is as strong as a sunflower seed, green and purple. "

In particular, I would like to say: the fruit of raspberries can not be eaten! Lu Shu (short for Mao Poems, plants, Birds, Animals, insects and Fish by Wu Luji of the three Kingdoms), there is a cloud: "Yi. His son is as black as a swallow and cannot be eaten. Its stems and leaves are used to feed cattle and remove heat. "

The broad masses of the people do not bother to call the wrinkled name of raspberry. I pulled some rattan of raspberries home, and my father looked at it and said, "this is a sow vine." This is its most well-known name, which is really straightforward and simple.

Finale: unloved Flowers

In the process of observing and searching for information, I found one thing: black raspberries seem to be hated by many people. The main reason is that the vitality is too strong and not beautiful.

However, as the Story of Weeds says, "all weeds are defined from a human point of view. They are plants that interfere with human beings. " According to the author Richard Mayby, the human definition of weeds is full of contradictions, as long as they are useful and disgusted when they are not, and the standards are changing all the time. "if you don't have any grand plans or long-term blueprints, they are just fresh and simple green shadows, not disgusting at all," he wrote. "

Fortunately, there is no shortage of such discerning appreciators of weeds. The American poetess Ella Wheeler Wilcox wrote a song "THE WEED", which simply pointed out: "Weeds are just flowers that no one loves." She wrote my heart.

The article and plant pictures (except for the origin) are all original by the author.

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